Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man."
~ Author Unknown

(Hubbard Lake Woods ~ Northern MI)

(Solidago canadensis)

"There are over 100 types of goldenrod in North America and over 20 in Michigan, all looking similar, thus difficult to identify. While most yellow autumn flowers are a type of goldenrod and are often blamed for hay fever, most hay fever is caused by Ragweed. Only 1-2 percent of autumn airborne pollen is from goldenrod."

(Wildflower of Michigan Field Guide ~ Stan Tekiela)

(Impatiens capensis)

"Also called Jewelweed because water droplets on its leaves shine like tiny jewels, the Spotted Touch-me-not is a tall annual plant of wet areas. Its stems are nearly translucent and contain a slippery juice that can be used to soothe the sting from nettles or Poison Ivy."

(Wildflower of Michigan Field Guide ~ Stan Tekiela)

(Lathyrus latifolius)

Flowers pink, ranging from white to purple, resemble the cultivated sweet pea of the garden

(Hemerocallis fulva L.)


(Daucus carota)

Click on Queen Anne's Lace for more information ...

(Hieracium kalmii)

One of 15 species of species of hawkweed that grows in Michigan

(Rudbeckia hirta)

Also called Brown-eyed Susan ... originally a native prairie plant ... seeds make abundant food source for goldfinches

"May all your weeds be wildflowers."

~ Author unknown


Celebrate Wildflower Wednesday
with Gail (Clay and limestone)


  1. Your mosaics are gorgeous and remind me of my grandmother's quilt.

  2. You have the most colorful and cheerful flower photos Joey!

  3. Your wildflowers are gorgeous! When I was in Michigan this summer I was most impressed with all the wildflowers. I saw fields of QAL and chicory all along the roadside that was just stunning! The concerted effort of many towns to plant native pollinator areas was also impressive.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous pics! Love your mosiacs.

  5. Lovely Joey! Great quote at the beginning of your WW post - so true!

    Your collages are divine! You found some beautiful wild things, and serendipitous combinations of them on your walk in the woods.

    Happy Wildflower Wednesday!

  6. What beautiful images of wildflowers, Joey! I love the first quote--as much as I enjoy cultivating a garden, there is nothing like seeing what nature creates on its own.

  7. Dear Joey, Your photos are a treat this morning~the Susan is a work of art~How could anyone fail to appreciate its charms! I am enamored of Lake Hubbard and must see it; preferably from your viewing area! xxoogail PS So glad you joined the celebration.

  8. Hi Joey, I love your photos as always. So pleasant looking at them. Don't you love jewelweed? I especially like its projectile seed dispersal!

  9. That's a lot of wildflowers Joey, and nobody can do better justice to them but Joey, in her endless multitudes of collages! thanks.

  10. Thanks, dear Kala. Have been enjoying your fences!

    Thank you, Karin. I so agree ... Michigan fields and roadsides are stunning in summer. Hope you enjoyed your stay. What part of the state did you visit?

    Welcome Bridget and thank you. Always fun to meet a fellow gardener :)

    Happy Wildflower Wednesday, Linda. Yes, it's always a treasure walking in the woods, one of my favorite pastimes when at the lake. Unlike many, we have been blessed with lots of rain ... everything is so green and lush!

    So agree, Rose. I too love the quote. As a child, I loved wildflowers and as I grew older, so did my appreciation. Happy remains of August :)

    Thank you, dear Gail. I was so happy to be able to contribute this month. My life of late has been back/forth and difficult to even post. I well know how you love your Susans and so do I. It would be a joy to have you visit the lake ... you are most welcome anytime. I don't think you'd be disappointed! When home, it holds my heart.

    Yes, I do love jewelweed, Monica. It was just about on its way out and hard to find fresh flowers ... they are so tiny/colorful/cute! These were bouquets for my last weekend's 2 dinner parties at the lake ... lovelier than anything you could ever buy :)

  11. You are always so sweet, Andrea. Thank you. I so enjoyed my visit with you ... lovely structures!

  12. Beautiful work and captures Joey.

  13. Joey, I always enjoy your mosaics, there is so much to feast the eyes on.

    What a stunning collection of wildflowers you have where you live.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  14. I adore your collages and whispy effects. Thanks for your comment.

  15. Beautiful pictures, wonderful collages! Thanks for stopping by my blog:)
    'hugs from afar'

  16. Beautiful! I just love Queen Anne's Lace...and your photos capture their delicate beauty so well!

  17. As always I love your collages ... so beautiful!

  18. A most beautiful display of wildflowers. They're indeed GORGEOUS!! Some of your photos look like Impressionist paintings!

  19. Wildflowers shown to perfection in your mosaics. Love them all. I did not know there were so many varieties of goldenrod, they are so lovely seen through your lens.

  20. Lovely wildflowers. Jewelweed is such a fun plant. If you touch the seed pods they explode. If you peel the seeds, which are the only edible part of the plant, they are robins egg blue.

  21. Beautiful photos and mosaics! I can't decide which is my favorite-I love the effects :) It's probably a 3-way tie between the goldenrod, Queen Anne's Lace and the black-eyed Susan :) Thanks for sharing!

  22. A lovely thought, Jenny. Thank you for visiting.

  23. Welcome, Jani. How kind ... thank you.

    Thankful thoughts, dear imac!

    Thanks, dear Jen. The forests/woods at the lake are filled with many wonders. These are just a few picked for an inside bouquet.

    Hi Rosey ... thank you.

    Thank you, Cher :)

    Happy to hear from you, Tatyana. Thank you.

    Thank you, Cat. QAL is/has always been one of my favorites!

    Thanks, sweet Sweetbay :)

    You are a dear, Kanak. Thank you. Lot's of fun creating ...

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Karen.

    Did not know that, Carolyn. Thank you for your knowledge.

    Welcome, Rebecca, and thank you for the kind thoughts.

  24. It is easy to forget how beautiful wildflowers are. I had lots of them in my old old house because we backed up to the woods. Now, if I see one pop up it's a surprise.


  25. You are so talented! Wonderful work! Bravo

  26. They are beautiful, aren't they, Eileen!

    Welcome Robert, and thank you. I'm honored!

  27. Wow! Those are all incredible. You've done a fantastic job photographing them all. I love the cascading goldenrod...and the ferns...very artistic shots. Thanks for visiting me. Enjoy the week.

  28. Breathtaking! Timeless. Joey you are a marvel!

  29. Thanks Linnea. Happy September :)

    From one who sees life through an amazing eye. Thank you, dear Carol.

  30. Beautiful pics, Joey!
    Queen Anne's Lace grows wild around here. It's rapidly becoming one of my favorite flowers on the bridle path. Hope this weekend finds you having a lovely time at the lake.

  31. What a bevy of beautiful flowers. There's 100 types of golden rods. Never heard that before. Keep up the great work with the mosaics..
