Sunday, October 26, 2008


"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one autumnal face."
~ John Donne

~ October Glory
(Michigan countryside)


  1. October is such a beautiful month. I'm beginning to like autumn more and more. Your photos are exquisite!

  2. What gorgeous fall color Joey, and what an awesome, sunny, clear autumn day!

  3. It really has been an autumn of extraordinary color this year. Beautiful pictures, as always.

  4. Picture postcards...wonderful.
    Not seeing much change here. Maybe I'll take a dive on my day off.

  5. October is pretty glorious with here tapestry of colors.

  6. The colors are pure magic.

  7. Such a riot of color! I must say the Michigan countryside is much more colorful than central Illinois', at least for now.

    The poplar photo you posted a few days ago is awesome; it looks like a watercolor!

  8. I love Autumn! I look at those colors and it brings me so much joy. You have done them proud with this post. It was nice to be at your blog today. In fact, I'm going to linger a bit and see what I've missed.

  9. Thanks Katarina ~ I drag myself into each season (except spring that I happily jump into) but once into fall, it's impossible not to be in awe of the stunning foliage, which seems to shout saying goodbye.

    The day was indeed memorable, G.G.

    Thank you, Nancy ~ your autumn photos have been stunning.

    You are most kind, Patsi ~ better hurry on that drive, the leaves are falling fast ;)

    For not much longer though, P.G.!

    Thanks Brenda ~ my camera is getting a lot of use!

    Hi Rose ~ and thanks. Michigan has such a variety of trees, creating an amazing tapestry of color.

    Hi Anna and happy autumn. Thank you and enjoy the fall color!
