Thursday, December 18, 2008


~ Snowy Michigan postcard beauty

~ Following 'landmark' white pine home


The First Snow-Fall

The snow had begun in the gloaming,

And busily all the night

Had been heaping field and highway

With a silence deep and white.

Every pine and fir and hemlock

Wore ermine too dear for an earl,

And the poorest twig on the elm-tree

Was ridged inch deep with pearl.

~ James Russell Lowell


  1. Your photos are so lovely.

    What a great poem. In the 'gloaming'. I wonder why we don't use that word in this country?

  2. Hi Joey, the scenery is beautiful! Looks like a painting or a Christmas card:) I hope your holiday is lovely and spent with people you love! Merry Christmas to you! Jan

  3. My scenery looks the same on this side of the state. I love looking out at it, but not being IN it.
    Starting tomorrow they are predicting 12-14 inches! That's a lot of snow, especially since our snowblower died and we are waiting for a new one to arrive.
    I still look forward to a white Christmas. May you have a safe and Merry Christmas.

  4. Beautiful pictures of your first snowfall Joey! What a perfect poem to compliment them. :)

  5. What lovely snow scenes Joey -
    I would have a hard time picking a favorite - I could of done with these to-day - as I was writing my Christmas cards and non of the ones I bought were as beautiful as these.

  6. Often we think alike, Marnie, since I was wondering the same thing ... gloaming is a beautiful word.

    Merry Christmas, Jan. Thank you. Though 'white kuckling', it was a beautiful ride home from the lake.

    Thank you, Racquel. Though technically not the first snow (with over 2 feet on the ground at the lake), the poem seemed fitting driving home past blanket white fields through the heavy snowfall.

    How sweet, Karen ~ I'm touched by your thoughful comment. Christmas blessings!

  7. Beautiful, Joey! I'm sitting here (momentarily taking a break from wrapping Christmas presents) waiting to see if the weather forecast rings true. We're supposed to be receiving ICE today and tomorrow. We are hoping(!) to be able to leave SE Iowa for mid-Michigan (Mt. Pleasant) Saturday. We'll see.

    Wishing you a Joyful Christmas!

  8. Hold on to your hat, Jane Marie ~ sounds like we're in for some doozy weather after midnight! Without doubt, we will have a white Christmas. May the beautiful spirit of the season surround you. Happy Holidays!

  9. Happy first snow fall Joey! It's beautiful, picture perfect, Christmas celebrating, snow ball throwing and sledding perfect! Gail

  10. What wonderful shots, Joey! They all look like Christmas cards.

  11. Good that you are not leaving until Saturday, Shady. Tomorrow will be quite an interesting day, heavy snow in the forecast. Side note ~ both my brother and sister-in-law graduated from Central Michigan and my other sister-in-law (husband's twin) lives in Canadian Lakes, west of Mt. Pleasant (she left here this AM after a week visit). May the angels surround you on a safe journey. Wishing you a beautiful Michigan holiday.

    Gail, I do love the snow ... cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing are in the works this snowy winter ... and, yes, sledding .. we have great runs at the lake!

    Thanks, dear Nancy, a huge compliment coming from you ;)

  12. Beautiful environs, Joey! But so cold! Knowing you I'm certain you are warm and cozy and enhancing your home for your family. Merry Christmas, my dear!
    Hugs! Kathryn xoxo

  13. Ah, dear Kathryn ~ yes, warm and cozy. Loving seasonal changes, cold can be good. Nothing is constant and stimulates my moods; good for writing, cooking, and photographing. Warm wishes for a beautiful holiday, dear friend, knowing the true meaning of this beautiful season surrounds us both. Holiday hugs!

  14. Beautiful pictures, Joey! And what a snowfall. You could make your own Christmas cards.

    Happy Holidays!

  15. Oh so Christmasy! Just makes me think of how lovely to be inside and cozy.

  16. So glad you made the pictures large once clicked on.
    Absolutely beautiful !
    Looks like a snow day to me :)
    Best wishes,

  17. Dear Joey, the scenery is fabulous! And the poem is so sweet.
    I wish we could get some snow as well, but it's mild and overcast here...

    Have a nice weekend!


  18. Just a spectacular collection of photos. They all look like vintage christmas cards. Such beautiful shots. I love the barn and the lane in the woods. You mentioned cross country skiing and sledding in a comment! That sounds like great fun! How great to be out and about enjoying the winter beauty, then inside where it is cozy. A perfect Christmas holiday!
    All the best,

  19. Thank you, dear Beckie, you're a dear. I usually do send my own cards with original photos for all occasions. Christmas Blessings!

    Hi Susan ~ it was indeed a beautiful ride but glad to get home, safe and sound.

    Indeed heavy snow, Patsi, and at times 'white-outs' but ... not as heavy as today. Snowbound, expecting 10 inches ... all schools closed!

    Thank you, dear Katarina. Wish I could share some of today's snow ... under a winter weather advisory, just like the song Winter Wonderland ~ 'the snow is snowing, the wind is blowing ...' Holiday hugs!

    Hi Philip and thank you. I love the barns also, most photogenic. Winter can be stunningly beautiful, especially playing outside ~ like being a child again. Snowshoeing is great fun since you can travel anywhere, even deep into the woods that I love and where you will find me between the holidays. Merry Christmas!

  20. We're in the middle of the biggest snow in well over 10 years! It truly is beautiful! Love your snow shots. Enjoy your white stuff, I know I am!

    BTW, I'm going to make your bread pudding later today, I will think of you! Kim

  21. Joey - Once again you are creating the wonderful magic of the season. FABULOUS!!! You are my favorite blogger!

    We were 'blessed' with ice and the kids got their Christmas break from School early! I posted some ice photos on my blog this afternoon so stop by as the time allows.

    Merry Christmas my dearest Garden Friend.

  22. I love all the snow we have today, even if I did have to drive through it to get to work!
    ~ Monica

  23. Stay warm, Kim ... so are we, although looks like it's slowing down a bit. Hope you enjoy the bread pudding ... let me know or if I can improve on the recipe. Holiday Hugs!

    Thank you, dear Bren. You have a special place in my heart also. Merry Christmas and stay warm!

  24. oh the winter is beautiful!
    lovely drive into the snow!

  25. Glad you made it home safe, Monica. Though not fun to drive in, today has been picture pretty snowy day!

    Indeed Marmee ~ winter is lovely! Enjoy the beauty of the season. Happy Holiday!

  26. Truly delightful scenery, what a great title and you did a great job photographing it to!

  27. Thank you, Salty. Just came back from a delightful visit to your site ... great photography!

  28. Thanks for leaving feedback at Woodland Fay. Loved your snowy pictures, I wish occasionally we got snow like you get up in Michigan. Just enough to look at and not enough to inconvenience of course! Regards F

  29. Well, then you MUST come, Woodland Fay. I promise just enough! Thank you for your comment.
