Friday, October 03, 2008


"Everyone must take time
to sit and watch the leaves turn."
(with or without crab)
~ Serve chilled for lunch or supper on the remains of warm autumn days
cut clove of garlic
6 plump peeled and seeded ripe tomatoes
2 peeled and seeded cucumbers
1 chopped red onion
1 chopped sweet onion
1 coarsely chopped red pepper
1 coarsely chopped yellow or orange pepper
2 cups good tomato juice
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
juice of 1 fresh lemon
coarse salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
dashes of Tabasco to taste
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill
sliced black olives to taste

1/2 lb. good lump crab
chopped fresh parsley for garnish
  • Into a large glass bowl rubbed with cut garlic, place chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers. Combine tomato juice, olive oil, lemon juice and Tabasco. Pour over chopped garden vegetables. Add dill, olives, and crab. Season to taste with salt & pepper. Chill thoroughly.
  • Ladle into chilled bowls. (Add crab). Garnish with chopped fresh parsley and serve with warm crusty bread. (6-8 servings)
    Note: Take proper time to hand-chop vegetables. The results will not be the same using a blender or food processor. Since tomatoes are at their peak, as long as you're chopping, double the recipe.


  1. Fall leaves and a fall meal. YUM!

  2. Such perfect fall leaves. The colors are stunning aren't they? I have enjoyed reading books by Elizabeth Lawerence(she is the great English gardener isn't she?) This gazpacho sounds delicious, but I would have to add the crabs. :)

  3. Elizabeth Lawerence has it right, let's all take some time this weekend to watch the leaves turn :)

  4. oh so gorgeous autumn leaves. i am trying to stop and smell the fall leaves amoung the busyness of the season. this soup sounds delicious.

  5. LOL, Joey--I have that quote in one of my drafts to use later! But it is great advice; this is the perfect time of year to take a (short) drive through the country and just admire all that nature has to offer. Lovely photos of the leaves--we're still waiting for ours to turn.

  6. A sure sign autumn is here, Racquel. We're at the lake tucking summer away and the grandboys just came in with handfuls of stunning colorful leaves to take home. I'm dragging my feet into this season but I must admit, it's lovely.

    Thanks dear Beckie. Actually, Elizabeth Lawrence was a Southern garden designer and writer. If you hit on her name beneath the quote, it will take you to her website filled with history and her garden.

    I agree, Cindy. Time flies and we must all stop and enjoy the gift of the present ;)

    Hi Marmee ... I know this is such a busy time for all (sometimes I feel like a scrambling squirrel with never enough time to accomplish all there is to do before winter). This is a reminder to myself ... I think you'll enjoy the gazpacho. It's worth the time it takes to chop!

    Great minds think alike, Rose ;) I'm at the lake where color is almost at its peak. It should be a beautiful ride home tomorrow (where color is just beginning).

  7. Hi Joey, your photo is gorgeous, but your recipe is sublime! I have never though to add crab to gazpacho. We have a dribble of tomatoes still ripening, this seems like the perfect use for them, thanks!

  8. As always your Blog is just fabulous! I love the leaf image and the recipe is just a perfect pairing. Stop by and see my fall color when you have the time.
    Happy October Dear Garden Friend.

  9. Thanks Frances ... I'm with you and the addition of crab, which really pairs well with the yummy fresh taste.

    Hi dear Bren and thanks. Indeed I will look forward to seeing your fall color. I've been flying around lately like the leaves but back home again today.

  10. Gloriious leaves!
    The Gazpacho must be deliciouis!
