Friday, April 10, 2009



An old and beautiful legend has it that, at the time of the crucifixion, the dogwood was comparable in size to the oak tree and other monarchs of the forest. Because of its firmness and strength it was selected as the timber for the cross, but to be put to such a cruel use greatly distressed the tree. Sensing this, the crucified Jesus in his gentle pity for the sorrow and suffering of all said to it:

"Because of your sorrow and pity for My sufferings, never again will the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross.

Henceforth it will be slender, bent and twisted and its blossoms will be in the form of a cross ~ two long and two short petals. In the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints ~ brown with rust and stained with red ~ and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see this will remember."

~ Author Unknown

Christ on the Cross


  1. Dear Joey,
    Legend be truth or not it is a beautiful tree and blooms at this most beautiful time of year. Resurrection day... the ultimate celebration for us Christians. Thanks for sharing the sculptures... such gravity to meditate on the sacrifice so freely given. Thank you, dear sister.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  2. It's such a beautiful tree and flower. Amazing to see those details and read the legend.
    As Meems says, Easter is the ultimate celebration for us.
    He is our risen saviour!
    It's a wonderful reason to celebrate.

  3. Thanks for sharing this legend! Dogwoods are such beautiful, graceful trees.

  4. A day to remember,thanks.
    Think I was suppose to go to church today...

  5. Hi Joey,
    I love the story. Thanks for visiting today. Have a wonderful Easter.

  6. This is a very meaningful legend and one continually told to me each year at this time. I like the collage of Christ especially.

  7. Joey, my bipolar dogwood tree's blooms are pink, not an elegant creamy white, like yours. But, it's still pretty.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes it will bloom this year. If it does, I'll take pictures ... for posterity.
