Saturday, August 23, 2008


"I am the Rose of Sharon,
and the Lily of the Valleys."
- Song of Solomon 2. 1-17

Rose of Sharon
(Hibiscus syriacus)
also called shrub althaea


  1. beautiful! i especailly love the budding picture.

  2. I love Rose of Sharon. This is a beautiful delicate color. As usual your close-ups make the flowers even more attractive.

  3. Thanks Marmee ... your gifted eye shared through your daughter's is what life is all about. Let's keep our cameras close ;)

  4. Your photos are superbs and the color of this hibiscus so delicate...Bravo Joey

  5. You have been posting some excellent flowers. Kudos on the Rose of Sharon pictures. I find that a hard one to capture. How about a little info on the new camera.

  6. Hi Joey, so nice to meet you. I'm very glad you've stopped by my blog because I so love all of your inspirational, very beautiful photos...I've bookmarked you so I can come back all the time. Your blog is right up my alley. Nice to meet new friends..


  7. Joey, I'd forgotten that passage from the Bible, but was plaesed to Such a fiting line to go with the beautiful pctures of Rose od Sharon. I am not fond of the singles but love the doubles. We wre at a weddin Sat, and out side the reception hall the street was lined with white and pink alternating bushes. They were a lovely setting for the wedding couple to have their pictures taken.

  8. Singing here---He's the bright and morning star....He's the fairest of 10,000. made me sing about the Rose of Sharon. Here is one of my favorite web videos of the song---Hugs to ya today.

    Your pictures are so refreshing and exceptional quality!

  9. Thanks Jane Marie. I love the color also and though pale, pops in the back of the yard.

    Such kind words, Mireille, thank you. It's always a joy visiting your lovely garden also.

    Thanks Chris, an honor coming from your talented eye! Though not my favorites, I think most hibiscus are more stunning up close and fun to photograph. Their merit ... something bold blooming in August, for me, a boring garden month.(Since Sony purchased Minolta, choose a Sony A200 ... good reviews ... to compliment my Sigma & Minolta lenses, filters, etc. ~ less $$$ than starting again from stratch and fine for now). What do you like?

    Thank you Ruth and welcome. You have a lovely spot to visit also.

    The wedding sounds lovely, Beckie. I'm partial to double blooms also.

    You're so sweet, Anna. Must listen and thanks ;)

    With your 'green thumb', I'm sure it's stunning, Nancy.

  10. You do such professional photos. Did you study photography?

  11. You are most kind, Brenda. I've taken several classes thoughout the years (the most enjoyable with my daughter who also shares my passion not only for photography but food). A camera is only as good as the eye behind it, something hard to teach but as a student of life, love continually learning (capture a subject seeing the magic as only you can).

  12. That is the most beautiful blush color! Do you have the name of this variety? The top photo is gorgeous.

  13. I've noticed quite a few Rose of Sharon shrubs blooming lately as I drive around town. This double one is especially pretty and you've captured it perfectly!

  14. Hello Joey!
    Your Rose of Sharon pics are stunning! I especially love that first capture~such soft light & the muted green background!
    I was sorry to hear about your camera being stolen~I am glad you are BACK!:) Hope you had a beautiful weekend at the Lake,~You were in my thoughts!

  15. Sorry Spooky ... the tree has been growing for years, now huge in my back garden, and don't have a clue to its proper name except that I love it.

    Thanks Rose. Fun to focus on the blooms pointing to the sky and backdrop of mammoth cypress evergreens.

    Yes, I'm back dear Cat (both home and with my new camera, quite a story about 'The Camera Caper'). Camera in hand, you are never far from my thoughts when I look about me at the beautiful world. Big hugs!
