Tuesday, November 18, 2008


"Have you ever noticed
a tree standing naked against the sky,
How beautiful it is?
All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness
There is a poem, there is a song.
Every leaf is gone and it is waiting for the spring.
When the spring comes,
it again fills the tree with
The music of many leaves,
Which in due season fall and are blown away.
And this is the way of life."

~ Naked tree against the sky
(Hubbard Lake)


  1. Lonely yet beautiful in the same breath, just like this time of year.

  2. What a fabulous ode to mid-November, Joey. I saw many such trees today when I went away on my day's workshop. And the words of Krishnamurti are both soothing and illuminating.

  3. Oh, I love that. It expresses exactly how I feel when I view our "naked" trees against the November sky.

  4. There is a beauty in a bare tree...one looks at the whole landscape instead of just being dazzled by the autumn leaves or the green of spring. And a little dusting of snow makes them even more beautiful!

  5. It's lovely seeing the shape of the tree when the leaves are gone. And that is a great picture to make help one meditate, an art in itself. A very useful, peaceful art.

    Have a wonderful day, Joey, before I fall into a trance here :)

  6. Beautiful photograph and post.

    I have a special fascination for dead trees in the rain forest. They at times attract more birds than leafy trees!

    Thanks a lot for dropping by in my blog and for your kind words.

    Have a great day!

  7. Cool -it does seem like a tree without leaves is stripped of its pretension - all the way down to its soul, its essence.

  8. When I am outside pulling weeds or raking or doing some sort of mindless activity, that is my meditation. Your mind just empties and the silence of nothingness prevails.

  9. Joey, another sweet poem accompanied by that awesome picture...great!

  10. I had to read this a few times. This was very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this!
    very best regards,

  11. The tree reminds me of our life out West. If you saw a tree alone like that during a storm--you knew it was a target for the storms rolling in on the afternoon clouds. It is a grand photo.

  12. Your photo is lovely. The quote is something to consider. I always prefer things that are not structured and have no rules or authority;)

  13. I agree, I-Farmer. November has a haunting quality.

    Thanks Jodi ~ Perhaps because I was born in November, I've always been drawn to naked trees and the awesome autumn sky ... a most pensive time of year.

    Hi Amy ... kindred souls perhaps? Trees and sky draw strong feelings, don't they?

    Yes Rose, there is true beauty in a bare soul and, I agree, everything is part of a whole.

    Welcome Gallicissa and thank you. You have a stunning blog and fine macro eye.

    Thanks JGH ... I think we are on the same page here ;)

    I feel the same, Brenda. The garden is a perfect spot for meditation.

    Thank you, Katarina ~ there is great joy in autumn.

    Thank you, Philip. I was inspired by these quotes also.

    Wow, Anna, most interesting! You always present a unique comment! Thanks.

    Thank you, Marnie. Growing up in strict Catholic schools, I had to learn how to become less structured (but a Jesuit university helped :)
