Tuesday, December 30, 2008


"From December to March,
there are for many of us three gardens ~
the garden outdoors,
the garden of pots and bowls in the house,
and the garden of the mind's eye ... "
~ Katherine S. White
~ The Garden of the Mind's Eye
(June Garden)


  1. You should see my garden of the mind's eye. Oh I want to live in it all year long.

    Beautiful collage.


  2. Love the garden in your mind's eye. Mine doesn't quite look like your's. I'll have to work on that:)

  3. And a lovely June garden it was Joey! Just think what next June's garden will be!

  4. Looking forward to this coming June's garden!!

  5. Your beautiful picture looks like a stained glass creation.

  6. Love this quote! I used it in one of my posts this month. Your photos are lovely, as always. June sounds so wonderful right now....but it wouldn't seem so welcome if we didn't have Winter in between.
    Happy New Year!

  7. This quote is so true - I had never thought of it this way before. Your collage is beautiful. All of the spring green and blooms is balm for the winter weary soul.


  8. Joey,

    I love that quote about the three gardens! How true!

    Your collage is just beautiful! It enlarged quite well so that I could look at the details.


  9. Lovely collage...so nice to see all of this color. Winter is just too long!

  10. Hi Joey, the garden in your mind's eye is full of soothing wonders and delight. BTW I have that same leaf man on a stick! I envy you your hostas, our drought has just ruined ours, if not outright murdered them.

  11. My Minds-Eye garden has no weeds.

  12. Ohhh I want to come visit you June garden, very beautiful! Kim

  13. Joey, what a delightful sight! I could garden there all year long. Now that's they way the garden of my mind looks. My garden outdoors is a long way from it-I have much work to do! :}

  14. Hi Jen ~ I hear you since winter seemed to start early everywhere. I needed to see some green, knowing it's sleeping somewhere there, under the snow.

    It's been a 30 year + project, Flydragon ... hang in there!

    It's amazing to think all that lies sleeping, Racquel. The way time flies, June will be here before we know it. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my dreams ;)

    Sounds like many are getting itchy to garden, Jan. Thank goodness for good books!

    How sweet, Marnie! Seems like yesterday I was outside shooting those ~ great fun!

    I totally agree, Connie. I'm also one who loves each season and embrace the feelings that go with them.

    I'm afraid we must wear our Winter Weary souls for awhile longer, Amy! More snow is on the way ...

    Thanks, Cameron ... this is only the shade section, my favorite especially in May when my wildflowers rule!

    I agree, winter is L-O-N-G, Kim! But looking forward to snowshoeing and cross-country skiing ... hard to do in summer ;)

    Hi Frances ~ hostas are a favorite and I'm a bit obsessed ... never met a hosta I didn't like :) But then you have your dreamy grasses, many of which we can't grow here and why it is always such a joy to visit your garden.

    Oh Jim ~ thought my weeds were well hidden ;)

    Please come, dear Kim! I can think of nothing I would love better :)

    Thanks Beckie ~ I especially love my May & June garden ... picked this since it is 6 months away (hard to believe looking outside after today's snow :)

  15. Hello dear Joey, this collage is perfect, I think it's your best. My favourite flowers and green leaves, very pretty!
    2009 tomorrow!!! I wish you and your family Joey to have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Lots of Love TYRA

  16. Thank you, dear Tyra. The way time flies, June will be here before we know it and winter white will turn to luscious green! With love and the best to you, dear friend.

    Please come and 'ker plunk' with me sometime, dear Marysol!
