Friday, April 30, 2010


"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment."
~ Ellis Peters



  1. Wow Joey, I go MIA for a few weeks and come back to a veritable cornucopia of fantastic flower photos I couldn't say that again after a glass of good red?!!!

    The ever wonderful Pete is coming to help us again this weekend - so I'm off to get the ingredients for that bruschetta .... you've made me hungry AGAIN!!!

  2. Beautiful flowers Joey! I love the Trillium, but sadly ours all seem to be done for season. April certainly was a blaze of color. I'm soooo not ready for it to be did we get to May already?

  3. whoa! sooo many excellent flowers, where do they all come from! so many great colors. love the little leaf face statue, too! cute! beautiful photos !

  4. Oh...Joey that is wonderful, what a gorgeous post. April blooms, I think I will have your April now in the beginning of May. I'm going to have four weeks off now!! And try to do 'nothing' for a month, I actually have no plan... hehe but I have so many ideas ;)

  5. Amazing Flower photos..and I love the little widget on the side as well! The mosaics of the photos are a great idea too. Sorry to see April go but May brings even more flowers...lilacs, peonies, and more. I will miss the tulips! Thanks and Smiles! Maria

  6. Super Wow Joey! Such beauty-shots! I am dazzled by the blue-purple iris shots..woah!! awesome!! Have a wonderful day and Happy May!

  7. SO many beautiful flower shots!

    What software do you use to build your mosaics? They are really beautiful and well done!

  8. What a fabulous parade of April blooms. How sweet she was! Beautiful photos Joey! Happy May!

  9. Hello, dear Nutty! Delighted to see you back 'in top form' and thanks. Happy Birthday wishes ... cheers!

    I don't know what happened to April either, Curbstone. I love April and it flew by much too fast for me. Now, if only I could put a hold on May, my favorite month!

    Thanks Johnny N ... I could never begin to capture all that is in bloom! As it is, I have fallen behind ... oh, well :) Loved your newt!

    Spring is ahead of itself here, dear Tyra. Today was in the 80s, too hot for me! Do enjoy your time off ... I'm sure you'll be posting wonderful stuff. Happy weekend, dear friend :)

    Welcome Maria and thank you. I do so hate to say goodbye to April ... it has been an amazing spring with much more to follow. I love May, my favorite month!

    Thanks, dear Kiki ... happy May to you too :)

    Thank you, Krista. Picasa is great for creating collages/mosaics.

  10. Hello Carol and thank you. Just returned from your interesting post. Oh yes, happy May :)

  11. Joey, your blooms are fantastic, and your collages are great!

  12. Joey, April must have made you very happy, indeed. Such glorious tulips-each more beautiful than the last. I love that delicate pale pink. And the cream with green amoung the purple iris is gorgeous!

    I also love your garden art. The smiling face/heart is just the thing to bring a smile. Also on the list of fantastic is your garden clock. Now that is a focal point. I am sure May will be just as delightful as April for you and your garden. Can't wait to see all those blooms. Hugs to you!

  13. Isn't it wonderful how spring has just burst into full speed? I'm hoping things don't go too crazy this weekend while I'm away, but it seems to genuinely be spring now! Your collages are glorious, as always...

  14. Joey, you grow a pretty garden~It was a treat to see all the tulips and the blue and white shots were stunning. gail

  15. Love that quote, it is so true. However I love the awesome flower pics even more. I think we should be in for some real beauty in May too. I look forward to your posts then.

  16. There must have been some telepathy going on today joey - I also happened to post a tulip and trillium. Yours are stunning - a feast for the eyes.

  17. April was a brat here. Most of my photos are mulch with one green sprout. Your collages are fantastic enough to be in garden mags!

    Christine in Alaska

  18. Hi Joey,

    I thought I responded to this wonderful post of spring flowers. I know I looked at it, but the wind must have gotten to me.

    I didn't realize that Picassa could do those beautiful collages. I will have to try this.


  19. I luv the clock in your garden. Tell us about it....or maybe you've done that before and I missed it.

    So many pretty flowers, so many different varieties and colors. Makes me want to have them all.


  20. Thank you, Tatyana. Unlike you the awesome traveler, I never left home :) Your Death Valley post was truly amazing, one I might have to revisit. Happy May!

    Hi, dear Beckie. Yes, April made me very happy ... the weather, stunning! Happy May ... this is my favorite month that I wish was twice as long :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, Jodi, and thank you. Yes, May is here (but what happened to April ... it evaporated)!

    Thank you, dear Gail. And may I return the compliment ... you grow a pretty garden too! Gardens are us :)

    Love this quote also, Scott, and thank you. Happy May shooting ... there should be lots to keep us busy!

    Very easy and user friendly, Eileen ... give it a try! Thank you for you kind comment.

    Funny, Rick! I saw your fine shots ... glorious. Thanks for stopping by and Happy May!

    My goodness, Christine, thank you! I do hope spring soon finds you in Alaska! Wishing you a beautiful May garden.

    Thanks Donna ... I luv my clock, a Mother's Day gift several years ago and featured in many of my year round photos. Happy May gardening!
