Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"Gardening is what we gardeners like to do: digging, fussing with our plants, weeding, deadheading ~ all the soothing creative labor that goes into maintaining our personal Edens."

~ Page Dickey

Late July Daylily

Garden Phlox
(P. paniculata)

Chinese Astilbe

Late July Daylily

Favorite July Daylily

(Annabelle Hydrangea - H. macrophylla)

Black-Eyed Susan

Shasta Daisy

Rose of Sharon
(Hibiscus syriacus)

"Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are."

~ Alfred Austin


  1. Dear Joey, The quotation by Alfred Austin which you have included with this wonderful montage of July flowers is so very true. Our gardens do, most certainly, reflect our characters, our personalities, our likes and dislikes and, I believe, indicate so clearly the kinds of people we are and the lives we lead. Whether to reveal so much, mostly unwittingly, is always for the good is quite another matter?!!

  2. Morning Joey - beautiful mantages again! I'm especially drawn to that Chinese Astilbe, I think it's gorgeous in its fluffyness!

    I'm off out to work in the garden for the day .....if the rain holds off :P

  3. I love those late daylilies. I am going to pay more attention to bloom time, especially for the late ones.


  4. Everyone seems to have stunning Rudbeckia; Mrs IG is taking charge of the front garden next year (I've grown a lot of bineweed in it this year), and I'm trying to persuade her that we need some Rudbeckia!

  5. Hi Joey~What a beautiful post and the quotes are very nice. Although, I surely don't want AA to see my garden today~What would he think of me! xxgail~

  6. Lovely July blooms, Joey! The astilbe is just perfect. A great quote--my non-gardening children just don't get it why I enjoy gardening so much, but this is exactly why.

    I can't believe that July is almost over; here's hoping that August is cooler!

  7. Hi Joey, I have a daylily very similar to the one you call your favorite. Love the centers. Don't they look like they have a fire glowing inside:) Your photos are beautiful. Such abundance in June and July, then things start to reverse.

  8. I always love visitng your blog, so beautiful and inspiring! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my rose garden post. I do love that garden!

  9. Very true, dear Edith! You are a wise woman and thank you. Do hope your weekend is delightful!

    Hi Nutty! Thank you, dear friend, and enjoy your day in the garden. Weather is awesome here today ... sunny and 68ยบ right now. We're off to the lake, hoping it will be as beautiful/sunny there. Happy weekend :)

    Many daylilies are still going strong, Eileen. Sure wish I knew the name of my favorite late yellow ... a perfect daylily! Shame on me but they have been in the garden for over 25 years!

    Go for it IG! You won't be disappointed! They seem to be like Clydesdale perennials.

    Hello, dear Gail. A.A. would love it as we all do. Thinking of you with big hugs since today is the first anniversary of my sister's death. Feels good to share that with you since I know your heart is with mine. Let's both enjoy life and, hopefully, a wonderful weekend!

    Thank you, dear Rose. Yes, hoping for a cooler August. Enough is enough of this oppressive heat and humidity! (I have not had a good hair day all summer :)

    Hi, dear Marnie, and thank you. I'm with you about the reverse gardening ... not as happy in the garden in Aug/Sept as in spring and early summer.

    Hi Meredehuit. Delighted to see you and thank you for your kind comment.

  10. As usual your colors are just so cheery and bright and beautiful. Love to stop by and get a smile.

  11. I love your collages; everything looks so nice grouped by color. :) (What? No recipe for me not to be able to make?!)

  12. Big smile back and thank you, Scott :) Always a delight to visit you too.

    Thanks, dear Monica. Sorry, no recipe (though have been cooking up a storm) ... a hurried post to end the month before heading north. If bored and hungry, you can practice boiling a perfect egg :)

  13. My personal eden is looking a little shabby at the moment. The vegetable garden is ok, but about the only things blooming at the moment, are the squash blossoms and the rosemary! A similar color palette to your lovely July garden, just not nearly as cheery or spectacular!

  14. Oh, I have missed your beautiful collages Joey! Gorgeous!! You are so talented! ;>)

  15. Beautiful Flower Power Joey.

  16. You are too kind, Clare. Loved my visit into your rich/rodent life :)

    Hello, dear Carol. I too have so enjoyed your beautiful posts, heartfelt and stunning. You have a gift for engaging all to feel welcome. Summer hugs.

    Thanks imac ... just returned in awe from your site. Life is rich behind the lens!

    Thank you, sebi, and hope you enjoyed your visit. You too have a lovely site.

  17. Beautiful shots - the phlox and hydrangea images are super gorgeous!

  18. Hi Joey: your mosaics are just lovely - pretty blooms!

  19. aloha i love your mosaics and ode to purple and yellow...i've never seen a white rose of sharon before and a double one at that, thanks for sharing.

  20. What a beautiful blog you have. I am so glad I stumbled upon it through Blotanical. Gorgeous photos. You have a great eye for form and color.

  21. wonderful blooms from your summer garden....i love the flowers of summer. i am missing mine being in fl with the new grandbaby.
    i know you are enjoying your time on the lake.

  22. As usual great photos all,but I liked the angle and lighting of your first day lilly photo

  23. An honor coming from your talented eye, dear Kala. Thank you dear camera buff friend.

    Welcome to my world, Scottweberpdx, and thank you. So enjoyed visiting you also.

    Thank you, Heather, and welcome. Do hope you will return. So enjoyed touching base with you.

    Noel, welcome and thank you. You live in a beautiful world and so enjoyed my visit to your stunning site.

    You are most kind, Jacquline D'Elia. Let's not be strangers ... you have much to share that I also enjoyed.

    Marmee, your life is rich and the baby, beautiful. Indeed blessed, I thank you for sharing the joys of your life.

    Thanks, Chad ... flanked with hosta, this is a stalwart beauty in my July garden, worthy of an opening :)

  24. Hi Joey,
    What a beautiful blog you have!!
    Gorgeous collages!
    Have a nice weekend!!

  25. Hi Joey, You are always inspiring. First the garden photos and then the recipes. Your last quote - show me your garden and I'll show you who you are... ohmygoodness. I can't show anyone my WEEDS! ;-0

  26. Hi Joey,
    I am so sad that today is the last day of July. I got teary reading that quote, because I am having jaw pain that hurts when I am doing any pulling or cutting. I am doing some light gardening for a little while in the mornings, but can't stay out for long at a time. I also can't sit at the computer for as long at a time as I like. Well, I need to leave my pity party and be thankful the pain is under control, and may be starting to get better.

  27. I love the flowers photos and the way that you have a tile mosaic of them. So pretty.

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to visit my blog. I so enjoy blog hopping; there are so many wonderful gardeners out there and you are one of them!!

    Have a lovely Sunday,

  28. How about a tutorial on how to create those collages? I would love to give that a try.

  29. Welcome Xavi and thank you. Do hope you return. Happy August :)

    Hi, Shady! You are a dear and always a joy to hear from. Enjoy your break. Summer is hard to keep up with ... I'm at the lake but back home tomorrow to play catch up before returning again on Thurs. (I meet myself coming and going!)

    Hello Sue. I'm sorry you are not feeling well :( I too wonder where July went ... it flew by as did May and June. But let's enjoy August and the gifts of summmer.

    Delighted to hear from you, Carla, a fellow fun cook and gardener. Thank you for the kind comment and I certainly agree ... there are many fine gardeners!

    Welcome Maybelline and thank you. Picasa is easy ... give it a try. Good luck!

  30. What a lot of my favourite blooms you have here joey - and great shots of them! Love that quote - how true! Have a great week in your garden.

  31. Hi Joey, it's always a joy to behold a garden as beautiful as yours!Each bloom is gorgeous! Oh to live in cooler climes and grow flowers such as the ones you've shown...!! For us it is extremely difficult to grow hydrangeas. Have to find shady areas and worry about the sun. They never get to be tall. They're one of the most amazing blooms--ever!

    Have a happy gardening week!

  32. Hi Joey, this is my first visit to your blog - quite beautiful - Your garden looks healthy and loved

  33. Hi Rick ... back home after a long weekend to tend the garden and catch up. Thank you and Happy August :)

    You are a dear, Kanak, and thank you. Each gardener's garden is unique ... you have amazing tropicals that would never be happy in my garden and why it is always a joy to visit you. August hugs.

    Welcome, Gloria, and thank you. Indeed I do love my garden and judging from shots of yours, you do too! A delightful connection ...
