Saturday, February 28, 2009


"February makes a bridge and March breaks it."

~ February memories
~ Rich reminder ... enjoy the remains of each day!
(thanks ... The Connoisseur UP NORTH and Reflections)
2 1/2 cups Oreo cookie crumbs
2 1/2 oz. melted butter
Mix butter & crumbs. Spray cheesecake pan. Press in mixture.
2 lbs. room temperature cream cheese
1/2 cup flour
6 oz. chopped dark chocolate
1 lb. powdered sugar
8 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
  • Preheat oven to 275-degrees.
  • Add cream cheese in processor and blend 5 minutes on low speed. Add sugar and mix 5 more minutes. Scrape down sides of bowl. Add flour and mix 5 more minutes. Scraped down sides of bowl. Add eggs one at a time, continuing to mix at low speed, pausing after each to scrape sides of bowl. Add vanilla and fold in chopped chocolate.
  • Pour mixture into prepared crust.
  • Bake in water bath (just a pan of water placed into an oven. The hot water provides a constant, steady heat source and ensures even, slow cooking) for 2 and 1/2 hours. Turn off oven and let cake rest 1 hour before removing from pan. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate overnight.

Cherry Sauce:

3 cups canned dark sweet cherries

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 cup cherry brandy

2 Tbsp. water

Prepare paste of cornstarch and water. Bring cherries & brandy to boil, add cornstarch paste and stir until sauce thickens.


  1. Bye Bye February and it was a mild one for us here in NC. But Joey, we might get a big snow on Sunday. Our first.

  2. oh yum Joey! This cheesecake sounds awesome.

  3. Oh my goodness! This sounds like an incredible cheesecake! I'm afraid to try to make it, if i like it I'll want to make it again and again and again.

  4. You're always trying to temp me with all these delicious recipes, dear Joey!
    As good as that cheesecake sounds, I'll have to avoid all those calories and stick to your beautiful collages for sustenance :) Loved your primroses too. Such wonderful colors!

  5. Oh dear, Anna, hold onto your hat! We've been stuck home the past 2 weekends because of horrid weather ... ice storm at the lake, schools closed, driveway a sheet of ice, etc. Weatherwise, it's been the winter from ...

    Yes, it's yummy, Linda ... or did you OD on the chocolate last weekend ... I know I would have :)

    Exactly MMG ... that's the point and why these recipes have tempted me for eons :)

    Thanks, Kerri! Shame on me for tempting, especially during Lent, but I can see, you're STRONG :)

  6. Ok,
    You totally got me with the cherry sauce...
    and I just love your collages. It is always so much fun to look at...
    and you hit us again with a great quotation.
    So, I look at your posts, and then I look at them again, and I see more each time. I love how there is such inspiration in what you do, and the thought and time you compose these posts. Each one is so attuned to the season and has such feeling.

  7. Yum, Joey, this is a great way to end February, my least favorite month of all:) I loved your primrose photos yesterday--I know winter isn't over yet, but March holds the promise of spring, at least, and the hope that my primroses will soon be in bloom.

    Thank you for the kind wishes for my father; he is doing better, and I am slowly starting to catch up.

  8. Joey,

    We can't say goodbye to it soon enough! A month of extremes! ~~ More of the same as it ends~ hi yesterday 62 lo tonite 22!

    Speaking of extremes...the dessert sounds extremely good!


  9. Philip, how kind. I'm touched by your thoughtful comment ... thank you. I am indeed a seasonal soul, feeling the moment :)

    Good news, Rose! I see many primrose awakening ... they often bloom through the snow. Yes, March holds the promise of spring :)

    Same weather here, Gail, but at least today is sunny :) It's been frustrating cancelling plans the last 2 weekends ... perhaps, the next!

  10. Hi Joey.
    I LOVE your pairing of flowers and recipes on your blog. What a treat - for the eyes AND stomach :) Very nice indeed. Thanks for visiting me and I hope you see tulips before too many more weeks.

  11. Welcome Ann and thank you. Seems we have much in common ~ writing, gardening, cooking, and best of all ... family :)

  12. Although the photos are lovely, I'll say Good Riddance to February, as it means spring comes even closer! It's been so gray and drab around here, so hopefully spring will arrive on time in a few weeks!

  13. i can't believe we are done with 2 months of the new year. it has zipped by. now to welcome march.
    this chocolately cheese cake sounds yummy.happy march to you, joey!

  14. Almost officially gone, Robin, ... bright days are ahead!

    Marmee, time does seem to fly, doesn't it? Savoring a bite of cheesecake slows it down :)

  15. Farewell February...I'll second that! Your cheesecake sounds delicious, too bad I don't bake much anymore! I always enjoy your collages, your insert of the tree spirit is great!

  16. Thanks Kim ... yes, farewell February (short but not so sweet)!
    I love my 'Elm Eye' (peers in my kitchen window)
