Thursday, June 24, 2010


"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

~ Hans Christian Anderson

(Echinacea purpurea 'Doubledecker')

~ Guests proclaiming they don't like salmon, love this! Give it a try ...
(great for a buffet brunch or dinner ... )
For each 1 1/2 lb. of salmon fillets (skin or skinless)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
3 Tbsp. Bourbon
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp. chopped green onions
additional green onions
  • Combine brown sugar, bourbon, soy sauce, olive oil and chopped green onions. Pour over rinsed and patted dry salmon fillet. Marinate several hours.
  • Remove salmon and reserve marinade. Grill salmon over hot coals until opaque or until oil breaks through surface ( 9-15 minutes depending on thickness and outdoor temperature).
  • While salmon is cooking, bring marinade to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes (sauce should be thick and coat spoon). Add reserved green onions to sauce or pour sauce over salmon and garnish with green onions.

    Note: Delicious served with roasted rosemary redskin and/or sweet potatoes. For a buffet, surround with tri-colored julienne sliced peppers (red, orange & yellow) sauteed in a touch of extra-virgin olive oil seasoned with a pinch of coarse salt & freshly cracked pepper.


  1. Hi Joey, my Echies have just started blooming, too, though one looks shriveled up (???). I knew my mouth/half of head would feel numb after getting two fillings replaced, but I seem to have a hugely reduced sense of taste, too. That's not right! My orange cosmos, which I planted next to the choccie ones, have buds!!

  2. Dear Joey, I cannot imagine that there are people who profess to dislike salmon for it is one of the most delicious, in my view, of all fish. I do note though that your receipt advises 'grilling on hot coals' - something I had previously thought to be reserved for saints and sinners, not salmon!

    All the Echinacea are wonderful perennials. For my part I grow E. 'White Swan' but those which you picture are equally lovely.

  3. Hi Joey..not only are your blooms super gorgeous( fabulous shots)..but i love the recipe too.!! I have never used it with bourbon..but the rest sounds close to how i do it..yay..I will try yours..fantastic!

    i love salmon...and yes many think they do not like it..they just havent had it done nice! awesome recipe..a keeper..thanks!!

    Beautful blooms! One of my faves!!

  4. Oh Joey, that salmon sounds divine! Can't wait to try it. Your Echinacea are lovely. I haven't tried to grow those in a while. They rather wilted in the heat of my last garden, but they are such a lovely flower.

  5. I'm a big fan of echinacea. Can't eat seafood, but if I could....

  6. Love your coneflower collage dear Joey!

  7. Joey, one of my favorites are coneflowers. They are so different, heights, colors, some whispy like the Orange and Mango Meadowbrites and some tall and sturdy like Magnus and Sundown.

    Salmon is also a favorite fish, not my husband's - no fish, so I buy salmon for myself.


  8. That salmon sounds delicious. I've got one with Maple Ginger Glaze that is also really good. I will need to try this one.

    I think this afternoon might have been the most beautiful day of the summer so far. (Ha...since it only started on Monday.)

  9. This is a newbie, Monica. All others fell to the wayside, nowhere to be found this season. Though not my all-time favorite echinacea (the double-decker remains to be seen), it seems to be happy here in its new home.

    Great comment, dear Edith. Only you would come up with such a great tidbit! Have had salmon 3x this week (all different ... all favorites). I too have a white one, soon to be featured!

    Thanks, dear Kiki! Give it a try and hope you like it (let me know).

    You are a dear, Clare. Do hope you try this and let me know. For the first time in ages, have had major issues with echinacea this season (all disappeared and starting from scratch). A must in my garden, I have no problem with including them again ... so, we'll see!

    So, '1 our of 2' a hit, Cameron, not too bad!

    Thanks, dear Kala! More to come ...

    Sounds like you have been luckier than I have, Eileen. For some reason, this past season was not 'echinacea friendly' to me! So since I can't live without them, hoping my newbies will survive. Salmon is not for everyone but those of us who adore it, must treat ourselves :)

    Hi Lindalou! Probably similar (hard to go wrong with salmon but the bourbon sure 'kicks it up a notch'!

  10. Excuse me but did you say Bourbon?! My fave next to Southern Comfort.

    Just bought two 'pixie 'Coneflowers developed by the Chicago Botanical garden as I haven't had luck with the orange ones I love so much.

  11. Thank you Joey! My husband is always looking for new salmon recipes.We are going to fish in Alaska in July. Hopefully, we'll bring some salmon home.
    The blooms are very, very pretty, and your collages are great as always!

  12. Coneflowers are among my favorite flowers Joey. The stand in my garden has the most exquisite fragrance~The only way to describe it is to say it smells like my childhood and romping around my cousin's farm! Like yours, my echinacea in the sunniest bed struggled with the huge rainfalls we've had...But I always plant more. gail

  13. I remember your fine taste for Bourbon, dear Carolyn, and knew you might come poppin' over for a peek! Good luck with your 'pixies' ...

    Thank you, Tatyana. You lucky gal ... I remember the huge salmon photo from your last Alaskan trip! We have been dining on seasonal Copper River salmon, a pure delight. If looking for more salmon recipes, I have several posted. Good luck fishin' and have a wonderful time.

    Like butterflies, I love coneflowers too, Gail, and have tried all the varieties of 'Big Sky' in various locations (except the white, which I now have) with 'NO LUCK'! We shall see how happy my new kids in the neighborhood adjust :)

  14. Good morning, Joey. Your blooms are beautiful.

    I have a salmon recipe that's a tiny bit like yours and I use it a lot because it's so easy. Just salmon, whole grain mustard and brown sugar. Who would have guessed brown sugar with salmon:)

  15. Mornin' Marnie! I have that yummy recipe too :) Off to the lake but a bit torn since my garden has never looked so lovely. Happy weekend :)

  16. Many of the June flowers that you are saying goodbye to are the July flowers in my garden that I am just saying hello to. :-) -Jean

  17. Hi Jean ... and why viewing other gardens is always a delight. Happy July gardening!
