Sunday, November 01, 2009


"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn."
~ Elizabeth Lawrence



Autumn Memories

(Bloomfield Village MI)


"The spirits of the air live on the smells
Of fruit; and joy, with pinions light, roves round
The gardens, or sits singing in the trees."
Thus sang the jolly Autumn as he sat;
Then rose, girded himself, and o'er the bleak
Hills fled from our sight;
but left his golden load.
~ William Blake
(To Autumn)
Please join Carolyn for NOVEMBER MUSE DAY
For viewing peak color during this stunning season,
please join Dave on his Fall Color Project


  1. Oh, how beautiful, Joey! Your collages prove that autumn colors are not just yellow, orange and brown! Just beautiful!

  2. You captured some really great shots of Bloomfield Village. The fall this year has been spectacular.

    Happy Autumn Dear friend of the garden!

  4. Thank you, Tatyana. Isn't is amazing how colorful autumn is ... beautiful memories to sustain us through winter.

    Indeed it has, Tina, especially here in Bloomfield Village where I am blessed to live :)

    Aw thanks, dear Bren! You are pretty inspiring yourself :) Yes, Happy November!

  5. Beautiful tree foliage, Joey. Happy November!

  6. I do agree with Elizabeth Lawrence - the turning of the leaves is something very special! Your shots today, are magnificient, Joey!

  7. Whew! What beauty! Similar to beautiful stained glass window.

  8. Wow - what colour ! A Happy Muse Day to you Joey.

  9. Beautiful collages, Joey! The quote by Elizabeth Lawrence should be heeded by all--our fall foliage was gorgeous, too, but much too fleeting. So many of the trees are almost bare now. I suspect since you labelled yours "Autumn Memories" that this is true of Michigan as well.

  10. So beautifully captured is your first day of November. I just want to "sit still and watch the leaves" in your photos. Then I have to imagine a fall of seasonal color changes... as I look out onto my very green gardens. Oh well... you can't have everything I suppose.
    Lovely, dear Joey, just breathtakingly lovely. Enjoy every view of it while it lasts.

  11. A beautiful post Joey! It's amazing that a few hundred miles further north you can find the riches reds for autumn! We're mostly yellows and oranges here. gail

  12. Joey, This is a beautiful post as usual. Welcome to November... I'm thinking my attitude towards this fast-moving season must be fine tuned! So, I'm working on Appreciation! :-)

  13. Simply stunning photos and collages!
    You have captured perfectly the essence of Autumn.

  14. Monica ~ Happy November, dear Scorpio friend! This is our golden month ... let's enjoy!

    Dear Katarina ~ love that we both shoot life through eyes from across the sea ... so often, so similar. Your gift of friendship through the years warms my heart :)

    Barbee, you are a dear. Thanks for the lovely comment.

    Yes Rose ... the winds came, slapping our faces as well as the trees. Reality check for sure :)

    As you well know, dear Meems, as gardeners we can't have it all! Each zone wears unique beauty that make it shine ... we, as gardeners, simply tweak! You are a dear, tending not only your stunning garden but real life family & friends embedded in your heart. Blessed to know you ... let our friendship grow :)

    Dear Gail, this year many areas shout autumn simple ~ yellow/orange. While blessed to see fall wearing its finest colors, your keen eye always finds sharing gifts from your garden. (Autumn hugs)

  15. Jan ~ winks & autumn hugs :)

  16. Wow - stupendous colours Joey, I love those collages .... maybe you ought to get them blown up to poster size and sell them?!

    I was just reading one of your comments over on ...?erm... elsewhere(!) and I simply cannot believe that your yougest son is 27! That's about 14 years older that I thought he'd be! This cannot be right?!!! :0

  17. Looks like you are having an amazing autumn display in Michigan. Somewhat disappointing here but that's the way it is some years. I'll enjoy your photos.

  18. Thank you, Shady ... I like your attitude. It's tough to say goodbye to summer, especially when it gets dark so early now ... this I don't like but November warms my heart, perhaps because it's the month I was born (as well as Young Son). I'm looking forward to nesting and hopefully finishing long overdue inside projects.

    Hi Connie and thank you. I'm blessed to live in this beautiful neighborhood.

    Thank you, dear Nutty. You are too funny (his brother & sister are 10 & 11 yrs older :)

    Actually it seemed more colorful down state than up this year, Marnie. Most agree it was a strange autumn for color! When we bought our home 35 yrs ago, autumn was spectacular ... the streets were golden tunnels of American elms (most lost to Dutch Elm Disease ... 6 in our yard alone ... we have 1 remaining sentinel elm, hanging over our home).

  19. Thanks Anna and Happy Muse Day to you also ... somehow I missed your comment up there (comments have been coming in a strange order lately).

  20. Wow..beautiful photos. I love the colors in Michigan. Too bad we had all the wind over the week-end. Almost all my leaves are now on the ground.

  21. Well Joey, it's a good thing you posted your usually-colorful images of a MI. autumn, because all our beautiful trees were completely disrobed, in—what seemed—the blink of an eye.

  22. Hi, Joey;
    Visiting you via Joy's blog - thanks for stopping by the other day.

    Wow! Beautiful photos! Oh, I miss those reds and golds of a regular autumn. Living in the desert southwest we don't see a great deal of color... :(

  23. Talk about "eye candy"...WOW !!
    I think the only color that is missing is blue. Great photos as usual.

  24. I hear you, Lindalou, fall was fleating ... though still some autumn gold hanging around!

    It was a blustery weekend for sure, dear Marysol! The wind did a number on the leaves ... in between the rain, Mr. Ho-Hum chopped them up with the mower every day, sometimes twice! No sooner would he get in the house and look out the window when a huge gust would come and then ... out again he went (he's a bit ADD but you might have guessed that already :)

    Welcome Kate and thank you! It is indeed a beautiful sight in autumn :)

    What a wonderful description, Patsi ~ thank you and Happy November!

  25. I think this is the prettiest ode to autumn I've seen!

    Gorgeous images/mosaics.

    *sigh* We have color when summer turns to fall, but nothing like what you have shared. Brava! Very nice. xo

  26. Oh, these photos are STUNNING! You make me want to go out there and just look again and again...we've had rain, so most of the leaves may have fallen this monring, but it will still be worth it

  27. you are a great artist!! beautiful!!

  28. The Elizabeth Lawrence quote is one I need to remember. I sometimes get into a mode where I don't think I should relax until everything on my "to do" list is finished and, of course, the work is never done. Michigan's fall color is a beautiful as anywhere in the country. Looking at your photos makes me feel cheerful. Thanks.

  29. You are the queen of the collages, dear Joey! The colors and composition boggle the mind and delight the senses.:-)

  30. It's very grey and rainy and November-ish here today, but your post just lit up my office, dear Joey. I'm going to be smiling at those foliar fireworks all day.

  31. Such a nice collection of fall foliage shots. I wish our fall had not gone so fast. You have truly captured the beauty of Autumn! Now let's see about eating some pumpkin bread. I made a mass of it this weekend.

  32. Thank you Mari ... we are so fortunate to be surrounded by this beauty. Even after 35 yrs, I have never gotten over the joy of living in this neighborhood.

    Hi French K ~ Though still colorful in areas, autumn is waning but there is a beauty in the starkness of winter (at least for awhile anyway :)

    Welcome Dhanggit ... wow, thank you very much. I don't know about the artist but I love what I do :) (Enjoyed visiting your delicious blog)

    Thanks Donna ~ I agree, Michigan ranks right up there for autumn color. Now, on the other hand, I offer good advice to others about resting but never take it myself :)

    Wow Frances, thank you ... that is quite and honor coming from The Queen Mother :) Happy November!

    Though brisk, wish I could send you some of my morning sunshine today, dear jodi. Sounds like it's just what you need to warm your spirits. Stay healthy, dear friend. (Spoke too soon ... it's clouding up with chilly rain expected tomorrow ... see, you are not alone in a dreary November!)

    Good luck in the kitchen with that pumpkin bread, Rosey, and thank you :)

  33. Beautiful quote and beautiful photos. Thank you so much.~~Dee

  34. Hi, Joey!
    Your 'Spirited Pumpkin Pound Cake' was a HUGE hit. A group of us get together on Tuesday nights for dinner - it rotates from house to house. My chore was dessert tonight. They LOVED it. Thanks for sharing!


  35. Thanks Dee, happy to see you :)

    I'm delighted you enjoyed it Kate ... it's been a fall favorite here for years, always turning out perfect (isn't it HUGE) ... Great with cinnamon ice cream!

  36. Beautiful Joey! I love the Blake poem too. Carol
