Wednesday, December 03, 2008


"I said my prayers and ate some cranberry tart for breakfast."
~ William Byrd

~ Sunbathing on sunporch
(Cyclamen persicum)
~ At only 149 calories , try these warm and nutty 'almost guilt-free' goodies enjoyed since last holiday (Cooking Light Nov. 2007)
1 cup plus 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour (about 5 oz.)
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour (about 2 1/2 oz.)
1/4 cup finely ground walnuts (short pulses to avoid making walnut butter)
1 Tbsp. baking powder
2 tsp. finely grated lemon rind
1/2 tsp. salt
3 Tbsp. chilled butter, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup fat-free milk (or buttermilk)
1 large organic egg
Cranberry Cream Cheese:
3/4 cup dried cranberries
1 (8oz.) softened package fat-free cheese
  • Preheat oven to 425-degrees.
  • To prepare scones: lightly spoon flours into dry measuring cups and tablespoons; level with knife. Combine flours, walnuts, baking powder, rind, and salt in large bowl; stir with whisk. Cut in butter with pastry blender or 2 knives until mixture resembles coarse meal.
  • Combine milk and egg in small bowl; add milk mixture to four mixture, stirring just until moist(dough will be sightly sticky). Turn dough our onto baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and pat into 8-inch circle (abut 1/2-inch thick). Cut dough int 12 wedges, cutting into, but not through, dough. Bake for 14 minutes or until golden. Cool slightly on wire rack; break into wedges.
  • Cranberry cream cheese (can prepare ahead and refrigerate): Place cranberries in small heat-proof bowl; add boiling water to cover. Let stand for 30 minutes; drain well. Place cream cheese in small bowl; add cranberries, stirring just until combined. Yield: 12 servings.


  1. Ohhh those sound just yummy! Now are they still considered guilt free if you eat say...5 of them?

    All of my scone recipes are notoriously fat laden. I will enjoy trying this one, thanks! Kim

  2. Yes indeed, Kim. I think you subtract with each one after the first!

  3. Yummy and not too many calories either. That is, if you don't eat all of them at once :)

  4. Sounds so good! Hey, and do you have sun?


  5. Right Cindy ... why is it that sometimes low fat makes us crave more :0)

    Hi Jen ~ yes, those were taken yesterday afternoon on the sunporch, my favorite spot for indoor plant photoshoots. The snowy evergreens in the background are the ones in the previous post.

  6. Hi Joey, you paint a lovely scene with your words and recipes and sun porch, what a divine spot on a sunny but wintry day. I had to buy a cyclamen today at the grocer's, my very first one, they were so pretty and some people grow them in the ground around here, Gail? I am loving the cranberry cream cheese, it could work on anything!

  7. Yum! Cranberry cream cheese...who'd ever think of that, but I bet it's amazing! (I owe you an email!)

  8. They sounds delicious Joey..will definitely be making them. Your cyclamen is gorgeous..I'm afraid I have a bad record with these guys Gx

  9. Hi Joey, and thanks for visiting my post on Rogers Gardens! Those scones sound WONderful... and healthy, yes indeed!


  10. Scones are a favorite breakfast treat of mine. I like that they are a healthy version - I may have to eat 2 or 3 though. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. That sounds so good.

    Can I ask a question--from someone who doesn't bake a lot. Could you melt the butter and add it to the flour along with the milk?

  12. Thank you, dear Frances. It's a great room, delightful year-round with a good book and afternoon tea and evening candlelight dinner parties ... and, of course, fun photo shoots with my camera! I love cyclamen and enjoy them year-round. These will vacation outside on patio in summer then, hopefully, re-bloom in fall.

    Thinking of you, dear Nancy, a good nibbling treat. Cranberry Cream cheese is also good on plain bagels or lemony-poppy seed muffins.

    Hi dear Gina! You're such a fine cook, I must visit and catch up on what's happening across the sea ... enjoy! Regarding cyclamen ... biggest sin is overwatering ... allow surface to dry out and DO NOT water the center of the plant or the tuber may rot.

    Prop those pretty peticured feet up, relax and enjoy, Anne!

    Thanks EAT! Love the addition of nutty wheat flour, don't you? Go ahead, have a couple ... eat one and nibble another (don't think nibbling counts ;0)

  13. Oh, joyful Joey! you're bound to placate the masses with that gorgeous Cyclamen. Sigh.

    I'm gonna try to recreate your lovely specimen in sugar and see how far I get.
    And Joey, I love scones and have been making them for a while, but it had never occurred to me to serve them with cranberry cream cheese; brilliant idea and one I'll use next time I make scones. Thank you my friend!

  14. Joey, your cyclamen are beautiful. They look so springy against the snow covered firs. I have never had any luck growing these-your sun porch must be the perfect spot.

  15. Hi Joey, the cyclamen is so so pretty, sitting there basking on your sunporch! And, your "Roses in December" post is simple yet so complex! I'll see ya around on Blotanical!! Jan

  16. Scones with cream cheese... WOW!

  17. Good to see you relaxing for once. If I ate everything I wanted to eat from your recipes....I'd be a very happy person. I bet you thought I was going to say..

  18. Hi Marnie ~ I wouldn't because that would change the texture of the scone. It's very easy to cut the butter into the flour ... you can even use your fingers!

    Oh so pleasing, Marysol ... you are way too kind. You'll be seeing more cyclamen, I love 'em!

    Hi Beckie ~ thanks. Actually, I think they are one of the easiest plants to care for (let the surface dry out then give them a good drink in the sink, avoiding center bulb, and drain well). I enjoy them inside year round then, after blooming, place them outside in the summer. Many thank me for the vacation and re-bloom in late summer/fall.

    Thank you, Jan. So nice to see you again. I'm comin' over for a visit ... soon!

    Hi Brenda ~ try it, you'll like it (that is if you like scones and cream cheese)!

    ... aha, Anna!

  19. Flowers and Food! You combine two of my favorite subjects very well! ;-) I look forward to trying this recipe!! Thanks so much. :-)
