Thursday, March 27, 2008


"By a garden is meant mystically a place of spiritual repose, stillness, peace, refreshment, delight."
~ John Henry Cardinal Newman
For the garden is not only a place in which to make things grow
and to display the beautiful flowers of the earth,
but a place that should accord
with the various moods of its admirers.
It should be a place in which to hold light banter,
a place in which to laugh, and, besides,
should have a hidden corner
in which to weep.

~ Alice Lounsberry

~ Exbury azalia, Oriential poppy, tulip,

bleeding heart, trillium, Centaurea Montana,

Bearded iris, Scarlet O'hara peony, Rembrandt tulip


  1. Superb photos and I love specially the "oriental poppy"...
    Have you everything in your garden , in this moment ? I'm jealous!!
    bravo et merci

  2. Don't I wish, Mireille! Woke to another another 6 inches of white snow. These are technicolor 'dreams' from last summer ;)

  3. Beautiful photos! I love the poem by Lounsberry--I'll have to remember that one.

  4. Amazingly collage with beautiful photographic subjects, splendid drawings of flowers with a lot of chromatic nuances.
    Marvellous post!
    Nice weekend!

  5. Great garden... to see from the sidecar! ;)
    Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter where I'm now strolling around Bilbao!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Welcome Rose. I love the poem! I enjoyed visiting your site ... good luck on your projects and thank you again for introducing yourself.

    I dream of visiting Greece, Kostas, and 'blogtrotted' to visit you and your beautiful site. Thank you for your kind words.

  7. What a riot of color! You have a lot to look forward to. What are the white flowers in the lower right corner of the top photo collage?

  8. Splendid color. Beautiful blooms & I love the cardinal. I've had a pair in my yard quite a bit this last week but haven't been quick enough with the camera to catch a shot.

  9. In my side yard, I have various little sets of chairs and tables so one can just sit down every little bit and check things out. I have some near the pond, a couple close to the archway, and just here and there. Looks inviting and cozy. I've learned by now to get the good chairs that don't break down. I found some great heavy wrought iron ones at my favorite consignment shop. Grabbed them!

  10. Joey~I have enjoyed the sweet dreams you shared of your beautiful Garden! Fantastic quotes~I can see your garden is not only a place to make things grow, but a place to laugh,and banter, with hidden corners to weep! As well as a repose, with stillness & peace, refreshment~and most defnitley ~DELIGHT!!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos of your gorgeous flowers & garden I have an award for you in honor of your Excellent come by when you have time!
    Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

  11. Isn't this snow the very pits? The legions of beleaguered gardeners who want to get our hands dirty (without freezing them off) are growing. Thankfully we have posts like this to help us remember what it will be like one of these days. I especially like the bearded iris in the montage--such iridescent colours.

  12. Thanks Gil ... must 'blogtrot' over to catch up on your fine photos (and pretent I am there also) ...

    Hi Ki ... Indeed, I can't wait. Those are double white tulips, a favorite, especially paired with bergenia.

    I love cardinals, Carol. Almost every time I peek outside, they appear. My dear neighbor fed them for years and though she's no longer here, the birds remain as a reminder of my love for her.

    Thanks Jodi ... Indeed, the crappy weather is getting 'old', however, now the days are getting longer and warmer, there's hope! I adore that bearded iris, complimented by the neighboring Johnson's Blue
    geraniums (also a favorite pairing in Monet's garden).

    Thank you Cat, my dear 'Bloggin Sis' ... Got home late from the lake, delighted to find your kind comments. I'm honored by your thoughfulness. Hugs ...

  13. Stunning pics Joey, such a beautiful garden..a credit to you and it's wonderful to see you have lots of special places tucked away to sit and take it all in :O) Gx

  14. Been thinking of you, Gina :) Although Spring is a 'big tease' this year (pockets of snow still here & there), the way time flies, it won't be long until I can again relax in my favorite spots.
