Saturday, January 16, 2010


Peony (Paeonia)

Columbine (Aquilegia)

~ enjoy balmy 38º weather, fire up the grill and dream of June ...

4 stemmed large portobello mushrooms
8 slices sourdough or whole grain bread
(or 4 buns/rolls of choice)
extra-virgin olive oil
coarse salt & freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup pesto
1/4 cup light mayonnaise
4 slices Provolone cheese
1 jar (well-drained) roasted red/yellow or just red peppers (Trader Joe's are great)
4 cups baby spinach leaves

  • Heat grill. Brush both sides of mushrooms with olive oil. Season with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper.
  • Rub one side of bread/roll with olive oil and grill until lightly toasted.
  • Combine pesto and mayonnaise; spread on grilled side of bread/bun.
  • Brush both sides of mushrooms with olive oil and grill, rounded side up, 4 minutes. Turn over, cover, and grill about 4 minutes or until mushrooms are tender, adding Provolone the last minute or so until it melts.
  • Place cheesy mushroom on grilled bread/bun. Top with roasted peppers and baby spinach leaves. (4 servings)

Iceland Poppy (Papaver nudicaule) & Spiderwort (Tradescantia)

'Carefree Beauty' Rose (Rosa 'Carefree Beauty')

June Garden Stars

June Garden Collage


  1. Yummy...and the photos are just what's needed on a rainy and chilly Saturday! xxoogail

  2. Beautiful pics, and the recipe looks very yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  3. After the January deep-freeze, it was a heartwarming day here, Gail, which made me begin to think of what I consider as January's opposite sister month, June. From winter white to vivid color, I see the total opposite outside my windows! Healing thoughts, dear friend :)

    Thank you for visiting, Antonia. I just returned from your amazing post ... thank YOU, for sharing!

  4. Love the roses. Pink roses just touch my heart.

  5. I have been collecting seed catalogs. Seems like they are bigger than usual.

  6. This post is like a giant happy pill! Lovely work Joey. This is what we dream of isn't it, a world in colour! If I look outside my window right now it is almost a world in black and white I'll better make a post in my blog Monochrome.

    Have a great day/ hugs Tyra

  7. Your Aquilegia photos just made me smile. I can't wait to see my pretty little 'Nora Barlows' in the front garden (only a few months away!)

    The recipe sounds delicious -- I have yet to meet a mushroom I didn't like :-)

  8. Craving sunshine? It looks like it. I get that craving feeling about February which is mostly gray here. Although January hasn't been much better. Beautiful blooms. Yummy food. You've got it all.~~Dee

  9. Hi Lindalou ~ these simple Carefree Roses shrub roses have filled my heart with joy for many years ... I call these sturdy friends, Clydesdales in the garden.

    Seed catalogues are a good thing ... it's exciting to be talking of spring, Abraham!

    I must flip-flop back and forth, Tyra. I adore B/W but enough is enough!

    Yes, Colleen, it won't be long now! Actually, so far we've been blessed with a mild winter for Michigan and the snow a wonderful blanket for the garden.

  10. Joey, Both your recipe and photography are delicious and welcome on this cold gray day... promising rain and sleet! Lovely flowers and the portobello burgers are inspiring salivary glands. ;-)

  11. I think I'll move to Michigan! ;-) Yum and yummy to both the recipe and the flower photos! Happy January.

  12. Hello Dee, can't you tell! A little make-believe is fun ... whatever it takes to get through the winter doldrums!

    What began as a dreary day ended in a magnificent blazing sunset, Carol! Too bad no camera near :(

    There you go, girl ...come on over, Shady! What a fun thought for a happy January :)

  13. Joey! All these images of flowers of summer makes my heart sing!!Oh my simply eye candy!A gal healing and light aNNa xo

  14. Near in thoughts and prayers, wonderful to hear from you, dear Anna. Flowers make my heart sing and happy to hear they do for you also. Stay well and *healing hugs*!

  15. Joey, love, love, love portobellas any way, and thses sound so yummy. We grill in the winter often having to move the grill out of a snow drift. But it is so worth the effort.

    Your June flowers are just what is needed onthis glommy and foggy day. Hurry up spring!

  16. My husband would love these burgers, he loves mushrooms! I never make anything mushroom related, because, I don't care for them but maybe I will make an exception here. THanks for stopping by my blog. hope you have a great week!

  17. Beautiful spring flowers. In a mere 4 1/2 months they will again bloom:)

  18. Thank, Beckie! We also grill outside all year round ... that is how we prepare most of our fish, meat, and fowl ... and ... Portobello mushrooms!

    You might like Portobellos, Rosey ... they are meaty and remind me of veggie hamburgers :)

    Indeed, Marnie, how true. Thanks for the reminder :)

  19. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous June garden, it's just the ticket for a gloomy winter's day. If we just hold on tight, spring will arrive eventually.

  20. Thanks Robin ... just a few goodies in remembrance. The way time flies, it won't be long before June is 'bustin' out all over'!

  21. Oh so cheering are the flowers, Joey! That burger is doable here, thanks for yet another meal idea, you are my go-to!

  22. Hey! Columbines! My most beloved wildflower. Wild, at least, where I live. What a cheery post. Makes me anxious for warmer days. Anxious to try this recipe, too. :))

  23. Yes, cheery compared to this dreary day, Frances! Portobellos are big on our menus here also ... love 'em!

    I remember you liked columbines, Kate! We have wild columbine in abundance up north around our cottage and, yes, hurry spring!

  24. Great collages you have here Joey. I still dont know how to make them, and dont have time also to learn. And great photos too. thank you for your visit to my blog and the nice comments.

  25. Delighted to reach out to new friends, Andrea. Thank you. Happy February :)
