Tuesday, June 29, 2010


"When one tugs at a single thing in nature,
he finds it attached to the rest of the world."

~ John Muir

Stokes' Aster




Lilies, Daylilies, Rudbeckia, Coneflowers, Chocolate Cosmos

Hosta, Red Begonia, Gerbera Daisy, Coreopsis 'Moombeam'

(Cherry Brandy)

'New Kid on the Block'
(Rudbeckia - 'Cherry Brandy')

(Echinacea purpurea 'Doubledecker')





  1. My Stokes are blooming right now too--never looked at them close enough to see their anthers. Awesome!!

  2. Joey, the Stokes' Aster and Rudbeckia photos are so stunning! Hope all is well and that you are staying out of the heat.

  3. Joey, you are a fabulous artist with an exceptional eye for form and color.

    I planted two Stokesia last year and lost both overwinter. Seeing yours blooming, I'm disappointed all over again.

  4. These are all lovely, but the stokes aster is out of this world!!!! Beautiful photography!

  5. Joey you always have such beautiful collages of flowers. I really love the aster, that photograph is stunning, and I love the monkshood too, it's such a lovely blue.

  6. What wonderful photos and lots of work to arrange them into so pretty collections.
    Well done Joey.

  7. Gorgeous photos Joey..i love the rudbekia..woah!! Every visit here is like a floral catalogue...full of eye candy..just beautiful!!

  8. You have such a well manicured garden. the flowers are well spaced and timed. Very beautiful.

  9. Your garden looks so peaceful, especially with the white wrought iron bench. The coneflowers are not the usual, and they are one of my favorite plants. I need to branch out a little more with these varieties.

    Astilbes, always a delight to see this time of year in areas where you do not expect vivid flowers.


  10. i just want to come live in your garden.

    I'm typing this one handed as I've go Luke in the other.

  11. You have had a good June I can see! Very beautiful blooms and collages. I hope July is just as prolific for you!

  12. Love that shot of the aster! Your other photos aren't slouches either. Great work. as usual!

  13. That Rudbeckia macro is superb Joey. A+ work.

  14. As always stunning images Joey! you will always win me over with blue and white in the garden... beautiful

  15. Stunning Aster shot at the top there; outstanding work! Go get yourself a cold beer for that one!

  16. Thanks Monica ... enjoyed your Ann Arbor article but wasn't able to log in and leave a comment :( Isn't today grand :)

    Hi Di and thank you. Actually, it's in the 60s this AM, truly delightful and I should be in the garden taking advantage of this gift!

    Thank you, dear Marnie. I do so enjoy painting with plants :)

    Thanks Karen, it was fun to shoot ... BTW, so enjoyed your last post!

    Hi Clare and thank you. So much is blooming in the garden, it's hard to keep up and impossible to photograph. Daylilies are in their glory ... you can almost hear them pop!

    Thanks imac ... it did take quite some time :) Collages work well to view sections of a large garden like mine.

    Hello, dear Kiki, and thank you for the fun thought ... love the term 'eye candy'.

    Welcome Sylvana and thank you. Perennial gardens do require much thought and lots of work to keep neat and tidy.

    I love my bench, Eileen, and thank you for the lovely comment. June is a stunning month!

    Please do come, Lindalou, and bring that cutie, Luke :)

    June was indeed wonderful, Rosey, and thank you. Happy July gardening :)

    Thanks Rick ... happy shooting :)

    Wow, thanks Kala :)

    Thank you, dear Ronelle. Blue & white do cool the garden down. Happy July!

    Thanks IG ... if it wasn't so early in the morning, perhaps!

  17. You have created a beautiful blog. I look forward to visiting again!

  18. Joey, you are a woman of never ending talents!!!

    June snuck by all too quickly - my beautiful girlies are both a year older, but I'm not a year wiser!

    It's been so hot here today I couldn't garden - unknown!I could really do with some rain on my plants - do you think rain dancing across the Atlantic is in your skills list?! :D

  19. Love the collages of your sweet garden! You tease us with these glimpses. It must be heavenly in person.

  20. Joey, As always, your photos are very striking! Thanks for the refreshment. :-)

  21. Oh, how lovely! This is my favorite time of the year ~ when gardens are overflowing with bright blooms. That Rudbeckia is a new one for me -- I want it, I want it! Happy 4th, Joey!

  22. Welcome, Meredehuit, and thank you. Will look forward to your return :)

    Liz, you are 'the bestest' and love your flowery comments (keep them coming, dear friend)! Happy July gardening :)

    You are a dear, Cameron, and so enjoy visiting heavenly vignettes of your garden also. Wishing us both ... stunning July gardens.

    Hi dear Shady ... thanks fun friend :)

    Hope you find this flaming beauty, dear Kate! I think you two would have a fun time together!

  23. Joey, your garden is wonderful, and so are your collages. Can you believe June is already in the can? I can't really. Summer is going by too too fast.~~Dee

  24. Wow, you have some stunning flowers and photos!!
    Not used to seeing so many pics in one post.
    They say Shasta Daisy is perennial here...but never had any come back.

  25. Lovely quote, Joey, and so true. Your garden is just bursting with blooms right now--are those Annabelles behind the wrought iron settee? I must admit I'm jealous of your 'Cherry Brandy' rudbeckias. I planted some seeds, but they never came up; so disappointing.

  26. Summer seems to be racing by for me too, Dee. June seemed like a fleeting moment and here it is July. Happy 4th ... I'm off for an on/off 3 week family reunion at the lake and missing many of my fav blooms here in the garden. Happy 4th :)

    Thank you, Patsi. I do have lots going on and much more popping throughout July, much that I will be missing while away. Wishing you a beautiful holiday weekend.

    Hi, dear Rose, and yes those are indeed Annabelles (have another bunch by the side of the garage, perfect pruned plant for shoveled snow.) I admit ... I am not a sower of seeds ... these beauties were from the local Farmer's Market! Happy 4th :)

  27. Wonderful garden photos!

  28. I love these collages. You have such a gorgeous yard and garden!

  29. I love all the flowers here!

  30. what wonderful things you have growing on your green patch of earth. they are all quite the showplace...i love the chocolate cosmos. i hope you are enjoying all that is summer. spending time with family, time in the garden and time on the lake.
    happy july.

  31. Joey your summer garden and all the colors in your creative mosaics are a delight for my eyes!
    Love the heart shaped heart in mosaic #1!
    Love the winding path made out of stones...I simply LoVe summer gardens!Your garden is an oasis I can see!Happy summertime and have a wonderful day in your garden! anna

  32. Welcome Don and thanks :)

    Thanks Wendy :) I'm missing the garden, wondering what I'm missing here at the cottage.

    Thanks Christine :)

    Hi dear Marmee ... blessed to enjoy 2 pieces of heaven, thank you for your kind thoughts.

    Anna, thank you dear friend. I'm on vacation, trying to enjoy life here at the lake house with family while my garden back home is blooming away without me.

  33. What a stunning garden Joey - is it your garden at home or at the lake house? Wherever it is, it's beautiful - I love all the colours and textures :)

  34. ooh, these are gorgeous, especially the daylily beckoning a closer look. I love how your photography is able to get all your blooms to look so fresh, plump, and beautiful!

  35. Nutty, how did I miss this in my travels. Yes, this is home where I spend most of my life when not at the lake. It's been my canvas for plants for over 30 years and why when not here, my heart is. Thank you, dear friend.

    Thank you, Wendy. Plump and lush, July is daylily heaven here. Wish I could keep up on all photos to show you each and every proud face, waiting to bloom for one single day ... I honor the daylily!
