Saturday, October 24, 2009


"I am beauty and love;
I am friendship, the comforter;
I am that which forgives and forgets;
The Spirit of Wine."
~ W. E. Henley

(Northern Michigan Wine Country)
~ From Amical, my favorite bistro on Front Street in Traverse City comes this delicious recipe from Chef/owner Dave Denison
(Savor Michigan Cookbook)
2 cups cooked jasmine rice prepared with 2 Tbsp. red lentils
1 lb. canned claw meat crabmeat
2 chopped medium jalapeno or Serrano peppers
1 Tbsp. lemon zest
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
3 Tbsp. chopped fresh mint leaves
1 juiced lemon
2 tsp. low-sodium soy sauce
1 tsp. white pepper
2 large beaten eggs
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • Cook jasmine rice according to package directions. Add 2 Tbsp. red lentils 10 minutes before rice is done. Chill rice and lentil mixture.
  • Drain crabmeat and pick through for shells. In large bowl gently combine crabmeat, cooked rice and lentils, jalapenos, lemon zest, basil, and mint, then squeeze in the lemon juice. Stir in soy sauce, pepper, eggs, and bread crumbs, trying not to break up the crabmeat. Spoon 2 Tbsp. onto parchment paper and press into a cake that is no more than 2 inches in diameter. Repeat with rest of mixture and chill.
  • Preheat oven to 325-degrees. Heat olive oil in saute pan and cook cakes until nicely browned on each side, approximately 1 1/2 minutes per side. Add more olive oil as needed. Finish cooking cakes in oven for 5 minutes. Cakes may be prepared ahead and re-warmed in oven. (16 - 2-oz. cakes)
Note: Great served over a green salad.
Wine Suggestion: Peninsula Cellars Pinot Grigio

(Traverse City, MI)


  1. gorgeous! I am jealous. I want to be back in MI. Such beautiful pics.

  2. Your recipe looks great and the bottom photos seem to be a goodbye to summer. But, with harvest time here- we won't mind.

  3. I thought of you, dear flowrgirl1, on our trip, knowing your heart lies near. Blessed to live in this beautiful state, I blog with those thoughts in mind :)

    Welcome blackird! Indeed my last photo was a 'goodbye' to summer, delighted you saw that :)

  4. What beautiful countryside Joey... Your photos are fabulous! Lovely Lovely! The Crab cake sounds delicious! Inspiring all. Carol

  5. I forgot to say ... how I love the empty chairs all lined up along the waters edge... the gulls... and the sunset ... lovely. Carol again.

  6. How wonderful Joey both words and pictures...I'm not that fond of Thai crab cakes though. :-)

    xoxo Tyra

  7. Thank you, Carol. In all seasons, the countryside is indeed stunning but especially enjoyable to visit the vineyards and wineries during the harvest season.

    Hi Tyra and thanks. Not everyone likes Thai food or crab, which is fine ... more for me :)

  8. Beautiful photos, Joey! I think I've mentioned before that we visited the wine country in Southwestern Michigan several years ago and enjoyed it so much. It looks so lovely here in autumn. And, of course, the wine was wonderful:)

    I can't eat shellfish, unfortunately, but these crab cakes sound delicious!

  9. Wow..I love you photo collages..super beautiful..full of the spirit of harvest!!What a beautiful usual!

  10. Hi, dear Rose. It is a trip on my 'must list' ... loved how Thelma & Louise joined me last year on the tour :) I have never visited the wineries (award winning wines) down state (shame on me)!

    Thanks Kiki! Michigan is autumn beautiful ...

  11. Joey, Would you believe my son (the Michigan resident) is here this weekend?? Actually, he's leaving at 5:00 A.M. tomorrow (Monday) morning to resume his work in St. Louis that began last week. He'll return home Thursday. What a TREAT! And your post is so timely. They love Thai food... and I'm going to print your recipe for them.

    How are you doing, these days? I think of you often and pray for you, too. Much love! SG

  12. How sweet, Shady, you are a dear! I'm sure you must be in heaven with your son near. I'll do my best to keep this beautiful Indian Summer around until he returns ... absolutely devine today and tomorrow promises to be even better. Going to bed happy~tired after 5 productive hrs putting garden to bed (more tomorrow)! (((BIG HUGS)))

  13. This is my favorite time at The Village Voice!!! The middle picture caught my eye right off.

  14. Ooh, I love crab cakes! And the photos of the grapes are awesome; I love all their colors.

  15. This is my first time to visit your lovely blog, by way of Blotanical. I think I can just eat my way right through it.

    We grow only muscadine grapes here, both the wild dark ones and bronze scuppernongs. Even the dog loves scuppernongs, which she isn't supposed to have.

  16. Gee, thanks Anna. Michigan is stunning in fall (and the kitchen smells are the best)!

    I love crab cakes also, Monica, but they must be good, with lots of crab. I've tasted some horiffic ones and love the ones I make the best (I must check and see if I've posted my favorite)! Enjoy this beautiful day :)

  17. Welcome Nell Jean and thank you ~ I'm off to visit your piece of earth. Do come back and nibble (calorie free)!

  18. Oh, I don't remember the last time I had crab cakes. Ages and ages ago. Sounds good.

    I never think of Michigan as a wine producer. Guess I need to adjust my thinking. It looks like a very pretty place to visit.

  19. Beautiful fall photos, Joey. I love the grapes and vines. I have seen the vineyards in southern MI. during the summer, but would love to see them now. The bay is also lovely and the line of empty chairs is a little sad, but very striking.

    Crab cakes are a favorite for Christmas Eve. These sounds so delicious. Thanks!

  20. Indeed it is, Marnie, and gaining more recognition with world-class wines each year. Northern MI wine country runs through the 45th parallel giving the region its distinct micro-clilate (like France, Italy, Oregon). So do please visit our beautiful state ... I know you would love it (your kind of place) ... and don't forget your camera:)

  21. It was a sad feeling, Beckie, and why I choose B/W ... a bit of a lost summer for me but the colorful sunset speaks of hope for tomorrow and brighter days :)

  22. Beautiful photos! Though I am partial to the look of the area ;) I have to hunt down a copy of the Savor Mi cookbook. I don't think I've looked through that one yet.

  23. Thanks Maggie ... of course, you would love it! Hope all is well with your new home. Chuck & Blanche Johnson's SAVOR MICHIGAN COOKBOOK (Michigan's Finest Restaurants...Their Recipes & Their Histories) is a fun find featuring lots of goodies!

  24. Gorgeous! And finally a crab cake recipe~ I have to try! Crab is my most fav of sea food!!
    I apologize for not visiting in so long~time has a way of slipping up on us, can't belive it's November~what happend to Oct.~what happened to Summer?!
    Lovely post's Joey!!

  25. Hi dear Cat ~ delighted to see you posting again (your fans miss you :) Yes, time flies ... I have no idea what happen to summer! On the way up to the lake, heard Christmas carols on the radio ... yuk!

  26. Yuk~ indeed Joey!! :) I've thought the same thing the last wk or so when I've heard Christmas carols~ughh,I'm so not in the mood for Christmas, they seem to rush it more every year!
    I get so depressed & overwhelmed this time of the year! I always think it would be nice to just go to the beach with family & dearest friends & not deal with all the fuss!

    Wishing you a beautiful week!

  27. The weather here has been exceptionally warm, Cat. On the way home from the lake, we saw many taking advantage of the mild temps and putting out Christmas decorations. Hope they don't turn on the lights, at least until Thanksgiving is over :)
