Friday, February 18, 2011


"Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul."

-~ The Koran


~ 1985 favorite retro-dessert (Bon Appetit), perfect for February (National Cherry Month)

Cherry Topping:

1 lb. (thawed) frozen unsweetened cherries
1/4 cup kirsh
1/4 cup Morello cherry syrup (or sour cherry syrup)

Chocolate Crust:

8 12 oz. chocolate wafer cookies
6 Tbsp. (3/4 stick) well-chilled butter, cut into 12-in. pieces

Chocolate Filling:

1 1/2 cups whipping cream
12 oz. coarsely chopped semisweet chocolate

16 oz. (room temperature) cream cheese
3/4 cup sugar
4 (room temperature) eggs
1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chilled whipping cream
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp. kirsch

Chocolate curls

For topping: Soak undrained cherries and kirsch in small bowl 6 hours.Thoroughly drain cherries in strainer set over medium bow, shaking occasionally, at least 2 hours. Reserve liquid. Add enough Morello cherry syrup to cherry liquid to measure 1 cup. Pour 6 Tbsp. into heavy skillet (reserve remaining liquid for filling). Halve cherries and add to skillet. Boil until syrup is thickened and mixture resembles preserves, about 6 minutes. (Can prepare 2 days ahead and chill).

For crust: Generously butter 9-in. springform pan. Finely crush cookies (on/off turns) in processor. Cut in butter (on/off turns) until mixture begins to gather together. Press crumbs into bottom of pan and up sides to 3/4 in. from top (should be no cracks). Refrigerate crust for at least 30 minutes.

For filling: Preheat oven to 325ยบ. Heat 1 1/2 cups cream with chocolate in heavy medium saucepan over low heat until chocolate melts, stirring constantly. Cool 10 minutes. Beat cream with 3/4 cup sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs, one at at time until combined. Beat in chocolate mixture, then remaining 10 tablespoons cherry liquid and vanilla. Pour into crust. Bake until outer 2 inches of cake are firm but center still moves slightly, about 1 1/4 hours (top may crack). Cool completely on rack. Top pan with paper towels and cover tightly with foil. Refrigerate 1-2 days.

Remove foil, discard paper towel and pan sides of cake. Spread cherry topping over cake. Beat remaining 1 cup cream with 2 Tbsp. sugar and kirsh to peaks. Spoon onto center of cake. Top with chocolate curls. (Can be prepared 2 hours ahead and refrigerated.). Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving. (12-14 servings)

Indoor Garden


  1. Oh, yum on the Black Forest Cheesecake. Sounds...decacdent.

    You flowers are amazing and appreciated.

    Quite the melt we've had over the last couple days. Gives me great hope for March.

  2. THat cheesecake sounds fantastic! I struggle with cyclamen every year. I really love them around the holidays and then I try to keep them going. I have two right now that are going downhill but maybe they will just rest awhile and then flower again.


  3. Dearest Joey, What a marvellous idea you have given me with your posting of today......a retro dinner party. Your Black Forest Cheescake would, of course, be the most perfect retro pudding and perhaps Coq Au Vin [very stylish 25 years ago] could be the main course. Inevitably, the starter would be Prawn all I need are the retro guests!!

  4. That is an amazing collage! and thank you for the recipe, it looks very tasty

  5. Indeed it is, Lindalou, and perfect for February, National Cherry Month. Thank you and enjoy this stunning day (we are headed north to the cottage for bit of snowshoeing :)

    Thanks Eileen. When the weather warms, put them outside ... you might be surprised! Even when they look like they are on their way out, I have great luck.

    Retro dinner parties are a delight, dearest Edith, especially with retro guests and retro music :) Yes, Coq Au Vin would be perfect ... or how about Coquilles St. Jacques or Veal Oscar? I have both recipes posted on my blog (or just key in retro in my search). I also love 'Croquet in May' parties ... a Great Gatsby afternoon delight :)

  6. Thank you, fer. Happy weekend :)

  7. Oh dear, I think my waistline expanded reading the recipe...I had no idea February was national cherry month! Seems like a fitting send-off for some lovely cherries ;)

  8. Cyclamen coum, spring-blooming hardy cyclamen, and Cyclamen hederifolium, fall-blooming hardy cyclamen, are some of my favorite plants in the garden. It is very coincidental that you posted this today because Cyclamen coum just came into bloom in my garden today. I was already celebrating!!!!

  9. Go for it Clare :) With your busy life, you will work it off!

  10. Joey, such lovely photos of the cyclamen! Thank you for sharing them--and the cheesecake recipe. (I adore cherries, but I must admit that I wonder at the wisdom of celebrating national cherry month in the middle of winter. That said, I think that DBF and I will be visiting cherry country this summer around harvest time--I can't wait! :)

    Happy snowshoeing.... :)

  11. Joey, Your photographs are so stunning and romantic! Lovely!! You seem to have all the senses covered in a delightful way.

  12. Great shots, all are really wonderful, with excellent quality and color tones, rich and delicious

  13. What a great combination for dessert...I love black forest cake, cherries and cheesecake. This sounds like a marriage made in heaven! Your collages are stunning!

  14. And thrilling reason to celebrate, Carolyn. Enjoy!

    Hi Kim! Thank you and delighted you approve and do hope you mean the July cherry festival in Traverse City ... a lovely time to visit! (No snowshoeing ... most of the snow melted :(

    You always leave the loveliest comments, dear Carol. Thank you.

    Welcome Leovi. Thank you for the most appreciated thoughts. Do hope you return. BTW enjoyed your creative photography.

    Indeed it is a marriage made in heaven, Karin. Thank you for the kind comment.

  15. Oh boy, I love the sound of that cheesecake! I posted a lonely Cyclamen for GBBD. Yours are simply perfection!

  16. you always have such great flower photos, love 'em!

  17. I haven't had much luck with cyclamens, but yours are fabulous!

  18. Thanks, fun Rosey. Loved your pink eleplant post :)

    Always a dear, Jill, thank you. Flowers are lovley as were your sweet birds!

    Thanks Robin. As I love cyclamens, they too seem to love me ... and for that I am happy :)

  19. It doesn't get much better than lovely photos of cyclamen blooming alongside a Black Forest Cheesecake recipe! :)

  20. Hi Joey, I had no idea cyclamen were in the primrose family. I really enjoyed learning more about them and their origin and habitat. The Blackforest cheesecake sounds so good!

  21. Aw, thanks Kala. You are too sweet :)

    Hi Tina! Thank you for the kind comment.

  22. Hi Joey, I didn't really know that cyclamen came in that many colours! What a beautiful plant! They're very hard to grow in our climate but I have seen them at garden shows. Your collages are stunning. And thanks for the recipe. That quote is one of my favourites!

    Have a great week!!

  23. I love cheesecake so much. Any kind of cheesecake. Why didn’t you post any pictures of the result? Anyway, great photos from your garden. Awesome flowers.

  24. What beautiful Souls you show my friend.

  25. Kanak, though many miles apart, we are of the same ilk. Thank you, dear friend.

    Welcome, Usi Termopan, and thank you. Sorry about not photographing the cheesecake. It evaporated before hungry eyes!

    Thanks thoughtful imac :)
