Friday, February 17, 2012


"Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart." 

     ~ Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

 Bleeding Heart
(Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart')

~ Heart healthy meal everyone will enjoy

3  (4-oz.) skinless, boneless chicken breasts
3  Tbsp. grated fresh ginger
3  cloves crushed fresh garlic
3  Tbsp. Tamari or organic soy sauce
3  Tbsp. seasoned rice vinegar
2  Tbsp. honey
1  Tbsp. sesame oil (spicy or regular)
1-2  tsp. red pepper flakes
1 tsp. cornstarch
4  tsp. extra-virgin olive oil or peanut oil
1 1/2  cups thin matchstick sliced carrots
2  cups julienne sliced red, yellow or orange pepper
1  cup matchstick sliced snow peas
1  cup fresh bean sprouts
1  (8 oz.) drained and diced water chestnuts
3/4  cup sliced green onions
1/2  cup toasted sliced almonds
Bibb lettuce leaves for 6 servings
  • Cut chicken into thin strips.
  • Combine soy sauce, ginger, garlic, rice vinegar, honey, sesame oil, red pepper flakes and cornstarch. Pour over chicken while prepping vegetables.
  • Heat wok or large skillet. Pour in oil and heat. Remove chicken from marinade and carefully add to pan. Cook until tender, about 5 minutes.
  • Pour marinade over chicken. Add carrots, peppers, sprouts, snow peas, water chestnuts, and onions. Cook 3 minutes or until sauce slightly thickens, stirring often. Add almonds.
  • Spoon 1/4-1/2 cup chicken mixture into lettuce leaf and roll up.

Gardener's Note: This brilliant 'old-fashioned' bleeding heart POPS in a shade garden . Surprisingly hearty with long lasting blooms, its sunny leaves will glow throughout spring and summer.


  1. Hi, Joey!
    I love Bleeding Hearts! Such amazing shapes to those beautiful blossoms. The recipe sounds delightful. Must give that a try. Are you heading up to the lake? Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Dear Joey, I always feel the heart warmth and light coming from your world . . . each time I visit. (wish it were more often!!) Stunning images of bleeding heart. Your menus are always so tempting too. Lovely quote . . . so true. ;>) Enjoy the weekend. Carol

  3. I can envision those Bleeding Hearts now and the white ones too! This is a great recipe for cutting out the bread which I often like to do.


  4. Love the foliage on 'Gold Heart,' Joey! I ordered one this year - now all I have to do is find a place to wedge it in!

  5. True words Joey and what beauty.

  6. Hi Joey, Bleeding hearts are the best! Can't wait for them to emerge for us! <3!

  7. Kathryn/plantwhateverbringsyoujoy.comSunday, February 19, 2012

    Bleeding heart, one of the dearest of the dear. :) Visually so provocative! And illustrative! You've captured beautifully. xoxo

  8. Mmmmm, that sounds truly tasty, Joey! It had me salivating even though I just ate supper. We might have to try that recipe! Thanks!

  9. Beautiful images of this gorgeous blossom Joey. <3

  10. My diet resolution has gone by the wayside lately--this sounds like the perfect recipe to help me get back on track! I'm looking forward to seeing the bleeding hearts blooming again soon.

  11. Thank you, dear friends. I have been naughty/lax in commenting but have visited all of you and so enjoyed sharing 'my heart' with each on your beautiful posts. We are blessed to all be connected and for this, I am 'heartfelt' in thanks.
