Monday, September 22, 2008


" Lord, it is time. The summer was very big. Lay thy shadow on the sundials, and on the meadows let the winds go loose. Command the last fruits that they shall be full; give them another two more southerly days, press them on to fulfillment and drive the last sweetness into the heavenly wine."

~ Rainer Maria Rilke

~ Autumnal Equinox
(Hubbard Lake)


  1. What a gorgeous collage of sunsets Joey. The poem is a perfect companion to your photos. :)

  2. What a lovely sentiment for this time of the year. We are seeing the ripening of fruit and fields and the turing of the leaves. Fall is here and it is time for the harvest.

  3. Yes, please let it be Autumn! I want to be outside more and enjoy a good cool walk. Your sunsets are truly beautiful.

  4. Hello Joey!
    Beautiful sunset pics! Hard to believe Summer is over...time does go by fast. Lovely quote.
    We are back from the Beach~had a great time, beautiful weather, thought of you often, especially with all the gorgeous sunsets, loons :) and that beautiful full moon!
    I see I have lots of catching up to do!

  5. Outstanding sunset!

  6. Big thanks, P.G. ~ at the lake, enjoying each precious moment then off Wed. to taste the wine :)

    Yes dear Beckie ... time to turn the calender page.

    Indeed autumn is here, dear Anna. Rejoice and be glad. (Wish my dragging heart could sing as loud as yours:)

    Thanks Nancy ... at the lake and each night gets bigger and better, if possible.

    Awe dear Cat ... our thoughts melded since my thoughts were often with you, dear friend. We celebrated the solstice (here at lake) tonight with good food, friends, and wine ... toasting a treasured evening (tried to capture the sunset setting in my wine glass ... should be an interesting post). Know your cameras was near an anxious to see your posts. (BIG HUGS)

  7. Beautiful sunsets! We've seen a few indications of fall, but mostly it's just a feeling in the air that I can't explain.

  8. Ooh.
    Joey, as a kid, I was always warned not to look right at the sun, but I think I would've gone blind with the sunsets pictured here; it's not easy taking my eyes off this, or any of your lovely images.

  9. Thanks dear Rose ... yes, you can smell it in the air!

    Marysol, you are so right ... my eyes burned focusing but ... well ... I'm here photographing another awesome moment ... kind of like your compelling food I can't take my eyes away from :)

  10. Wonderful sunset! I welcome Fall, though it is always a bittersweet time, as it means Winter (no gardening) is just around the corner.

  11. Howdy Joey,
    I've given you an award over at my blog, the Arte Y Pico Award.
    Heather BT

  12. Thanks Connie ... I'm blocking my ears with the mention of winter ... enough saying goodbye to summmer ;) Let's keep in touch, tweaking friend's hearts until spring.

    Dearest Heather ... BIG THANKS for the award. I am familiar with the honor and humbly accept although whisk the BIGGEST award back to you and your heart, as BIG as the world! I'm having moments accessing my stuff since these are work days for Mike and we are sharing his computer. Left the lake today ... tonight my head rests in beautiful Charlevoix, then off tomorrow to the wine country and a wedding celebation in Traverse City. With all on your plate dear one, I am indeed honored :)

  13. It is indeed a grouping of beautiful sunsets. Brings a sense of serenity.

  14. Joey, I woke up last night thinking about this poem and was wondering if it reflected what was upon your heart?

    two more southerly days, press them on to fulfillment and drive the last sweetness into the heavenly

    I understand why this touched your heart. It is the end of a race so bravely fought and there is calm in the sweetnes that drives us home.

    My prayers are with you.

  15. Ignore the chick behind the curtain, I just came back for a second peek at that sunset.

    And friend, enjoy what sounds like a very lovely weekend!

  16. The sentiment and photos are the perfect goodbye to summer and welcome to autumn.

  17. Thanks Brenda. Indeed serenity ... perhaps why all are in awe of sunsets.

    Anna, you are most sweet to have time in your busy life to reflect again on this post ... you are a wise woman ... thanks for your tender heart.

    Dear marysol ... still following the sun with dear friends, always in awe of Michigan's treasured coastlines and awesome inland lakes. Tasted many of our state's award-winning wines, hinting of the history of its fertile earth. Thank you dear one for your heartfelt comment :)

  18. Hi Joey! Here I am to enjoy your lovely blog on my weekly visit!
    And this week we have again some wonderful pictures and a great quote! We deserved Rilke...
    Look forward to reading you at Blogtrotter, now back in Chania! Have a great week!

  19. Joey, Always love your photos. Sunsets are certainly a delight and this time of year they seem particularly brilliant. So happy it is autumn!
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  20. Hello Joey,

    I know, it is hard to believe that summer is gone isn't it??

    Your photos are so lovely. I also love your daisy photos from the below post.


  21. Beautiful, perfect autumnal poem, Joey! Thank you for sharing. Hope all is well in your lovely world. Hugs!

  22. Thanks Cindy & congrats to you ... I must admit, changing seasons is bittersweet.

    Hello Katarina and thanks. Just arrived home after 10 days to see congratulations are in order for placing 4th in top 5 Best European Blogs ;)

    Here you come and there you go, Blogtrotter. Thanks for the lay-over ;)

    Hi Meems ... just returned home from following the sun, which was amazing last week (gloomy today). But must hit the garden and begin my fall clean-up putting gardens to bed and bulb planting, which I hate but delight in when spring arrives. Do you ever slow-down in your garden?

    Thanks Ruth. I can't believe it's autumn!

    Congratulations dear Kathryn for placing on Blotanical Best Writing, Best Blog and probably others I might have missed while away ... have been busy chasing the sun around the past 10 days. At the lake then yearly autumn visit to Michigan wine country plus a weekend wedding in the area. Delightful time (back to lake over weekend for serious fall clean-up).
