Friday, April 24, 2009


"Between every two pines
is a doorway to a new world."
~ John Muir

'Lonesome Pine' Sunset
(Hubbard Lake)

White Pines
'Pinus Strobus'
(Michigan State Tree)


"It is well that you should celebrate your Arbor Day thoughtfully, for within your lifetime the nation's need of trees will become serious. We of an older generation can get along with what we have, though with growing hardship; but in your full manhood and womanhood you will want what nature once so bountifully supplied and man so thoughtlessly destroyed; and because of that want you will reproach us, not for what we have used, but for what we have wasted."

~ Theodore Roosevelt
( 1907 Arbor Day Message)


  1. Good morning Joey, it's amazing that Theodore Roosevelt said that so many years ago and yet we still don't understand. Lovely photos.

  2. Joey, white pine is my favorite tree. Oh--is it Arbor Day today? Well, that explains the timing of today's Washtenaw County Conservation District tree sale at which I'm volunteering. They sell small trees in fives and tens. People order/pay for them ahead of time and I go collect them for them when they show up to pick them up. I have a tiny white pine I got there as a leftover, but it's still only maybe 8 inches tall.

  3. Ditto to what Marnie said. Will we ever get it .
    hugs, Cherry

  4. Happy Arbor Day to you, Joey! My friends and I have celebrated Arbor Day for years--it began in a silly way, but it's become a tradition when we all get together and enjoy each other's friendship. And yes, we usually do plant a tree as well:)

    This year I joined the Arbor Day foundation for the first time; I'm still waiting for my shipment of 10 trees. It will probably take 50 years before they mature, but hopefully my grandchildren might get to enjoy them!

  5. Celebrating Arbor Day, what a great idea! Beautiful collage Joey.

    Take Care/ Tyra

  6. Mornin' Marnie ~ I'm a tree hugger for sure and why I appreciate Theodore's wise words.

    White Pines are a favorite of mine also, Monica, not only because of its the state tree but because of its rich history ~ how it gave its life to build America and forever changed the face of this great state. Enjoy this glorious Michigan weekend :)

    I don't know, dear Cherry, but hope so!

  7. What a perfect way to celebrate, Rose! Enjoy today with your friends ... friends are like trees, their roots ground us.

    Thanks Tyra ... enjoy this glorious weekend (I'll be thinking of you working and drinking tea in your lovely greenhouse).

  8. Joey, it is certainly true what Teddy said. But he wouldn't have been too amused at my multitasking husband, when he nearly burned down one of our white pines, and part of the pole barn, recently (long and painful story; especially for the old tree). "Trees may not scream for attention," but this one almost did.

    I just bid farewell to relatives who came to visit for an entire week, and no fights ensued. But, it's been so dreadfully-quiet here, that I felt compelled to come out and play.

    In any case, my dear Joey, I hope you'll have a happy weekend, and Happy Arbor Day!

  9. Interesting, dear Marysol :) Mr. Ho-Hum is a multitasker also ... today he/we shattered a storm window while cleaning ... he was also in the middle of edging & mowing (things are more difficult with now he's the 'one-armed' bandit)! Enjoy this glorious weekend :)

  10. Our second grade classroom used to celebrate Arbor Day every year. Years ago, the National Arbor Foundation GAVE every 2nd grade teacher a whole kit for learning about trees, growing one, etc. I used it every year. It took between two and four weeks (depending upon the time I had available) to do all the activities, scarify thornless honey locust tree seeds with emery boards, and grow our own trees to take home. Thanks for bringing Arbor Day to the forefront! :-)

  11. How wonderful, Shady ~ each of my children in the 2nd grade planted trees ... the most treasured plants in my garden (my grandboys are in awe, looking at the size). Because of thoughful educators like you, the word will live on :)

  12. love this post and the speech roosevelt made. if only we could be the generation that won't be so wasteful.

  13. Joey, I loved this post, the quotes, the photos...and the wonderful comments! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend~~gail

  14. Pines are an awesome choice, dear Joey. I hope it was a lovely Arbor Day (look, I even spelled it right for you!) and that many people took the time to plant trees.

  15. It was windy but only rained a few very large drops for maybe a minute here on Saturday. Not sure what it will do today! (And while I do appreciate the white pine's history, it's its soft needles and feathery look I really prize!)

  16. Hi Joey

    I didn't know about Arbor day until I started blogging.

    Thoughtfull guy, Theodore Roosevelt!

    I like your collage by the way.


  17. Yes, Joey, these are much like my sturdy pines in my piny woods region.

  18. I hear you, dear Marmee ... perhaps, just perhaps! Do hope your weekend was wonderful.

    Thank you, dear Gail. The weekend was most interesting ... near record breaking 80 degree days have gardens shouting ... you can almost hear buds bursting and you see plants grow from morning to night! Days were spent in between heavenly sun and dodging heavy storms. But time spent tweaking my garden was precious :)

    Always a thoughtful day, Jodi, since I'm a huge tree hugger. We've lost many stunning elms over the past 30 years that have changed the face of many cities, like Detroit, and even our village, once lined with archways of stately elms. Our garden club has been instrumental encouraging neighbors to plant a variety of trees so this will never happen again. We are fortunate to still have many stunning trees to sustain us.

    It was a crazy weekend of weather, Monica. I dashed in & out of the garden between big storms (many out of power, including my son). And how about the nearly record breaking 80 degrees? I could almost hear the shadblow and cherry blossoms bursting!

    Thank you, Rob ... the white pine holds a special place in my heart. Arbor Day is big here, starting early with children honoring and planting trees. My children are grown but the trees they have planted will live on, long after I have left this earth :)

    I see lovely pines in your photos, Brenda ... love them :) We are both blessed to live in beautiful surroundings.
