Thursday, March 04, 2010


"My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view."

~ H. Fred Ale

Boston Fern (chartreuse), Variegated Ivy

~ Warming winter fare ... add crusty bread and tossed salad for a complete simple supper (adapted from 2006 Quick & Simple Magazine)

2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 diagonally sliced bunch of green onions
1 large minced clove garlic
1 Julienne sliced orange, yellow, or red pepper
6 oz. sliced shitacki or baby bella mushrooms
6-8 cups organic chicken broth
1 1/2 -2 cups shredded chicken (rotisserie is good)
2 cups baby spinach
1 9 oz. package refrigerated cheese tortellini
coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

  • Heat olive oil in large stockpot. Add green onions, pepper and garlic. Saute until tender crisp. Add mushrooms and cook until soft.
  • Add chicken broth and bring to boil. Add cooked chicken, spinach and tortellini. Partially cover and simmer until tortellini rise to surface. Don't overcook.
  • Season to taste with salt & pepper.
  • Ladle into serving bowls and top with grated Parmesan.



  1. I should know better by now not to come to your blog when I'm hungry. Now my stomach is rumbling and I'm wishing that I had some tortellini nearby. The soup sounds delicious. Chartreuse looks wonderful with white. Gorgeous flowers and foliage, Joey. Have a good evening.

  2. YUM! Beautiful white flowers.


  3. Hi Joey, Love all your photos as usual. I'm not even wild about ivy or Boston ferns, but love them in your shots. :)

  4. Have a wonderful weekend and take care of your precious self~gail

  5. Kate, thank you. It is indeed a good evening. Looking for a post, I thought ... hum ... my houseplants sustain me until the garden grows. Actually, today I did an orchid shoot on the sunporch that might come into play next week. But off tomorrow to the lake that calls ... Happy trails to you :)

    Hi Eileen ... until something better arrives, a simple basket of white mums by the fireplace suits my fancy :) Thanks.

    Gee thanks, Monica! I love a gal that speaks her mind and hear you. Still loving your song :0) I need a few houseplants splattered here and there around my home. The Boston fern is quite cool ... chartreuse ... probably anemic :)

    Thanks, dear Gail. Hope your 'precious self' has a glorious weekend also! We're heading north (our furnace was out 2 weekends ago and though we had it repaired, hope all is well and our pipes haven't frozen).

  6. Beautiful photos and super recipes! I love your blog - it really inspires me. Thanks for sharing with us. Michelle

  7. What a great artistic eye you have. I love seeing your montages. Such creativity. It is truly inspiring!

  8. Dear Joey, Another tempting receipt. Who knows, but in time you may well get me into the kitchen slaving over a hot stove!!

    The collages are lovely and I have fallen immediately for the Chrysanthemum which would go very nicely indeed in my garden.

  9. I'm officially addicted to reading your blog.

    This soup sounds both tasty and easy. Add a crusty bread to almost anything and I'm first in line to be served.

    I'm a big fan of white flowers.


  10. How very beautiful Joey! I wish you a lovely weekend.

  11. Thank you, Michelle. You also have a lovely site to visit. I just returned, envious of your 'way ahead of us' weather :)

    I'm honored, Scott, and thank you. So enjoy visiting your inspiring site also!

    Thank you, Donna. Some addictions can be fun ... I'm a big fan of yours also.

    Big thanks, Tyra. Do hope your sunshine continues throughout the weekend. We're heading north to the cottage, dragging this beautiful sunshine ☀ with us.

  12. Beautiful montages, as always, Joey. And that soup would sure go well with a cold, windy March day, such as we're having here. :)

  13. Hello, dear Edith, and thank you ... you just never know when that cookin' urge might strike!

  14. Good morning Joey. Your Ale quote is so 'right on'. I don't even want to think about all the years I only considered my point of view and of course if the plants saw things differently, they simply died:)

  15. Thank you, Nancy. Sorry about the weather ... was hoping you were also bathed in this glorious sunshine. Will have to send you some ... ☀

  16. You are not alone, Marnie, we've all been there! Do hope your father is on the mend and that you both can enjoy this glorious (for us) weekend.

  17. Joey, this quote is so true! I have learned more from my mistakes, I think, than anything I've read in a gardening book. The chicken and tortellini soup sounds delicious--have you posted this recipe before? Or was there a similar one...I vaguely remember printing off a copy of some tortellini soup here before. I think it's time to organize all my recipes:)

  18. Me too, Rose. I like the hand's on approach to most things. This is the 1st time for this post but, yes, I do have another garlic/tomato/basil Tortellini Soup recipe (, which is the family favorite! If you enter the name of what you want at the top of my site, all relating posts should show. I'm at a point now where I use my blog, instead of searching, to find my recipes. This is why I began blogging ... to organize my seasonal favorites. Happy weekend :)

  19. You know, I'm beginning to think plants hate me, because my thumb hasn't changed colors yet. What gives?

    Joey, your soup sounds pretty wonderful, and one peek out the window tells me it's still soup weather.
    I have no baby bellas, but I do have dried shiitake mushrooms, and the rest of the ingredients to do some damage in the kitchen.

    Have a lovely weekend my dear friend. I'm certainly gonna to try to do the same, after I take one more look at your spectacular Mum collage.

  20. Dear Marysol ... you caught me heading out the door, off to the lake:) You know, I haven't had any luck with dried shitaki mushrooms but go for it and let me know. Weekend *hugs* cutie!

  21. Green & white always looks so crisp & cool. I hope you get your green & white fix from snowdrops & crocuses soon instead.

  22. That soup sounds delish! I might have to try some.

    Your photos are great - I LOVE the full moon grapefruit one!!!

  23. Oh yes, me too MMD :) If this awesome weather holds, it won't be long (hoping the squirrels and chipmunks left me some to enjoy :)

    Hi Krista and thank you. It's a pleasure meeting you and visiting your lovely site :)

  24. It's not eady to be green right about now in my world! Love the white collage!
    Waiting for the green of Spring arrival!

  25. Thanks, Anna. I'm getting mighty anxious myself. This lovely weather we're having is a tease!

  26. Hi Joey, great combination Green and White shows.

    Thanks for your continued visits and comments.
    A week in wales now showing on my blog.

  27. Yum... and I just happen to have all the ingredients on hand, except for the chicken stock (making a new batch tomorrow, in fact). I'll have to try this, joey. Although we are warming up finally... well, sort of. ;)

    Beautiful collages!

  28. That's a very nice quote - that's what we should all do. Try to see things from the plant's pont of view.
    Have a nie weeke!

  29. Thank iMac ... enjoy Wales :)

    Enjoy Meredith and thank you. Do hope you are enjoying this winter taste of springlike weather :)

    Hello dear, Katarina, and thank you. This weather here is fantastic, 10º+ above normal. The snow is melting ... soon we will see and smell the earth :)

  30. Me following you
