Sunday, June 03, 2007


~ Oriental poppy ( Papaver orientale)

~ Scarlet O'hara (Paeonia)

~ Garden companions
Lady fern, Japanese painted fern, Hardy Geranium, Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)


  1. I love that 'Scarlett O'Hara' peony, Joey. I have one of the peonies with the huge double flowers (inherited it when I bought the house) and while I like them in other people's gardens I would gladly trade someone for the vibrant but dignified singles.

    You keep those geraniums looking lovely, too. Mine are all sprawly and messy, save g. phaeum 'Samobor' which is pretty well behaved for me. :)

  2. Thank you.'Scarlet' is very photogenic isn't she? More than I can say for many other of my peonies that were 'pounded to death' by a heavy downpour.

    I'm up at beautiful Mackinac Island now, unable to blog, but anxious to find many lovely plants to photograph.

  3. I love that first poppy photo, well, all of the photos... but that one especially.

  4. Thanks Christa ~ an honor coming from you. Love your site!
