Monday, March 24, 2008


~ Pansy in the snow
Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year (1943)
Spring will be a little late this year
A little late arriving, in my lonely world over here
For you have left me and where is our April love old
Yes you have left me and winter continues cold
As if to say that spring will be a little slow to start
A little slow reviving that music it made in my heart
Cause time heals all things,
so I needn't cling to this fear
It's merely that spring will be a little late this year
Yes time heals all things so I needn't cling to this fear
It's merely that spring will be a little late this year


  1. It sure seems that way, doesn't it? I haven't seen any Johnny Jumps Ups here yet, but they'll be along shortly :) I'm still waiting for the snowdrops to work up the courage to open their buds!
    Lovely words and photo of the tough little pansy.

  2. Wish I could say this pansy popped out of the garden, Kerri ... it's a 'hardy trooper' in a 'welcoming' pot by the back door ;(

  3. It's a gorgeous capture of the pansy all decked out in white! ~Even if he is in a pot! :)
    I hope the snow ends soon, and spring comes your way with lots of sunshine! I look forward to seeing you're garden in spring, & summer, ~It has been so beautiful in the fall & winter!

  4. It's almost the same as in Provence
    I like your photo with the orange pansy covered in snow
    Have a nice "white" springtime!!!Ciao for now...

  5. Hi Cat! Thanks for your kind thoughts. Today was lovely (nearly 50) but tomorrow is another story ... more crap on the way!

    Oh dear! Sorry to hear that Mireille! But Spring WILL COME and I can't wait to see your lovely photos.

  6. I love your garden blog. I just subscribed to it on the 'reader' here at Google. Swing over to my page and take a look. I VERY new this so keep that in mind when you see how small my blog is so far!
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos and garden thoughts.

    Another mom who loves to garden!

  7. Thanks mom ... I did visit and enjoyed your site, anxious to return. Keep up the wonderful work ... happy cooking and gardening. Keep your camera close ;)
