Saturday, February 26, 2011


"There is no instinct like that of the heart."

~ Lord Byron


~ A delicious crunchy meld of herbs, antioxidant lemon, tart cranberries & sweet dried cherries combined with 'heart-smart' salmon

1 1/2 lb. salmon filet
1/2 cup chopped fresh cranberries
1/4 cup chopped dried Michigan cherries
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh thyme or 1 tsp. dried
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 cup panko crumbs
zest of 1 fresh lemon
3 Tbsp. melted butter
sea salt & freshly ground cracked pepper to taste

  • Preheat oven to 375º.
  • Rinse and pat salmon dry. Place skin side down on foil lined baking sheet sprayed with Pam. Season with salt & pepper.
  • Combine chopped cranberries, cherries, onion, thyme, rosemary, lemon zest, and panko crumbs. Blend in 2 Tbsp. melted butter.
  • Pat mixture evenly over salmon. Drizzle with remaining butter.
  • Pop in oven and bake for 20 minutes or until salmon is opaque in center. (4 servings)


4 scrubbed sweet potatoes (peel or unpeeled)
3 heaping Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
extra-virgin olive oil
coarse salt & freshly ground cracked pepper

Slice potatoes in thin wedges or chop in bite-size pieces. Place in ovenproof pan or iron skillet. Sprinkle with rosemary, cracked pepper and coarse salt. Bake in 450º oven or 45 minutes or until roasted. (4 servings)


  1. Perfectly photographed! Stunning!

    can't eat fish, but the recipe sounds great. I'll send the link to my son who would love to make the salmon.

  2. The salmon sounds delicious as does the rosemary sweet potatoes... will definitely try your version of the roasted s. potatoes vs our ongoing love of baked s.potato fries. Lovely flowers and fotos, Joey. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  3. Stunning photos of your orchids! The black background really shows off the blooms. The salmon and sweet potato recipes sound delicious. I will have to get my mom to send me some dried Michigan cherries...they are the best!

  4. Hi Joey,

    I bought some orchids about a month ago and am on a learning curve how to care for them. They are beautiful and so graceful.

    Salmon is one of my favorite fish, yummy recipe.


  5. Dearest Joey, I have only recently 'discovered' sweet potatoes and now I am very much a fan. Your receipt for them roasted with Rosemary sounds perfect so I shall set Mrs N on to this without delay.

    I am envious [I know that is a sin] of your Orchids....Lovely!

  6. Such lovely orchids! They really pop with your black background. By the way, I think that this post title might be the longest I have ever seen!

  7. Joey, My new house will be decorated with orientals. I hope to grow a few orchids to go with the theme. Your photos are gorgeous as usual!

  8. How kind, Freda, and thank you. Northerners need to focus on something besides all the snow! Sorry about the fish ... how about the sweet potatoes :)

    Thanks Di. Mr. Ho-Hum and I love baked sweet potatoes, even the skin. For a change, roasted with rosemary are a flavorful marriage :)

    Thank you, Karin, and delighted you agree about Michigan cherries, indeed the best :)

    Have fun with orchids, Eileen. The blooms last for months so I've decided not to worry if they will rebloom. Back/forth trips to cottage force mine to vacation outside in summer, some make it, some don't.

    Delighted you enjoy sweet potatoes and covet my orchids, dearest Edith. Not only are sweet potatoes delicious but the health benefits, amazing. So eat until your heart is content :)

    Thank you, Rosey. (The post title is long-winded like me :)

    Thank you, Jane Marie. Do you have photos of your new home? You must be so excited!

  9. Fabulous photos Joey!

    Sweet potatoes are wonderful food! The Lawn Man doesn't like them. That leaves more for me. ;)

  10. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice week.


  11. What a lovely talent you have for caring for orchids...they scare me! They are so mysteriously beautiful. Beautiful photos as always. The meal sounds worth trying as well!

  12. What fantastic shots Joey, hard to pick a fav.

  13. Great comment, Linda. Luv it :)

    Welcome, Berit, and thank you. Your Norway is beautiful!

    Thank you, Cat. Orchids are mysteriously beautiful but should not be feared ... simply enjoyed :)

    Thanks imac :)

  14. yummy dishes and yummy flowers...

  15. Joey, You and Kathleen and orchids! They're truly beautiful. Your recipe sounds wonderful (as usual!). :-) Happy dreaming-of-Spring!

  16. Joey! Steve and I made your recipes tonight for our Oscar dinner, and both were AMAZING! Thank you. :)

    For anyone else who wants to make this but has trouble finding fresh cranberries: I used dried cranberries and plumped them up with some orange juice. Worked wonderfully.

  17. Hi Joey. I had to pop over when Shady Gardener left me a comment about us and orchids. You are the best photographer of them ~ hands down. Your photos are just stunning. I think I'm inspired to try photographing mine again.
    I'm going to bookmark your blog and come back to get your salmon recipe ~ it sounds divine.

  18. Thank you, Donna :)

    Hi Shady ~ thank you. Oh yes, I'm dreaming of spring!

    Delighted you enjoyed the offerings, Kim, and a perfect solution for fresh cranberries. This is a great salmon recipe for the holidays (I usually have cranberries in the freezer). An easy dinner too, isn't it! If a salmon lover like me (at least once a week), I have many more recipes posted. Enjoy :)

    Welcome, Kathleen, and thank you for the kind comment. I enjoyed visiting your blog and do hope you return.

  19. Joey girl I have to make sure i have eaten something before I visit here because you make me crazy with such wonderful recipes!
    I drool over these orchids but I have a terrible brown thumb when it comes to caring for them .. it is safer for them and myself if we don't go down that road again? LOL
    Joy : )
    Thanks for stopping by my blog girl!

  20. Gee thanks, dear Joy :)

    Hi Lindalou ~ a HUGE thank you. Happy tomorrow Michigan March :)

  21. Ay Dios mío! *faints*

    (But not before nabbing that recipe for Herb Crusted Salmon).
