Friday, March 25, 2011


"The nicest thing about the promise of spring is that sooner or later she'll have to keep it."


~ cook an extra pound and make salmon cakes the next day


For each pound of salmon

whisk together ~

3 Tbsp. fresh orange juice

zest of 1 orange

2 Tbsp. soy sauce

1 Tbsp. rice vinegar

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

1 tsp. minced garlic

2 tsp. minced fresh ginger

Preheat oven to 450º. Pour mixture over salmon and bake 13-15 minutes, depending on thickness. Do not overcook. Fish should cut easily by not flake apart.


~ fresh herbs, a must

1 cup Arborio rice

1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup sliced assorted mushrooms

1/2 cup diced onion

1/2 tsp. chopped garlic

1/2 cup white wine

1 tsp. chopped shallots

1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

2 1/2 cups of hot organic chicken or vegetable stock

2 tsp. coarse salt

2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

1/4 cup fresh chopped savory herbs

(rosemary, thyme, parsley, or basil)

Have everything measured and ready. Heat olive oil in large pan. Saute onions, garlic and shallots until clear. Add rice and continue to saute for 1 minute. Deglaze pan with white wine an gradually start adding hot stock, a bit at a time. Stir until liquid is absorbed by rice, about 10 minutes. Add mushrooms, salt & pepper, and continue cooking, adding stock for another 10 minutes. When rice is plump and liquid absorbed, remove from heat. Stir in herbs and adjust seasoning to taste. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.


~ great with leftover salmon (e.g. Orange-Teriyaki Salmon) or cooked special for this delicious dish


1 pound cooked salmon

4 Tbsp. dry bread crumbs

1/4 cup mayonnaise

1 large organic egg

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

1 tsp. coarse salt

1/2 tsp. white pepper

1/2 finely chopped red bell pepper

2 Tbsp. melted unsalted butter

Hungarian paprika

chopped green onions or chives

  • In large bowl, gently blend salmon with bread crumbs. Set aside.
  • Combine mayonnaise, egg, Dijon, red pepper and salt & white pepper. Gently mix together with salmon and refrigerate at least an hour.
  • Using scoop, drop onto Pam sprayed baking sheet. Brush with melted butter. Sprinkle with chopped green onion or chives and a dusting of Hungarian paprika.
  • Broil approximately 6 minutes or until golden. Serve over a bed of mixed greens, lightly dressed with Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette.


(From the Common Ground Cookbook)

3 Tbsp. spicy sesame oil

1 1/2 tsp. sugar

3 Tbsp. soy sauce

1 1/2 Tbsp. grated fresh ginger

3 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar

3 Tbsp. red wine vinegar

1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp. coarse salt

1/8 tsp. white pepper

Combine ingredients. Gradually whisk in olive oil.


  1. Spring is keeping her promise here for sure! It won't be long that we are just downright hot! Looking forward to trying your salmon cake recipe. My daughter loves them! Happy Spring Joey!

  2. WoW ~ thanks for sharing a burst of spring. Your flower collages are beautiful and your recipes sound delicious. Who doesn't love salmon? Now I'm drooling...
    'hugs from afar'

  3. Hi Joey,

    I have my pansies outside in the cold and my primroses inside.

    Salmon is a favorite and rissoto is something I love but don't have often enough.

    I used to love Carlucci's rissoto in downtown Chicago.


  4. Mmmm, your recipes sound divine and the pansies and primroses make me want to go shopping for fresh flowers and herbs. I think I'll just stare at your lovely mosaics and drool over the recipes and go make my tuna casserole! Spring will come when it wants to, then I'll be hitting the farmer's markets and picking my own herbs Yeah! Have a great weekend!

  5. Pansies! My favorite flower. Once again, you have captured its enchanting beauty.

    And the salmon recipe sounds wonderful. But clearly, somebody's toying with me because earlier today I picked up some salmon, but not before using up the last of my oranges. Regardless, this recipe is worth another trip to the store.

    Btw, Beltaire's quote may ring true, though I can't help but wonder if Michigan will ever get the memo.

    Thinking of you, mi amiga.

  6. Pansies really are the epitome of spring. Thanks for sharing these tasty recipes and photos. I always love visiting your blog. A burst of sunshine!

  7. Such gorgeous colour of spring in beautiful collages, I wonder how you did them, so amazing! It seems you are not only a good gardener but a chef as well! Kudos to you!

  8. You outdid yourself on this post, friend! I think I'll make your menu next weekend!

  9. I sure hope it keeps it's promise soon. At least the sun is out...right.

    The orange teriyaki salmon sounds wonderful. I have some really good bottled teriyaki that could be jazzed up with some orange and would probably be delish.

    Lovely pansies. Can't wait to see real flowers growing.

  10. A stunning array of primrose colors, beautiful! You know, I've never made salmon cakes. I'm inspired now. After filleting a wild salmon last year, I froze some of the awkward sized trimmings for use in a salad or pasta later, but salmon cakes seem like a perfect use! I'm definitely going to try them!

  11. You know what Joey, I reckon your blog is one of the prettiest blogs around.
    I find that your photos are super to look at.

  12. Thanks, Cat. Enjoy! Happy Spring :)

    Hi Cher! Thank you fun friend. Yes, salmon is the best! A must at least once a week for me. I have tons of favorite recipes and love them all.

    Way behind, I usually have my pansies in pots but not yet, Eileen. These are last spring goodies but hope this coming week spring will cooperate and be more like spring. I'm getting antsy!

    Welcome Sall and thank you. Yes, way behind here, I have much to look forward to once spring decides to stick around for awhile. As much as I love my garden, I hate/refuse to work in sleet :)

    Hi sweet, sweet Marysol! Don't you think by now Michigan would get the message that it's spring! The only good thing is that I can catch up INSIDE (but haven't)!

    How kind, p3. Thank you. I do like to garden and cook. With camera near, keeps the creative juices flowing ...

    Enjoy dear Linda and thank you. Both are family favorites. Really like broiling the salmon cakes instead of sautéing ... so much easier and cook/belly friendly :)

    It's about time, Lindalou! Yes, sun is good but we have all been patient enough. Thank you and hope you enjoy :)

    Thank you, Clare. Salmon cakes would be perfect for your trimmings! So easy ... hope you enjoy. And as stated above, broiling them seems just as tasty.

    Thank you, dear imac. I'm honored by your keen eye and thoughtful words.

  13. Thank you, Rosey. I so love having you visit. You are a burst of sunshine :)

  14. I know I've said it before...BUT you do some really artsy photo work.
    Sooo impressed !
    Wish I could see your know like be there.

  15. I'm hugely fond of all types of rice.

    I made pea risotto on Friday. I can taste that Salmon, yum.

  16. Pansies and primula, harbingers of spring! Just the sort of thing we needed to lift our spirits on this chilly weekend. Take care of yourself, dear Joey, you're in my thoughts. xx jodi

  17. I was just thinking this morning that I should go buy some pansies to get my flower "fix." Your lovely photos, Joey, make me even more determined to do just that. I do have a few primroses blooming despite the fact the temperatures dipped into the 20's last night--they are hardy souls!

  18. How kind, Patsi ... thank you. If ever near, you are very welcome to visit my garden. I would be honored and so enjoy meeting you!

    Yes, good stuff, Rob. I luv peas! (Pea/prosciutto pasta, a favorite.) BTW ~ your spring images are breathtaking!

    Thanks, dear Jodi. Yes, both make me happy too :) My primrose are popping and hoping to get out to purchase pansies this week that normally by now are happily tucked into garden and in colorful containers.

    I don't have my pansies yet either, Rose, hopefully this week. Elusive spring is playing tricks on us! Like today, sunny but only 27º.

  19. The colors are outstanding in your collages Joey. Spring promises to arrive soon!

  20. It must be a dream to have a dinner invitation to your home Joey. Every recipe you post sounds incredibly tasty ~ the salmon cakes especially. I think I might actually give that one a whirl. Maybe my daughter will eat them too??!!
    Thank you also for the inspiration and compliment on my orchid photo session. No where near as good as yours but it was fun. I LOVE the green & white tulip photo from your previous post. It would be beautiful framed.
    I haven't bought any pansies, viola's or primulas yet but the nursery trips are just beginning. I hope to add a few more when I go!

  21. Slowly but surely, Kala. Thank you.

    How sweet, Kathleen. Thank you. Difficult to photograph, your orchid images were truly stunning. Very impressed :)

  22. Will keep it warm 'til you get here, dear Tyra!
