Saturday, May 03, 2008


"Violet! sweet violet!
Thine eyes are full of tears;
Are they wet
Even yet
With the thought of other years?"

~ James Russell Lowell

~ Sweet Violets



~ adapted treasured 10 year old recipe clipped from Southern Living and repeat from last year.

12 (1-oz) chopped semisweet chocolate squares
1 (16-oz) finely ground package pecan shortbread cookies
1 1/2 cups soft unsalted butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
12 large organic eggs
1/3 cup bourbon
1 Tbsp. powdered sugar

Bourbon Cream Sauce
Candied Violets

  • Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Grease 9-inch springform pan and line with greased parchment paper
  • Place ground cookies in large bowl.
  • Microwave chocolate pieces at MEDIUM (50% power) in glass bowl for 2 minutes or until melted, stirring after 1 minute.
  • Process butter, sugar, and eggs in food processor until smooth, stopping once to scrape down sides. Add bourbon and chocolate; process until blended. Fold into ground cookies. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 1 hour. (Torte will appear cracked and dry but won't test done.)
  • Cool in pan for 30 minutes. Cover and chill overnight or for at least 8 hours. Remove from pan and sprinkle with powdered sugar and cover with sprinkled Candied Violets. Surround the cake with red rose buds. Slice and serve with Bourbon Cream Sauce on the side.


2 large beaten organic eggs
3/4 cup half & half
2 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. bourbon

Cook eggs, half & half, and sugar in saucepan over medium heat, whisking constantly for 5 minutes or until candy thermometer registers 160-degrees and mixture thickens. Remove from heat and stir in bourbon.



~ Takes a little patience but worth the effort. Try also with pansies, rose petals, apple blossoms, scented geraniums, Johnny-jump ups, borage, etc.

Rinsed and dried UNSPRAYED flower blossoms, separated from stem
1 extra-large room temperature egg white
few drop of water (or vodka ~ helps to dry faster)
1 cup superfine sugar
(if you can't find superfine, process regular sugar in blender or food processor
for a minute or two)
small paint brush

  • Combine egg white with water in small bowl. Whisk lightly until white shows a few bubbles. Place sugar in shallow dish. Hold flower petal in one hand, dip paint brush into egg white with the other and gently paint the flower on both sides (don't overdo). Sprinkle with sugar on both sides.
  • Place flower on waxed paper to dry until completely free of moisture, flipping over occasionally. This usually takes 12-36 hours depending on humidity. (Can place in 150-degree with oven with door ajar for a few hours.)

Note: Dried properly, flowers will keep for several months.


  1. Joey, I love your recipes. This Bourbon chocolate torte looks almost sinful.
    I have one problem. I would love to print these out but I am having trouble reversing the print so it's black on white instead of white on black. Any suggestions?

  2. Indeed Nancy ... both are sweet!

    Thanks Jane Marie ... what's Derby Day without sinful chocolate and a bit of bourbon! Regarding the printing issue, I highlight the recipe and hit selection, which prints fine in black print but then again I only use a black cartridge in my laser printer. Are you using a color cartridge in your printer? If you have both color & black, select black. Good luck!

  3. Wow Joey. Wonderful recipe! It sounds so beautiful decorated with the candied violets.

  4. What a great combination for a blog: flowers and recipes. I think I'll try that torte. Thanks,

  5. MMMmmm! Have a blessed Sunday!

    kari & kijsa

  6. Candied violets are such a treat, Chey, and though a bit time-consuming to prepare, well worth the effort. I love to candy pansies, much easier and delightful on a plate of yummy light cookies like Lemon Thyme.

    Welcome, Sara. This blog combines many passions including photography (which you do very well, I see, after visiting your lovely site).

    Thank you Kari & Kijsa. My Sunday was indeed blessed as I hope yours was. I spent the day in the garden, tired but in awe.

  7. I planted some viola odorata, Queen Charlotte if I remember correctly. I saw a few buds earlier but I didn't see any bloom. :( I was really hoping to smell their fragrance. No matter. I found a bunch of weedy wild violet which I dug up and will probably regret it but planted them in the garden because they bloom so freely and the leaves look nice.
