Wednesday, April 15, 2015


"Living Nature, not dull Art 
Shall plan my ways and rule my Heart."

~ John Henry Cardinal Newman

Genus:  Hellebore (Helleborus)


  1. Gorgeous Hellebores, Joey! One of my favorite plants. I can't believe they make it so easily through our cold, brutal winters ... and then bloom in early spring! Sigh. Plus, they're incredibly beautiful!

  2. So agree, dear friend. How bad am I about posting on my Blog that is in dire need of new stuff! Shame on me and thank you for staying near. ((BIG HUGS))

  3. Hello Joey,

    How lovely to see you here and with such a fabulous image.

    Hellebores are so brave. They push through the ground in the most inhospitable weather and look so very glamorous. Yours has such beautiful colouring, in the flowers and the leaves. A true star of the early spring garden!

  4. Hi Joey, I haven't visited in a while. So nice to see you still here. Your Hellebore is so pretty. I can't believe I've never tried to grow them. Maybe this will be the year.

  5. Beautiful hellebores! You have to love a plant that survives our winters and is brave enough to bloom so early. Hope spring has finally arrived up North!

  6. I dearly love my hellebores, and the way that they bloom so early in the season, when you get quite desperate for flowers. Plus the blooms last for months!

  7. How wonderful that spring has finally arrived to stay! The flowering trees here so fabulous that they take my breath away.
