Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Gardener's Note: NOW IS THE HOUR! Keep all decaying matter cleaned out of your garden beds. While leaves make a good mulch, once they begin to compost they become food and shelter for slugs.

~ Slug & Hostas

The Lowly Slug
Awaiting your arrival
Equipped with salt and beer,
I knew it wouldn't be too long
Before you would appear.
Tempting tender morsels
Enticing hosta leaves,
Lure you to my garden
You're one of my pet peeves.
You lack an eye for beauty
Contently chomping away,
A coward too, at night you chew
Afraid of me by day.
A homely, slimy pest you are
Colorless and pale,
Yet I feel a bit of pity ...
You're just a homely snail.


  1. Hello Joey;

    This slug-snail thing can become a hosta lovers bad dream. They are active at night and can do a lot of damage in a single night. There are many baits and killers on the market but you have to be careful, especially with small kids and pets.

    Keeping your hostas looking good is a bit of work but rewarding at the same time. Three years ago we found our first snail here--just like the one in the center of your composite. Then the past years they have multiplied like crazy and can be found all over the place. I know they must have come into our nursery in a pot of something and now I find them at all nurseries. Last year a friend said they were first observed at her nursery 4 years earlier.

    Hostas are a super plant from a couple inches tall to over 5-6 feet. If you haven't tried them yet, they are worth a try!

    George Africa
    The Vermont Gardener

  2. Your hostas are beautiful Joey, another favourite of mine.. did you write the slug poem? It's brilliant! :O) Gx

  3. Thanks Nancy ... though not so cute in the garden :(

    Indeed slugs are a nuisance, George. Sorry about your nasty issues at the nursery. Hostas are heavenly. I confess I'm an addict and have several hundred ... those in the photos are mine and that's my ICKY slug!

    Thanks Gina. I 'crave' hosta and can't get my fill. As I mentioned to George above, I'm an addict! Yes, the silly ditty is mine :)

  4. I've read a lot of poetry, but I think this is the first poem I've ever read about a slug! Very clever!
    I love hostas, too, but I certainly don't have as many as you. I planted several new ones last fall, but they have yet to emerge. I hope it's just because it's been such a cool spring.

  5. I can look far more kindly on slugs and snails now that I rarely have any feasting in the garden. That is one of the few advantages to having a bitterly-cold winter - there are rarely slugs.

    One summer, my nephew and I collected snails and built houses for them in shoeboxes. They had little bowls of water and grass to eat ... he was about 4 at the time and captivated by the slimy trails they would leave as they tried to escape from their beds.

  6. Cute story Kate ... Eons ago I loved preparing escargot either stuffed in shells or mushrooms. But that was before I became a gardener. Since then, anything resembling the mollusk family won't touch my lips!

  7. Thanks Rose. At one time or another, everyone in this area suffers from gnawing slug infested hostas. Some years are worse than others but I learned years ago how important 'spring cleaning' is to help reduce the number of eggs. My hostas have not emerged yet either. Those photos were from the past season.

  8. Joey Your picture of the snail is very attractive. I love escargot and would like one of your recipes!!

  9. Hi Joey - I have been "lurking" on your beautiful blog all winter long. I especially enjoy your pictures and these of the hostas fabulous!!!! I laughed as I read your words of wisdom about spring cleaning in the garden as I have spent the last 3 very windy days in my gardens doing just that. As I clean I have noticed the very tips of some of my hosta and daylilies polking up.

    I am so ready for spring! My friend Linda and I went to Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids where durng the months of March and April, they have thousands of butterflies flying freely in their conservatory. Many different types are there and you can spend as much time as you like viewing/photographing them. I know you're a Michigan gal, so if you ever want a fun day trip, jump on 96 over to G.R. and visit Meijer Gardens if you haven't before.

    Keep up your fine work, Sheila, from west Michigan

  10. Delighed by your visit, Sheila. You are most kind. Yesterday was indeed windy and though winter lingered a bit too long, isn't Spring in Michigan glorious? Have not visited Meijer Gardens but know of their beauty. Have you ever visited WINGS of MACKINAC
    BUTTERFLY CONVERVATORY on the island? Another lovely spot. I have a post from my visit (July 18,2007 Archives).

    Galloping Gourmet ... glad you like my slug ... you can have him!
    Here is one of my old favorite Escargot recipes.

    Escargots Bourguignonne

    For 36 snails prepare butter as follows: Cream 1 1/4 cups unsalted butter with 2 tsp. finely chopped shallot, 2 crushed garlic cloves, and 1 tsp. each of finely chopped parsley and chives. Season with coarse salt & cracked pepper to taste. Add a bit of butter mixture in each clean shell (or mushroom cap) and cover with remaining butter. Pour 2 Tbsp. white wine into flat baking dish or snail plates. Arrange snails in dish and sprinkle with fine bread crumbs. Bake in very hot 450-degree oven or under broiler until crumbs are golden brown. Serve immediately with plenty of fresh French bread. Bon appetit!
