Friday, December 02, 2011


~ Delicious meld of herbs, tart cranberries, lemon & sweet dried cherries make this crunchy festive salmon memorable.
1 1/2 lbs. salmon fillet
1/2 cup chopped fresh cranberries
1/4 cup chopped dried cherries (or cranberries)
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh thyme or 1 tsp. dried
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 cup panko crumbs
zest of 1 fresh lemon
3 Tbsp. melted butter
sea salt & freshly cracked pepper
  • Preheat oven to 375-degrees.
  • Rinse and pat salmon dry. Place skin side down on foil lined baking sheet sprayed with Pam. Season with salt & pepper.
  • Combine chopped cranberries, cherries, onion, thyme, rosemary, lemon zest, and panko crumbs. Blend in 2 Tbsp. melted butter.
  • Pat mixture evenly over salmon. Drizzle with remaining butter.
  • Pop in oven and bake for 20 minutes or until salmon is opaque in center. (4 servings) Delicious served with wedges of roasted rosemary potatoes, fingerlings, or a simple baked sweet potato.



    2 large red skin potatoes
    2 large black potatoes
    2 large sweet potatoes
    extra-virgin olive oil
    3 heaping Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary or to taste
    coarse salt & freshly cracked pepper

    Slice potatoes in wedges. Coat with olive oil. Place in ovenproof pan or iron skillet. Sprinkle with rosemary, cracked pepper and coarse salt. Bake in 450 degree oven 45 minutes or until roasted.


  1. Hi, Joey!
    The recipes sound delightful. And, I love your poinsettia photos. Now how can I get them to grow through cracks in my greenhouse? :))

  2. I.Must.Not.Read.Your.Blog.When.I'm.Hungry!!! :D

    I often do rosemary roast potatoes and add a couple of cloves of garlic into the roasting dish too and we love them like that. But what are black potatoes?

    That salmon sounds just scrummy!

  3. Yum Joey - sounds like a delicious meal! Salmon is my favorite fish, and I love rosemary potatoes.

    Gorgeous poinsettia!

  4. Thanks, dear Kate. I don't even try to keep my pointsettias alive from one season to next. Fresh/new are good and suit my fancy! Yes, these recipes are delightful ... just finished eating this by the fire at the lake ... a favorite December meal!

    Liz, if you like cranberries and salmon you would love this!(Rushing today to the lake and bringing these, Mike is in a food coma by the fire after enjoying!) Black potatoes are much like regular and fun to include when you can find. If not all of these, as a good cook yourself well know, either/any are delicious!

    Hope you give this a try, Linda, and let me know if you like. I rushed this post before heading north to the lake this afternoon. We just finished this as our meal, a favorite, in front of the fire. December ((hugs)).

  5. Oh my, now I'm hungry at 10:15 p.m.! I'll have to grab a snack. Your recipes sound delicious! And the Poinsettias are gorgeous!

  6. I will try this, but sweet fruit and fish aren't a marriage I think will survive around here. Fish and herbs, yep. Fish and spice, yep. Fish and berries? Not sure!

    Still, I've been wrong before, more times than I care to remember...

  7. Do you have queues of random bloggers outside your door, hoping you will invite them in for a meal?

  8. Since dinner is already planned for this evening... then tomorrow! Looks like a wonderful recipe Joey, and we do love our roasted rosemary potatoes. Hope your weekend is filled with everything lovely.

  9. Ah, tis time for the wonders of Christmas.

  10. Thanks PP and ((hugs)) :)

    Go for it Idiot G ... trust me, the marriage of fish, especially salmon, with berries is divine (unless, of course, you hate cranberries and cherries)!

    Of course I do, Esther! Idiot G. is clammering :)

    Dear Diana ... let me know if you like. Have had several who tried and enjoyed. A huge autumn cranberry and always salmon lover, this suits my December fancy. Mr. Ho-Hum, my biggest critic, loves it! And thank you ... our HL weekend,as I hope yours is, is grand :)

    Yes, tis time imac! Happy to have you safely home from your journeys :)

  11. I just had salmon this week and those rosemary potatoes would have been great with it.


  12. This salmon sounds really good. I'm into salmon lately and this is a very different version.

    Just got the tree and mantle done. We are now about to tweak the tree cause it's leaning to the left. I thought I could ignore it...but I can't.

  13. I love grilled salmon, but I've never had it with cranberries and cherries before--sounds delicious!

    Happy December, Joey!

  14. Salmon is my husband's department, but I will certainly try these roasted potatoes. I have a nice rosemary bush. Thank you Joey!

  15. I love visiting your blog.... thank you for always providing inspiration and amazing recipes to try for my family.

  16. Beautiful poinsettia photos and your recipes almost make me want to cook. I rarely cook anymore... work wears me out!! :( Your post almost makes me believe that the holidays are really here.

  17. Lovely poinsettia photos Joey. I haven't gotten any yet. Last year I found a beautiful pink colored one ~ I was hoping to see that one again although now your rich red is making me rethink that!
    Of course your recipes sound delicious. I wish I had you to tutor me in planning a dinner party! Happy holidays too!!

  18. Gorgeous red hues in those images of the poinsettias.

    And the recipe for the potatoes sounds fabulous!

  19. Poinsettias is the No 1 choise for Christmas in Swedish homes. Is it the same in the US?
    -Have a nice weekend, Joey!

  20. gracious that salmon sounds good! may i please come live with you? LOL
