Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"Lord it is time.
The summer was very big.
Lay thy shadow on the sundials,
and on the meadows let the winds go loose.
Command the last fruits that they shall be full;
give them another two more southerly days,
press them on to fulfillment
and drive the last sweetness into the heavenly wine."
~ Rainer Maria Rilke

(Hubbard Lake, MI)


(Hubbard Lake, MI)


  1. Missed ya. Thanks for the beautiful poem, wine and gorgeous scenery.

  2. Warmest welcome to you and here, will you accept these~(((you)))

    Your post is delightful.


  3. Beautiful, Joey--Rilke's poems seem to touch the soul. Welcome back! You have been missed...I hope that you and your family are healing with the passage of time.

  4. Welcome back dear Joey, I have been missing you a lot. The blogosphere is not the same without you and your wonderful posts. Thank you for the beautiful words and pictures.
    xoxoxo Tyra

  5. We are so glad to see you and your beautiful posts and words, dear Joey. :-)

  6. Hi Joey, So glad you're back!!!! Do you happen to be attending the Wayne County gardening conference this Saturday (http://www.mgawc.org/prog_gwmgconf.htm)? If so, let's meet up. (It's not just for MGs.)

  7. There you are! I was worried about you. Glad to have you back at your blog sharing your lovely photos. Hope all is well.

  8. Welcome back my dear Joey!!

  9. Thanks Carolyn. Don't know how often I will be able to post but felt compelled to welcome the first day of autumn.

    Thanks for your continued comfort these past weeks, Gail. Your warm hugs are most welcome. Nancy's death was such a shock. After my last post, I took a shower and, jumping out, learned of the stunning news. Since then, it's been ...

    How sweet, dear Rose. I've missed you too ... these past few weeks, surreal. After 2 yrs on and off with us during her horrific illnesses and loosing her vision, Nancy was so enjoying her freedom back in her own home ...

    xxxooo back, dear Tyra. I've missed our visits also. These past few weeks have been hectic with still much to do. I so appreciate your kind thoughts :)

    Thanks Karen ... I must admit, there has been little time spent with my cameras of late ... and I've missed that also :( Thanks for poppin' in and saying hello :)

    How kind, dear Frances. Just returned from a tour of your Fairegarden ... a pure delight, just what I needed :)

    Was not aware of the Wayne County Gardening Conference, Monica. It would have been fun to meet :) Unfortunately, I will out of town (at the lake) handling issues regarding my sister's estate and getting her house ready to sell. We've been running back & forth, wrapping our arms around both places.

    Thanks Robin ... we're hangin' in there, thanks to dear family and wonderful friends. Though tweak and weed when time allows, my garden misses me as much as I miss it :(

    Thanks Anonymous ... my dear 'bestest' friend :)

  10. Sorry to read about your loss. I am here by accident, so to speak. I was searching for things 'Rilke' and as you had quoted him, I am here now. That is a beautiful poem you quote. It continues something like...

    He who now has no house, shall never have a house.
    He who now is alone, will remain so for a long time,
    Will wake, read, write long letters,
    And will wander in the streets here and there,
    Restlessly while the leaves scatter.

    I wish you long, fond memories of Nancy and all the best as you move forward through time.

  11. Delighted you 'accidently' stopped by, Jack. Thank you for sharing words of comfort and the continuation of Rilke's beautiful poem. The loss of a dear one is never easy ... thankfully, fond memories live on.

  12. Joey, wonderful to see you back with lovely photos and poetry.

    A glass of wine and an autumn sunset is pure poetry of the very best kind.

  13. Delighted to hear from you, Marnie ... you are always so kind. Do hope your summer was wonderful :)

  14. You know, it's as if your photos came with their own theme music—and I don't even have the volume turned on.

  15. How cute & clever you are, dear Marysol! Big thanks, dear friend.

  16. Joey, it did my heart some good today to see your post, and your beautiful sunsets. Thank you--I needed that. :)

  17. Aw Kim, always 'the delight'! I remember how thrilled I was when you first commented on my blog :) We've traveled a few garden years together and for that, I am blessed.

  18. Dearest Joey,

    I've missed and worried about you. When you hadn't posted for so long I knew something was wrong.

    God bless your lovely Nancy and I know he blessed you with her beautiful life for as long as she was with you. Take comfort in your wonderful memories and her spirit will live on.


  19. Thank you, dear Ann, for your encouraging words of comfort. As always, I'm delighted to hear from you. Do hope your summer was wonderful and filled with many blessings. Happy Michigan Autumn!
