Sunday, January 11, 2009


"Grow what you love.
The love will keep it growing. "

~ Emilie Barnes

~ Ivy and cyclamen

"Beloved, thou hast brought me many flowers

Plucked in the garden , all the summer through

And winter, and it seemed as if they grew

In this close room, nor missed the sun and showers."

~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

~ Ivy, cyclamen and alstroemeria


  1. Lovely lingering Christmas colors fading into spring... :)

  2. Your post reminds me that I don't have any cyclamen yet this winter, Joey; I put mine outside in the summer and then of course neglect to bring them in, with unfortunate results. But I'm also due for a few new plants, so must make a trip out to a greenhouse for a little hort therapy, once I'm feeling a bit better.

  3. how did your post come early?
    i like the fact that it is in such contrast to yesterdays post. it is beautiful to have such lovely blooms during the fog, snow, grey days.

  4. Joey, for a brief moment I thought I was either dreaming, or you'd been lying to me, claiming you were from MI. when you were actually from Australia (1/11/09).

    Anyway, I have to say, the contrast in colors in both pictures took my breath away. I haven't painted in years, but I'm suddenly inspired to break out my paint brushes, as if I could recreate such beauty.

    Okai, mate, have a great weekend!

  5. Joey, A really lovely post! The colors make this gray day fade away. ...gail

  6. Despite long winter days, indoors is cheery, dear Kathryn. I must always have fresh plants near.

    It's wonderful hearing from you, Jodi, since I think of you often, hoping you are on the mend. Colorful cyclamens make me happy and perhaps why they do so well and rebloom for me. Mine vacation outside in summer then return to my sunporch for a cozy winter indoors.

    Marmee, glad you caught the contrast, my intent. About the post ... a whoops! ... I'm at the lake and pre-posted with error.

    You are sharp as a tack, dear Marysol, but sure your loved ones know that and can pull no wool over your keen eyes (a pre-post mistake since I'm UP NORTH). And you paint too! I'm not surprised with your creativity. Enjoy your snowy weekend also ... all is going well in this fairyland but hope we can get up the hill and return home tomorrow :( I have a party planned for 50 next weekend!

  7. Hi Joey, your indoor garden looks well loved. Beautiful photos!

    Mine is suffering a bit of benign neglect of late - definitely could use a little more love!

  8. Thanks Gail ~ contrast feeds the soul :)

  9. I love the colors, they make me bloom with happiness. Truly, spring must be around the corner, please say it is.


  10. Linda, guess I require an indoor garden in autumn & winter as much as my outdoor garden in spring and summer. But then, good or bad, I do become obsessed with all that I do :)

    Thanks Jen ~ these blooms fill me with happiness also but ... come close 'cause I'm whispering ... hate to tell you but I'm afraid winter still looms with a vengeance ;(

  11. Dear Joey,
    Grow what you love indeed! It is abundantly clear you love what you grow and your garden loves you in return. The photos of your indoor garden are stunning. Ivy just goes with anything doesn't it? Enjoy your beautiful lake house and come back safely... up the hill without a hitch.
    Blessings, Meems

  12. Don't you think plants are extensions of our our souls, Meems? We pick and choose, painting our lives in both gardens and homes, each with our unique brushstrokes ~ the finished canvas sustains us ... at least for awhile until we begin again to reach for perfection, which will never be achieved ... man's (a gardener's) eternal quest :)

  13. You always have the most beautiful collages, Joey. I don't do that well with cyclamens, but I sure love them. And alstroemeria...I've got one that I'm overwintering for the second year and this winter it's remained green. It doesn't usually look all that good in winter, but it's doing better this year! I love those, too.

  14. You are most kind, Kylee. I must have 'a thing' for cyclamens (looking back at many posts). Each is so unique and colorful, great lift in a dark corner of both home and head. I have so many, some about to bloom, some finished and perhaps another MUST HAVE adoption on the way :) Actually, the alstroemeria are cut flowers from Costco(I often use them in vases around the house ... they last forever). I have never grown them so good luck with yours. I'm curious and should try them.

  15. That quote is so true - and the combination of ivy and cyclamen is stunning!

  16. Lovely poem. You must have a library at home. An award awaits you if you come by and vist.

  17. Such a pleasing display of blooms! Your top photo is fantastic, Joey!

  18. Yeah! You like magenta/fuschia/deep pink, too!


  19. These hot pink blossoms would certainly brighten up any corner, Joey! I've never had much luck growing cyclamen, but perhaps I should try again.
    I love the contrast, too, between today's post and yesterday's. I always wondered about the pea soup reference. The fog makes for lovely photos, but I certainly don't like to be out driving in it. Hope you made it safely home.

  20. Thanks Katarina ... I love the color combo in my outdoor garden also.

    I'm most honored by your friendship award, dear Patsi, and will post it when I get home. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I do have an extensive library at home but nothing beats the Internet :)

    Thank you, dear Kim. The colors glow on my sunporch, surrounded by outdoor snow.

    Indeed I love these colors, Cameron, both inside and out.

    Thank you, dear Rose. Actually, cyclamen have become relatively inexpensive ... simply enjoy and pitch if one dies (usually from over-watering). I'm lingering over my morning coffee before heading home to even more snow than here :)

  21. Hi Joey and thank you for adding some wonderful color to my otherwise rather gray January day.

    Ivy is a favorite! I have it everywhere.


  22. Hi Joey, such cheering color, it looks like Valentine's Day!


  23. Hi Joey, I read this post and forgot to leave you a message the other day. The colors are striking and I have been convinced that I need to figure out how to make a collage;) It's probably the same amount of effort that 'enlarging a photo' takes! ha!
    Well, hope you've had a wonderful weekend;)

  24. Thanks dear Tyra ~ January is jumping here with more snow than you can imagine. I'm with you and inside ivy that has a simple way of winding and complimenting (yet outside mine has a mind of its own and needs to be tamed, BIG TIME :)

    The cheering color does look like Valentine's Day, Frances! You have a keen eye :)

  25. Hi Jan and thanks ~ I had a delightful weekend away at the cottage (and with my sister) as I hope you did. Michigan is picture perfect, which means driving conditions are ... not so perfect ... happy to arrive home, safe & sound. As you know from your many comments, besides me, many have been impressed with your enlarged photo, a challenge I must try myself. WARNING: Be careful regarding collages ... you might become addicted :)

  26. When flowers grow bright the heart feels light! Yes grow flowers indoors to bring Joy!
    I love your poem and your collage is gorgeous!

  27. Welcome home and I pictured you On Golden Pond as always. Don't you wish Kathryn Hepburn would stop by and be herself. I think she would be extremely entertaining. Do you have a boat that you take out on warm days?

    If I ever visit Michigan, I want to go to your lake and meet your sister. We can all sit around, eat popcorn and your yummy goodies!, and laugh. Laughter is so good for everyone.

    Collages would be addictive. I should make some with all these flower photos I have cluttering up the puter. Your pinks and greens jumped off the page when I opened your blog. Very pretty!

  28. Joey, it looks as though your plants do love where thay are. So healthy looking-and springy. Glad you made it home safe from the lake.

  29. Beautiful post Joey...and heart-warming colours! Wish you a wonderful 2009!!

  30. How lovely. What a welcome change from the bleak view outside my window today.

  31. Ooh, happy bright colors to contrast the white-gray world outside! Cheers! (I'm drinking it in.)

  32. Thank you, Naturegirl ~ it was fun to shoot these beauties!

    Thanks dear Anna ~ Nancy is doing very well! Actually, our lake (27 miles around) is a bit like On Golden Pond (still a favorite) complete with 'Old Poop'! Indeed we have boats, in fact, an ARMADA ~ new 24-foot Pontoon, canoe, jet ski, Catamaran Sailboat, and older son's high-performance Formula power boat. Please do come ~ you might fall in love and stay!

    Thanks, dear Beckie ~ they do look springy, especially looking out the outside snowy windows (more on the way).

    And a welcoming New Year to you also, Kanak! Thank you ;)

    Thanks Marnie ~ hold on to your hat 'cause I believe we are both in for a horrid week of weather that, knowing you with your camera, will turn into something magical!

  33. Beautiful color! Just what I needed with our gray days! We are supposed to have some sun this week though- I'm not holding my breath :)

  34. Welcome, Tessa, and thank you! Do hope the sun finds you ... iffy here with many winter storm warnings on the way! But spring will come ... it always does :)

  35. Thanks Monica ~ stay warm and hold tight! Frigid temps and more snow predicted ... it has been quite the winter!
