Sunday, November 21, 2010


"The day, water, sun, moon, night -
I do not have to purchase these things with money."

~ Plautus

(Freezing Moon - 'Gashkadino-giizis(oog)'
~ Ojibwe

"Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow."

~ Edward Sandford Martin


  1. I really like that 2nd saying. Good to be reminded that Thanksgiving doesn't have to be only once a year.

    I was noticing the beautiful full moon last night. Just lovely.

  2. I am looking out at the full moon now Joey. Yours is very magical. I love the Plautus and Martin quote. I imagine a world beneath a full moon, where people are grateful and generous every day of their lives. Thank you for sharing your big heart and imagination.

  3. Beautiful joey! Gorgeous post..i too am a moon-kindred! Lovely and magical! Enjoy!

  4. Lovely quotes joey, and your image for this post is beautiful and truly captures thanks-giving !

  5. I love what you've done with this image Joey. And I love the Plautus quote too.

  6. Wow Joey, that is beautiful, how did you do that!

  7. Beautiful Joey!
    Hope you and your family have/had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    (not sure what date Thanksgiving is as we don't have it over here!)

  8. The moon adds an interesting twist to the picture. I really like what you have done.

  9. Dearest Joey, How do you manage to create such imaginative images? They are so beautifully done and so powerful in the message and emotion that they convey. When one does not have a special 'Thanksgiving Day', it is easier, perhaps, to think of giving thanks all year round. Nevertheless, it is the perfect time to reflect on all our many gifts that we enjoy.

  10. Great quote by Edward Sandford Martin! Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Thank you, Lindalou. Unfortunately, that view might be it for awhile. What a gloomy day today! Happy Thanksgiving :)

    Thank you, Sweet Carol. I do love the moon as you do. The best things in life are free! Happy Thanksgiving :)

    I knew that kindred moon soul, Kiki! Thank you.

    How kind, Rick, thank you. Thanksgiving Blessings!

    Honored, Kala, and thank you.

    Hi Andrea and thanks. This is a multiple exposure ~ my moon photo + a favorite vintage Thanksgiving print that I have hanging at the cottage.

    Thank you for the lovely wish, Liz. Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, one of my favorite holidays! Thanks and hugs for being my fun friend :)

    Thank you, Chad. Both seemed to be a very complimentary mix last eve.

    How lovely, dearest Edith, and thank you. Yes, each day should be filled with gratitude. Like you, I am very blessed and I am most thankful for our shared friendship.

    Thanks, Shirley. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too :)

  12. Lovely image Joey. I find when my heart is filled with gratitude my life is so much richer! Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

  13. Joey,

    Thank you so much for the link to your Croque Monsieur recipe. I think it is just what I was looking for.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too.


  14. This Arty Moon is a beauty.

  15. A beautiful thought, Whimsical G. I feel the same. Thanksgiving blessings.

    Enjoy Lindalou :)

    Happy you liked the Arty Moon, imac :)

  16. A very interesting and appropriate juxtaposition of images. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  17. I love the moon image and the quote. Happy Thanksgiving, Joey!

  18. A fun post to create, Jennifer. Thank you.

    Thanks, dear Kanak, and have fun planting/enjoying your seasonal flowers.
