Wednesday, February 25, 2009


~ Christ on the Cross
Indian River, MI

Ash Wednesday

The Wednesday after Quinquagesima Sunday which is the first day of the Lenten fast.
The name dies cinerum (day of ashes) which it bears in the Roman Missalis found in the earliest existing copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary and probably dates from at least the eighth century. On this day all the faithful according to ancient custom are exhorted to approach the altar before the beginning of Mass, and there the priest, dipping his thumb into ashes previously blessed, marks the forehead -- or in case of clerics upon the place of the tonsure -- of each the sign of the cross, saying the words: "Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return." The ashes used in this ceremony are made by burning the remains of the palms blessed on the Palm Sunday of the previous year. (New Advent)


  1. Good morning Joey. Thank you for the reminder on this holy day.

  2. An interesting ceremony.

  3. Thank you, dear friends, reflecting on the 'Golden Rule' ... "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." 'Random Acts of Kindness' fit into not only this Lenton season but a MUST incorported into our daily lives ... cleaving not only to loving family and treasured friends, but with long arms, reaching out to others :)

  4. Wonderful blog ... reminder of what this life is all about. You are still my favorite dear ho-hum housewife! ;-) joey!!!

    God's Peace to you and your wonderful garden you share on the web with us each day.

    stop by my garden sometime.... miss you!

  5. Dear Joey,
    Thanks for the "reminder of the day". I DO love this season leading up to the celebration of our Lord's Resurrection. Spring is definitely in the air!
    With long arms...*hugs to you*,
