Monday, January 24, 2011


"Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories."

~ From the movie An Affair to Remember

(January 21, 2011)



(30 year old recipe adapted from Bon Appetit)

Whole brisket (8 pounds)

2 large chopped onions

2 cloves crushed garlic

2 packages onion soup mix

1 bottle chili sauce

1 can beer

3 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

3 slices rye bread

8-12 large carrots

cracked pepper

chopped parsley

  • Rub brisket with garlic and place on bed of chopped onion in tight covered roasting pan. In order over brisket sprinkle fresh pepper, Worcestershire sauce, soup mix, chili sauce, and beer.
  • Lay carrots around brisket. Tear bread in small pieces and tuck under brisket so liquid is covering bread. Cover and place in oven at 350 º for 45 minutes.
  • Reduce oven to 275º and cook for 2 hours and 15 minutes or until done. (Check to see if bread is covered by liquid).
  • Remove and cool. Slice and arrange meat and carrots on oven proof platter. Cover with foil.


Take bread, onions and 2 cups liquid from pan. Place in blender until blended. If too thick, add more liquid. Adjust seasoning. Return to pan and blend with remaining liquid. Abut 1/2 hour before serving, reheat meat and carrots. Arrange on serving platter. Pour part of gravy over sliced meat. Serve remainder separately in sauce boat. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

'Wa-gi-daa-king' Winter
(Hubbard Lake, MI)

View From Top Deck

Snowy Woods

January Sunset
(Hubbard Lake, MI)


  1. Dearest Joey, Happy New Year!! I have so missed your tempting receipts during my absence. I am wondering if my Mrs N could be persuaded to try out the Brisket as it sounds perfect for a winter supper or even a Sunday lunch with friends.

  2. Beautiful Post Joey, but I really love the Moon.

  3. Hi Joey,

    Hubbard Lake looks beautiful in all seasons. I make a barbequed brisket but this recipe sounds even better than barbeque sauce. I can't wait to try this one!


  4. Your moon and sun images are beautiful. So are all the mosaics, what a nice way to present. And the brisket sounds yummy, a must try.

  5. Wonderful, warm post! The chilly photos are warmed up by the moonlight and delicious meal:-) I want to come live at Hubbard Lake;-)

  6. Delighted to see you back, dearest Edith, and thank you. I'm sure with a bit of tweaking, you can indeed persuade Mrs. N to prepare this super easy brisket.

    Thanks iMac ... I particularly love moonrises and moonsets, not always able to see ... so Friday AM was a gift!

    Thank you, Eileen. Though frigid, blessed with a beautiful early AM moonset and evening sunset (and lovely guests), it was a beautiful weekend.

    Thank you, gardenwalk ... do hope you enjoy the brisket ... so simple. Let me know.

  7. Joey, your photos are always a delight, but the moonset in your first photograph is phenomenally beautiful!

  8. Joey! What planet are you on? I want to fly there and see that moon! Fabulous! What a beautiful place you have by the lake.

  9. That moon photo is amazing! Love the sunsets too. Michigan sunsets are so beautiful!

  10. I love the quote, Joey! Although I start complaining about the long winter about this time every year, it does have its own beauty. And without winter, I'm sure I wouldn't appreciate spring nearly as much.

    I have a brisket in the freezer and have been wondering how to cook it--thanks for a delicious-sounding suggestion!

  11. Joey, Beautiful photos, a wonderful movie quote (I do love that movie) and a great recipe~Perfect. xogail

  12. Very pretty collages!

    I am always trying to think up new ways to cook meat in the winter. Thanks for the recipe!

  13. Had fun looking at all your pics.
    Like that you can click twice to get the largest view.
    The moon rise is prize winning !!!

  14. Such an inventive idea to pair the moon and sun photos and such gorgeous images.

  15. Oh, to dine on that brisket while watching that sunset!

    You are a lucky lady to have these views!

  16. It's always a treat visiting here... for so many reasons. It looks as though you had a Wonderful time at the lake!

  17. If you keep posting all these amazing photos taken at Hubbard Lake, you might end up finding me on your door step one of these days. Just kidding....don't worry. No need to bar the door. lol


  18. Such beautiful shots, I never get tired of telling you that.

    Funny thing about the quote, I had it on my list to use in a blog post this week. Great minds, and all that.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  19. Thanks dear Jan. Your wish is my command ... you must come! Life is very simple at the lake ... we simply enjoy! (Ya, right ... 2 homes are lots of work :) But work seems simpler at the lake and we love to share ...

    Thanks Clare ... you might have guessed, if looking closely at the moon, the original moon that night (large) is superimposed on the photo over the moon sized as I saw it setting on the lake.

    Dear Carol, thank you. We both never seem to tire of photographing the wondrous joys that we are blessed to (never truly own) but tend. While my garden back home waits, I am content to share the joys of winter.

    Thank you, Karin. Yes, Michigan sunsets are amazing! Blessed to be surrounded by the Great Lakes and thousands of beautiful inland lakes, of which this is to me one of the most beautiful, the remains of the day are truly awesome.

    How true, Rose. Winter wears its own beauty and why I love the 4 seasons, each unique. Hope you enjoy this simple recipe.

  20. Thanks Gail ... how many times have you watched this movie! There are very few that I watch more than once ... this is one!

    Hi Rosey ... this is a hearty dish, one never would crave in summer!

    Thanks Patsi! I know, lots to see. Our weekend getaway was wonderful ... certainly not as warm as your last trip that sounded perfect for this time of year.

    Thank you, Carolyn ... it was a true delight to see both the moon set and sun set in the same day ... a fun capture!

    Hi Zoey ... you well know how lovely Michigan sunsets can be!

    Thanks, dear Shady. The weekend was delightful and hoping to return next weekend. I'm blessed to tend both pieces of earth that I love.

    Would love to have you visit, Donna. It's fun to entertain new guests and show them around. I am a 'self proclaimed' Michigan ambassador!

    Jen, you are a dear. You well know I am also a huge fan of yours! We must someday meet ... a dream for me :)

  21. Your collages are always beautiful, but I am extra-wowed by the image of the moon! It's spectacular.

  22. Hubbard Lake looks sublime! Wonderful photos Joey! Winter need not end when it's that beautiful! Well...

  23. Hi Joey: Your photos are indeed amazing! I will be visiting your blog a lot more often. The mosaics are fun. Do you use PhotoShop to create them? We're in similar climates, but you have the benefit of a lake -- how wonderful!

  24. Beautiful January sunsets Joey! And the recipe you posted sounds so good for this time of year.

  25. Love the first photo! and thank you for the recipe too

  26. Thank you, 'sweet' Sweetbay :)

    Hi Michelle and thank you, one who know the splendor of this beautiful state.

    Thank you, PlantPosting. Yes, Photoshop is one of the many tools I use and Picasa is great for creating a collage. These are photos of my up north cottage ... home is downstate (3 1/2 hour drive) and a bit milder climate.

    Thanks, Kala. Yes, comfort food!

    You are very welcome, fer, and thank you. Always a joy to hear from you.

  27. my dream is to snowshoe with you next Christmas at Hubbard Lake! will my dream come true?

  28. Wouldn't that be wonderful, susie! Dreams do come true ... Actually, off this AM for another winter wonderland weekend with friends and, hopefully, snowshoeing.

  29. i love all the many great photos and colors and subjects. Great stuff!
