Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"Plants in pots are like animals in a zoo--they're totally dependent on their keepers."

~ Indoor Garden Joy
(cyclamen, white rose, primrose, daisy mum)

~ Reblooming cyclamen

~ African Violet


  1. Joey, your blooms do make it seem like spring. Beautiful, each and every one of them. I especially love the violets. Such an array of colors you have. I just got a new varigated one and am soooo enjoying it.

  2. It must be nice to have all those lovely blooms indoors during winter! Beautiful!

  3. Your cyclamen is so very pretty and delicate. Do you have many of them? I don't but would like to. Hardy cyclamen will grow outside here.

  4. Joey a delightful collage of color in your home!! Surely Spring is in your home...a cheerful post!

  5. Nice collages! I love the Cyclamen. I've always had problems growing them. Well, actually, I tried years ago to grow one- probably watered it to death and the 'disk' like thing turned to mush, if I remember right. I think they are such a welcome sight this time of year, maybe I should give them a try again!

  6. Joey, What beautiful flowers and what a great way to display the photos. It makes them look like an indoor garden! (I just purchased a new African violet... white on the top and purplish on the bottom petals.) ;-)

  7. Thanks dear Beckie, a dear bloggin' friend that enjoys the true riches of life.

    I have many reblooms, Anna ... they seem to love me :)

    Until Spring ... springs, Naturegirl, I need color near to remind me of delights in store when the earth awakens.

    It's easy to water cyclamens to death, Tessa ... they are really quite simple and enjoy a good drink (although not around the crown). Do give them another try ... if only to enjoy their beautiful visit while around :)

  8. Lovely Joey, really lovely...gail

  9. Lucky to have a hint of spring, Racquel, I must rely on these feed my soul until I can dig into the earth :)

    A far cry from African Violets of old, there are so many beauties to choose from, Shady, but fun! Thank you and enjoy your new baby :)

  10. From a fella' photographer/gardener's eye ... BIG THANKS, Gail :)

  11. so so lovely!! thanks for this treat for the eyes.

  12. Hi Joey, thanks for those cheering blooms. To see a rose now is the nearest thing to spring. Your white one is a beauty!

  13. I'm loving that splash of bright color this morning! How beautifully you've displayed all those lovely blooms!
    I'm sure they all love you, and I know the feeling is mutual :)
    I'm trying to coax my 2 A. Violets into blooming, but they are stubboning resisting. I will not give up!
    Thanks for spreading the joy, dear Joey :)

  14. Joey, you must have the perfect spot for an indoor garden. The primrose is a little burst of sunshine and the pastel colors on the cyclamen and violets are so delicate and lovely.

  15. Thanks Marmee ~ I'm greatful for indoor color since it's still snowy white outdoors!

    It's sunny but windy & bitter cold here today, Frances, and with weekend winter white snow predicted, the rose fits right in :)

    Hi Kerri and thank you! I do so enjoy these beauties but have a tendency to overwater my African Violets, which seem to thrive better on neglect :)

    Marnie, my sun porch is ideal for keeping plants blooming for extended periods. Like me, they enjoy being surrounded by bright light!

  16. LOL...your quote is exactly why I have very few potted plants, I'm just not that responsible!

    Your photos are just stunning, Kim

  17. This is certainly a way to cheer you up on these cold winter days! Your cyclamen is beautiful--I love the pink and white blossoms. As much as I like them, I've never been able to keep them for very long.

    Your bleeding heart photo from yesterday was wonderful. I planted a few of these last fall and am hoping they bloom this year.

  18. LOL Kim ... you keep 'real animals' in a zoo! Makes me feel small reading my quote :)

    Rose, you're a trooper! Truly, cyclamens are easy (enjoy and if they die ... simply pitch ... none of us need any more stress in our lives :) Now Bleeding Heart are another story since I know most perform for many years giving great joy, which is what I wish for you, dear friend.

  19. Very pretty blooms in your collages. I came over by way of thingsilove.

  20. Thanks for visiting, Darla, and do hope you return (I'm blog hoppin' over to visit your site).
