Wednesday, December 02, 2009




  1. That is a most interesting capture, Joey.

  2. Joey, that is gorgeous. You should frame it, make note cards, etc.

  3. Thank you, Mother N ~ I'm enamored by the moon :)

    Wow Kylee, thank you. I certainly enjoyed your video ... your mother is a wonder and you appear to be her clone :)

  4. God Bless You Joey~~gail It was a lovely video

  5. Great image. I can't help but wonder how you did that.

    I love the lullaby as well.

  6. Gorgeous joey!! Beautiful..great post!

  7. Wow. I'd love to have a framed print of that. I'm enamored by full moons, as well. There is a blue moon scheduled for this New Year's Eve. I may have to hit you up for some fun recipes to go with our full moon NYE snowshoe party... :)

  8. Thanks Gail and God bless you, one who understands passions :)

    Hi Lindalou ~ fun to create since I adore the moon, the December full moon, always a delight!

    Thanks Kiki ... a December 'magical' gift!

    Kate, you're a dear, and your 'Blue Moon' New Year's Eve sounds devine! You must keep me posted on the fun snowshoe party :)

  9. You have a moon in the moon ... me thinks the man is on the dark side ... the one we never see. I looked at your other moons too... quite the artist you are Joey. Very luminous... if I may.

  10. Joey, There seems a huge need to ask for God's blessings these days. Blessings to you, too. :-)

    Your photo is seems ethereal... very, very nice! May I paint it?

  11. I love this layering, Joey! Very nicely done. The moon has been gorgeous!

  12. What a wonderfully creative photo!

  13. Joey your photo is mesmerizing! I just love it, Kim

  14. Thanks Carol :) Enjoyed viewing your moon shots also. I'm blessed to catch this early view outside my kitchen window.

    And thank you, dear Shady. Of course, I would be delighted to share this with you ... would love to see your painting when finished. You are a gifted crafter but didn't know you also painted. Wow, I'm impressed with your many talents!

    It's always fun to play around, Nancy, never quite knowing ... and as you might have guessed, I especially love the moon!

    Thank you, Helen. Enjoyed your post on the Winter Solstice ... Yea ... not too far away!

    Hello Di and thanks. I've enjoyed your fine eye behind the lens also.

    Wow, inspiring ... thanks Monica :) Happy Michigan December!

  15. Hi Joey - that is one stunning photo ......but that's what I've come to expect from you! :)

    It's a good job I've just eaten my tea - I could have got very hungry reading that Chocolate Bourbon Bundt Cake!

  16. Thank you, Kim. Enjoy this beautiful month with the kiddies ... that's what the holidays are all about! My grandboys just left ... we read many of their Dad's favorite Chrismas stories including The Littlest Angel, which always makes me cry :(

    How sweet, dear Nutty! The moon is one of my favorite subjects. How's the tea house coming ... are you still able to work on it?

  17. so very gorgeous.
    happy december.

  18. Such a beautiful image, Joey! I was outside and looked at the moon the other night, thinking how large it was, reminding me of the harvest moon. You've captured it so well--this one should definitely be framed!

    Thanks for sharing this song; so poignant--hope life is going well for you, Joey.

  19. Joyful blessings for a beautiful holiday season, Marmee. Thank you.

    Thank you, Ida. I just returned from viewing lovely photos on your site :)

    Thank you, dear Rose. As you know, I love the moon ... sang this bedtime song to my children and now granchildren ... love it! At the lake and will be checking out Nancy's house, now on the market. We certainly miss her :( Am without a computer (on hubby's) until next week ... transferring files from old PC to new wireless iMac ... expect a few hiccups but very excited :)

  20. hi Joey - yes, the tea house is ongoing! Been working out there today (6 layers including a full set of thermals!). I'm in the process of doing a post about the next stage.........! :)

  21. Hi Nutty! I'm not surprised you are still working outside in thermal longjohns :) Will be over to check in a few days since (sneaking on Mr. Ho-Hum's computer) I'm out of commmission ... off for 1st class and pick up old/new at Apple store. Since they were unable to transfer old files from PC, sure I'll be pulling my hair out for a bit :(

  22. Thank you, dear Joey, for your comments on bloomingwriter--they mean a huge amount to me! I know you've been busy with many challenges, changes and other facets of life, but I so appreciate your blog and your visits to mine.
    About your computer troubles--you should be able to move all your stuff from your PC to your new Mac. I've never done it because I've always been on Macs, but it's not supposed to be too difficult. If you go to the Apple website, there should be good help sheets-or contact Apple directly, or your seller--if they're any good, they should know how to do it. I wish I could help more than this.

  23. Thanks Michelle and Happy Holidays from your beloved MI!

    I hope this isn't goodbye, dear jodi :( ... you were one of my 1st contacts when I began my blog, always a joy loving, through all ups & downs, your marvelous sense of humor. Thanks for your advice ... actually the Apple Store had both old/new over entire weekend and could not transfer ... brought in special USB cables (none worked) and spent 2 hours scratching heads ... had my 1st One to One class with many more to follow! So (living on Apple websites) working hard (time consuming and missing my Garden Club Christmas Luncheon) to do as best as can recovering from PC to my new Mac. Know once all together I will love it! (((BIG HUGS)))

  24. Dear Joey, I just came by to take another look at Mr. Moon.

    And I'm sorry to know of your pc woes. I hope you'll be back on track soon, because, seriously, the (blogging) tribe is getting a little restless.

  25. Dear Marysol ~ owe you a note that got gobbled up on Mr. Ho-Hum's computer at the lake. Hobbling around, restless, but moving forward :)
