Saturday, November 27, 2010


(Hubbard Lake, MI)

"Have you ever noticed a tree standing naked against the sky,
How beautiful it is?
All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness
There is a poem, there is a song.
Every leaf is gone and it is waiting for the spring.
When the spring comes, it again fills the tree with
The music of many leaves,
Which in due season fall and are blown away.
And this is the way of life."

~ Krishnamurti

(Hubbard Lake, MI)


  1. Beautiful pictures Joey!! I think they just might make beautiful paintings too! :)

  2. Even naked...the trees against the sky look striking.

    Stop by my blog. I've got a giveaway going on for a new movie DVD from Warner Brothers.

  3. Evocative words to go with peaceful pictures Joey. You're so creative :)

  4. Dearest Joey, There is, as you say here, a magic to trees in every season. Whether it is the beauty of their natural form or the wonder of a mature tree in full leaf, they serve to mark the continuity of time, the passing of the seasons and the gift of just being alive!!

  5. Very beautiful image! I always like how trees look against the blue sky

  6. Hi Joey..another mega beautiful post..inspiring.

  7. Joey, how alone the tree looks without it's leaves, but I always love to see the bones of the tree.


  8. A beautiful post Joey, and even if November is naked, the rich colors in your photographs, for this time of year, are remarkable!

  9. Trees are grand even when they're naked.
    Love our four seasons.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Dear Angela ~ thank you. I am so impressed with your talent! You are most welcome to enjoy and paint whatever strikes your fancy. Please continue to keep in touch.

    Thanks, dear Lindalou. I did stop by and post my story :)

    Dear Liz, a joy in my life :0) Thank you.

    So true, dearest Edith. You are one that sees the beauty of life from different perspectives ... and so love the view from your eye :)

    Thank you, fer, and so do I!

    Thanks Michelle. As you well know, Michigan is grand :)

    Thanks, dear 'inspiring' Kiki.

    Hi, dear Eileen. And so do I as well as the bones of the garden that sustain me until spring.

    We are both fortunate to enjoy the 4 seasons, Patsi. No one knows better than those of us who are blessed.

    Thanks, dear Esther ... a lovely thought! I think your life is full enough :)

  12. I never before thought about November as the naked month, but that's what it is here in our part of the USA. Naked, simple, uncluttered...I kinda like it that way.


  13. I love to admire naked trees, especially if there is water behind the tree and the sun is rising. Last NYE I was up near Sault Ste. Marie, MI and caputured just such a photo. Of course, the water was frozen...LOL.

  14. That top photo is utterly magnificent...lonely and majestic. However, it didn't make me feel any warmer, I have to's one of those 'hug the stove' days here.

  15. I am one who loves November, Donna, not only because it's my birthday month but downtime once the garden is put to bed and can focus on my many other passsions, cooking/entertaining being one :)

    Me too, Zoey. Isn't our Michigan wonderous! We are at our cottage in northern MI now and love watching the lake freeze over, usually in Jan, then again the joy of hearding it unthaw ... almost deafening to hear the cracking ice break up. Life is filled with simple pleasures :)

  16. Thank you, dear jodi. I love the bones of bare November! But yes, it's cold ... only 29 tonight here at the lake and the roaring fire suits me just fine :)

  17. Lovely photos and words to accompany them Joey.

  18. I like trees in winter and the words of Krishnamurti are so beautiful
    Thanks for your choice

  19. Yep that's what November looks like in my garden right now too. Great poem! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family Joey. :)

  20. I love the first image Joey. Trees are so majestic and stir powerful emotions...lovely, lovely shot.

  21. Thank you, dear Mireille. It's wonderful seeing you again :)

    Indeed Thanksgiving was wonderful, Racquel, as I hope yours was. But where did November go :( I'm having a hard time keeping up with these fly-by months :)

  22. Thanks Cat. In the garden or simply looking at a tree, I love the bare bones of November

  23. Joey, you have religiously recorded the change of seasons around Hubbard Lake. Despite the bareness, the images are beautiful! And the apt!

    I'm here from my new blog. I hope you'll come and see me here too!:)


  24. Joey, Outstanding~Beautiful images and I so love the quote. I hope your holiday was filled with love and celebration. xxoogail

  25. Ah, Joey, now I know we are kindred spirits. I have this same poem saved in my documents, thinking I would use it some time this winter. It is such a hopeful way of looking at the world this time of year, isn't it? Your photos are perfect illustrations to accompany the poem, too.

  26. Thanks Kanak and indeed I do like your new site and interesting post. We are at the lake now :)

    In spite of the fact dear daughter fractered her ankle on Thanksgiving, the holiday was grand, dear Gail. Thank you :) xxoo

    Yes, kindred spirits are awesome Rose. I like the thought and thank you, dear friend.

  27. Lovely pics, Joey! But, wait a minute... no snow?? :) We're getting another foot of fluffy whiteness this evening.

  28. Thanks Kate. Well, no snow yet! Flurries expected tonight but heading home, a 3 1/2 hour drive south, tomorrow. So far, so good. But tomorrow IS December! Enjoy the fluffy whiteness and get those snowshoes out! I have mine ready for when we return :)

  29. Hi Joey! Your first photo is wonderful!! Reminiscent of one I see in a catalog from time to time (except in a snowy scene). Is this near you? Could you get a photo in the Winter??

    Happy December to you and your family.

  30. Thank you, dear Shady. This photo was taken of pastoral scenery surrounding our lake cottage. I have never thought of photographing it in winter ... but perhaps I should. Happy December, dear friend :)
