Monday, October 20, 2008


"Wine is sunlight,
held together by water."
~ Galileo

~ Hubbard Lake sunset


  1. You've outdone yourself, Joey! Extraordinary photo and beautiful topic.

  2. Thanks G.G. ~ my kind of day!

    How kind, Nancy. Happy memories ~ it was one of the loveliest nights of the year.

  3. Joey, what beautiful photos. They do look like liquid sunlight. Thanks for stopping by today to chat.~~Dee

  4. This is a STUNNING photo!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog through Marysol. Please feel free to stop by anytime!

  5. Those photos are just outstanding! And now I would love a glass of wine, hmmmm, what's in my cellar?

  6. Joey, as always a wonderful collage of photos. A galss of wine to enjoy with a beautiful sunset. My kind of evening.

  7. Amazing photographs, Joey! I love seeing the trees in the edge of the wine in that last shot... how fun. :)

  8. You have done it again Joye, sooo beautiful./ LOL Tyra

  9. Well, would you look at how clever this picture is! You see things that no one else does and bring it to life. Everything you touch seems prettier cause of how you make it a work of art.

  10. Joey, could you please enlarge that amazing image to poster size and send it to me?
    I'll drink a Chubby Mary if you do.

  11. Thanks Dee ~ evenings like that don't often happen ... thrilled to capture the magical moment.

    Welcome Leslie ~ delighted you stopped by. Enjoyed your creative site also. Both you and 'sweet' Marysol are amazing women!

    Hi Cindy ~ how fun! I must admit I sipped from another glass while photographing ;)

    Dear Beckie ~ I'm with you! They do go hand in hand while enjoying the remains of the day.

    Thanks Marmee ~ loved this memorable moment!

    You're a dear Kim ~ delighted you noticed (I also loved the clouds floating by).

    Dear 'creative' Tyra ~ big thanks ... a huge honor coming from you.

    Thank you, dear Anna ~ you are always most kind. I DID think this photo session was a clever idea! I've taken other wine glass shots at sunset but never before attempted to capture the sun setting into the wine.

    Dearest 'sweet' Marysol ~ your fine wit always make me smile ;) (I'll meet you with my camera if you chug a Chubby Mary!)

  12. Joey...You've done it again! Simply stunning collage! I have never seen a sunset quite from the viewpoint of a glass of wine...very unique!

  13. Hi Spooky ... you are most kind. It was a wonderful evening like some of the stunning moments you post.

  14. WOW.... I LOVE THIS!!!!
    This is Friday to me! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Bren ... life this night was so special! My husband (best friend) kept wiping the wine glass and broke one hoping I could capture the perfect shot. How good is that!

  16. Hello Joey! I'm trying to catch up on all of your 'Beautiful post~I have to say this is one of my fav's~doesn't get any prettier than this~that beautiful Hubbard lake sunset & a glass of wine or two :)
    I love the quote & your beautiful photos~what an eye for beauty you have sis! :D Also thanks so much for your comment on my last post~loved it~you are too sweet!
    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  17. Dearest Cat and treasured bloggin' sis ~ I am most honored hearing your heartfelt words. My heart holds yours dear.
