Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know,
His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here,
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer,
To stop without a farmhouse near,
Between the woods and frozen lake,
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake,
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep,
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

~ Robert Frost

~ Woods of Hubbard Lake


  1. Oh such a mood setter, Joey, wonderful. I love the snowy woods transposed over the white woodsy santa. I always picture Santa as an outdoorsy kind of guy! :-) Frost was brilliant.

  2. Fantastic picture!

    I love the poem. I remember some long ago lecture about the poem meaning death--even suggesting Frost was thinking about suicide. And who was this absent village person? What about the horse, what was he trying to convey with his harness shaking;)? Very deep and dark indeed. Well phooey! Why can't a man stop and enjoy a lovely woodland scene? I mean, wouldn't you? Who doesn't enjoy stopping for a moment to look at something beautiful before hurrying on with all the pressing things that make up our days. Sorry about the rant;)

  3. Joey,

    Wonderful post! I loved the photo overlay! The poem is one of my favorites..the imagery of the snowy dark woods is perfect. Gail

  4. I can't wait to capture some snow in my neck of the woods. We returned from a long weekend trip in Winter Wonderland Chicago to find our snow had all melted.

    Thank you for sharing your snow covered trees. You truly captured the mystery and magic of this season.

    Merry Christmas dear Garden Friend.

  5. bravo, bravo! wonderful images and wonderful words to accompany.

  6. My great aunt use to recite this poem to me and I loved it. For me, it was all about Santa. So clever of you to put his pic in the woods like that as though we believe but can not see.

  7. Joey, you are so artistic! I love the photo of the woods/Santa - it's brilliant!


  8. Your photography skills are just fantastic! A wonderful post!


  9. Joey, one of my favorite poems. And the picture of the woods at the lake are beautiful. Perfect images for the poem. I love the Father Christmas. I collected them for a while, but ran out of room to display them. My daughter MADE room this year for some of them. They remind her of past Christmases. :}

    Have a blessed and happy Holiday!

  10. Dear Frances, thank you. Frost was brilliant, as was this poem that he called ... his “best bid for remembrance.”

    Nothing to be sorry about, Marnie ... so right on! Doubt that any poem has more anthologized and studied than “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”

    Thanks Gail ~ coming from another 'behind the lens' lover, a huge compliment.

    Hi dear Bren and welcome home! The ... 'snow is snowing' here ... hope it comes your way!

    Marmee ~ as you well know, Christmas-time is magical, in so many ways!

    Anna, I've read this poem, time and time again, to my children and now grandchildren. The photo of the book is from my 37-year old daughter's godmother.

    Coming from your 'gifted eye', I'm honored, dear Katarina.

    Thank you, Cameron. My camera and I have been friends since my first 'brownie'(I'm as old as dirt so imagine how long that has been ;)

    Can you guess that I also love the image of Father Christmas, Beckie! Blessings dear friend.

  11. That fist image took my breathe away!
    The poem by Frost is so fitting!
    LOved it!

  12. I love this poem and the images you choose are perfect for it.

  13. You know this is my very favorite poem, Joey. Such beautiful images to accompany it.

  14. Wonderful. I love Robert Frost and this poem is one of my favorites.

  15. What a beautiful job of photography and artistic rendering to go along with this favorite poem of mine! (How did you do it???) ;-)

  16. Thank you, Naturgirl. I'm also touched by the poem and its many feelings.

    You are most kind, Cindy. It's amazing how this perfect poem evokes feelings.

    Dear Rose ~ I would imagine that this poem touches your soul. Thank you.

    Thanks Anonymous ~ you are not alone. We could spent the post
    critiquing; I simply enjoy a perfecly written poem that evokes huge feelings in those that read it.

    Shady, I'm a passionate woman ;)
