Monday, November 15, 2010


Autumn Leaf Abstract

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.

~ Emily Dickinson

Chrysanthemum 'Flower of the Month' Texture


  1. Emily Dickinson, one of my favorites and a gorgeous abstract!


  2. Dearest Joey, What a gay poem!!{ To use a word which my mother would frequently employ in its old-fashoned sense}. Whatever 'trinkets' we may wear, we cannot hope to compete with the beautiful jewels that Nature provides in Autumn.

  3. I love what you have done here. Stunning . Just beautiful
    Have a great day.

  4. Joey, your abstracts and textures are just stunning. I love both of them.

  5. Fabulous abstracts! I love the leaf one. Autumn certainly puts on a nice show in Michigan!

  6. Very nice abstract and texture Joey! I've been playing a lot with textures lately too and they add a nice depth to the photos, especially with the more subdued palette of fall. There is always fun to be had with photography isn't there?!

  7. A favorite of mine too, Eileen. Thank you.

    Thank you, dear Edith. Yes, autumn is a jewel and ours has been exceptionally beautiful, especially for November!

    Thank you, Lisa. Great fun creating!

    A honor coming from your gifted eye, Karen. Thank you.

    Appreciate you kind comment, Tuqui. Thank you.

    Thank you, Rosey. Michigan is 4 season beautiful ... we are never bored :)

    Yes, so much to learn, Cat, textures being one that I so enjoy playing with ... very addictive :) Thank you.

  8. Joey girl : )
    Hello there and I love these abstracts ! they are beautiful .. I would print them out and frame them : ) .. now that line will be in my head forever .. 'The Maple wears a gayer scarf" .. how true is that and put so well .. I surely missed that line before .. but with this post .. well, it is in the "vault" now ! LOL
    Lovely post !
    Joy : )

  9. Joey, Hello dear! A lovely post to start my rainy, chilly morning~Thank you~gail ps the linkwithin is showing a lovely trio of tempting meals!

  10. Good morning, luz de mi vida!

    That is one abstract I would dearly love to frame!
    Simply lovely Joey.

  11. Lovely abstract, Joey! My maple is slowing shedding its "gayer scarf."

  12. So enjoy your delightful humor, Joy :) Thank you.

    Thank you, dear Gail. Love the fall/winter harvest, my favorite time to cook.

    How sweet, dear Marysol! You light up my life too, fun friend. Thank you for your delightful visit, always an honor.

    My maples are also, Rose, and it's hard to say goodbye. Thankfully, I love to photograph the bare arms of trees!

  13. Such lovely images viewed through a gossamer veil!

  14. Joey, the colors in that first image are perfect. I'm such a fall person. If I could figure out a way to transfer it to a 3 foot square canvas I think I would! Just gorgeous, and Dickinson's poem is perfect for it too.

  15. Joey, the first one is an excellent creation of my favorite leaf! How i wish i can do that too. Beautiful

  16. Beautiful processing Joey and I love Emily's words.

  17. Joey, You mix the palette of leaf as sublimely as you do your culinary creations. There is a wondrous quality to your work. . . the mind drifts in and out of it. I love the poem too . . . so charming. Dear Emily with her vision of nature. Lovely post! ;>)

  18. I like that, Jennifer :) Thank you.

    Thanks, Clare. Except for stubborn hangin' on Norway, just about every colorful leaf has disappeared :( Thankfully, awesome autumn skies are often a gift.

    How kind, Andrea. Thank you.

    Thank you, dear Kala. Emily is a gem!

    How kind, Carol. Thank you dear creative friend :)

  19. Hello,
    I just found your blog through Karen's blog.
    You have nice pictures here. I like it.
    Wishing you a nice day, an welcome to my blog too:)
    Greetings from Berit, Norway.

  20. Welcome Bare binder and thank you. Delighted you stopped by ~ Karen's blog is a gift!

    Thanks imac :)

  21. What a cute poem, Joey! Btw: Is this photography the result of an Adobe product?

  22. I love the verse and your pictures look magical!

  23. Hi Shady and thanks. The top is a multiple exposure, the bottom adding texture layers in Photoshop/Picasa etc. Happy Thanksgiving :)

    Thank you, dear Kanak :)
