Monday, June 01, 2009


"June is bustin' out all over."
~ Oscar Hammerstein II, 1945

Paeonia Scarlet O'Hara


"Buds're bustin' outa bushes ..."

"Fresh and alive and gay and young
June is a love song sweetly sung."

(Carousel ~ Rodgers And Hammerstein)


  1. Fantastic photos Joey!
    can't type much - fingers don't work...too much gardening!:)

  2. What an absolutely gorgeous peony! Thank you for sharing your summery enthusiasm--and your lovely garden! Hugs! Kathryn xoxo

  3. Joey, I almost used these song lyrics for GBMD this morning -- great minds. :~) Carousel was one of the first and only plays I saw in live theatre and I was spellbound when I was a kid. It's perfect for Muse Day -- it's my favourite month and it surely IS bustin' out all over.

  4. Thanks Nutty and I hear you ... I'm wearing a soft cast for severe gardening ankle sprain and enjoying this rainy inside day!

    Thank you, dear Kathryn ~ May was stunning, impossible to capture and put my arms around. I predict June will be the same ... Michigan at it finest!

    Hi Nancy ~ can't get the song out of my head! I too saw it years ago at the Fisher Theater (Detroit) ... Edward Everett Horton was the starmaker ... I cried so hard that I had to wait for the crowds to leave :)

  5. Hi Joey - poor you. Take care of that ankle and remember PRICE:
    Pain relief
    Ice (20 mins max)

    Trust me, this works - I damaged my achilles tendon badly about 3 years ago falling in a fox scrape in the garden. PRICE was recommended by my physio and it really works! I still have some problems from time to time (when I've been kneeling and scrauming around in the soil a lot!) and it still does the trick every time!

    Thanks a bunch - I've now got that song buzzing round in my head too!!! lol:)

  6. Ouch, Nutty and great advice ~ exactly what you would see peeking in our windows ... daughter just left for her own home this past weekend (still on crutches) after staying here for 2 wks with torn meniscus (rear-ended on way home from MRI ... shook up but fine though my Acadia flatbedded and still in car hospital). I'm not even going to mention Mr. Ho-Hum's therapy for torn rotator cuff and 5herniated discs :)

  7. Hi Joey,

    Your collage is so beautiful! I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Joey, hadn't yet thought of that song, but will be singing it all night now. :) Your peony is beautiful. I'm not a big fan of the double ones but am in awe of the singles.

    You poor thing! I thought something had happened to you but all of this?? Do take care and get your self back to good health!

  9. How kind, Kanak ~ much better thank you. Happy June Gardening!

    Thanks Beckie ~ had to check out your weekend adventures in Chicago before going to bed. Sounds like the Spring Fling was wonderful!

  10. Hi Joey

    June really is busting out.

    Everything is scrambling towards the longest day.

    Your Peony is not shy when it comes to blooming.


  11. Lovely shade of red. Red isn't that easy to find in peonies, they always seem to lean toward the blueish or pinkish tones.

    I bought one last year that is supposed to be a red single. We'll see this spring as it has several buds.

  12. Joey, the perfect sentiment for June--my favorite month! The peony is lovely as are all the flowers you pictured in your adieu to May. Your garden must be gorgeous right now!

    You'll be happy to know that Thelma and Louise just returned safely from our biggest adventure yet--a weekend in Chicago with other garden bloggers. I'm still suffering from sensory overload:)

  13. You are so right, Rob, regarding racing towards the longest day! I hold these treasured days precious.

    Hope your peony color does not let you down, Marnie (though it's hard to find a homely peony). Scarlet, a stunning hue, does her name proud!

    Thela & Louise will certainly have a hard time topping Spring Fling weekend, Rose! Like May & June, I think my garden is indeed its loveliest.

  14. Love the peonie and the magnificent poppy
    I took a picture of mine yesterday
    and good thing...we got HAIL last eve...size of golf balls.

    smiles, Deena

  15. The marriage of the two peonies has produced a fantastic offspring! It's good to be home and visiting would have loved the gardens, but I think your own must be delicious right now...your photos are splendid! gail

  16. Ouch ... hail ... oh no, Deena! Midwest springs are surely unpredictable. Glad you captured your beauties before the storm.

    My thoughts often drifted across the miles to Chicago, Gail. I do believe I heard hearty laughter :) Thanks for the kind words ... I'm loving/enjoying my spring garden, well worth the long wait ...

  17. "...Love song sweetly sung..." I like that image in my mind. Can't believe it's already June!

  18. Hi Joey, don't you just love peonies? My sunniest-location peony opened while I was in Chicago!

  19. Yes, it's hard to believe but June is here, Brenda!

    More to enjoy, Monica ... glad you had a wonderful time in Chicago.
