Friday, January 01, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bidding adieu to the first day of the new year ~ 'Simple One Plate Supper' : Shrimp Scampi Zoodles for two

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” 
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The new year begins on a 'healthy' note ... good clean food and a heartfelt wish for feeding more posts on my thirsting blog ... 


~ Lemon, garlic, and shrimp served atop a bed of 'zoodles' ...  a carb lovers alternative to 'noodles'. Spiralizers are the hit for foodies wanting lower calories and/or less carbs in diet. Trust me, no flavor is lost in the prep of this easy tasty dish. 

2  Tbsp.  butter
1  Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1  lb. shelled, deveined shrimp
4-5  chopped garlic cloves
1/2  tsp. red pepper flakes
sea salt and coarse black pepper to taste
1/4  cup white wine
juice of 1 lemon plus grated zest
3  'spiralized' zucchini (put in colander to rest, drain, and pat as much liquid as possible)
chopped fresh parsley to taste
freshly grated Parmesan Cheese to taste 

  • Heat butter and olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat until frothing. Add garlic and pepper flakes and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add shrimp and cook about 2-3 minutes, tossing as needed, until cooked and pink on all sides. Season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground coarse pepper. Remove shrimp from pan, leaving all liquid, and set aside.
  • Add wine and lemon juice to deglaze pan and simmer for 2 minutes or so. Add zucchini noodles and cook about 2 minutes or until crunchy tender. Add shrimp, lemon zest, and parsley, tossing all together. Test for seasoning.
  • Serve garnished with additional parsley and grated Parmesan Cheese.  


  1. Looks scrumptious! I look forward to your posts in the new year. Life got very busy for us last year and my blog was neglected. New Year, new adventures and hopefully more time for blogging!

  2. Happy to see you, Karin ... do hope I can continue blogging since I use this as a gathering spot for all of my favorite recipes. I do post regularly on FB that seems much easier with many of our gardening friends there also. Happy New Year fun friend!

  3. No one will ever go hungry with Joey around!

  4. I can say only one thing Joey: You have a very TASTEful life!
    Happy New Year!!!

  5. Yum! Shrimp scampi is one of my favorite dishes. Your family is so lucky to benefit from your amazing culinary creations. Happy New Year, Joey!

  6. Thanks for visiting Robin, Tatyana, and Beth. I'm already falling behind in my postings! Want to go back and post Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas eve and some other delicious days. I use this myself all the time to find my favorite recipes. Really should spend time updating look of my blog also but, a creature of habit and lacking tech skills, afraid to change things. Plus time seems to elude me these days ... packing away the holidays, new software to play with and finally succumbed to Apple Music where you can be lost for hours! Blessed to know you, Happy New Year fun friends. (And I want to tackle organizing closets before the gardening season arrives!)

  7. This looks so good and I love scampi. So you got a spirilizing tool (is that even a word). I'm guessing you like it. Do you have enough uses for it?

  8. Hi Joey
    Thought of your blog this morning and hoping it was still there. Love your wonderful recipes and garden photos. Life too for me seems to be flying by. I don't seem to have time to do the things I'd like to accomplish.

    But I was thinking of copying recipes from your blog (and there's allot of them) in case it goes away. Is there a problem doing this (copyright?????). Just have to learn how to organize them on my computer.

    I commented here several times sometime ago. I'm the person with the cabin in Fairview. Hope all is well with you.

  9. I love the spirilizer Lindalou! We use it all the time.

  10. Hello dear Ann ... delighted to hear from you ... and this is so weird. I have not posted all summer (but I do daily on FB) and today I posted for the first time in eons! No problem copying these recipes ... that is what they are here for ... and why I want to continue posting since I use this blog all the time for myself and finding my favorites. I had good intentions but my summer was a whirlwind ... hope yours was wonderful. Are you on Facebook? Would be fun to connect. Thank you for stopping by on this last day of summer. Autumn ((hugs)).

  11. Summer was a blur this year. Dealing with my husband's health issues. Hopefully they will be resolved soon. Garden suffered between not getting out much and the heat. The poor thing held its own.

    I don't do Facebook but I probably will once things get back to normal. Great way to catch up especially with family and friends far away.

    So glad you had a fun summer and I hope you get to relax this fall. My favorite season.

    So good to connect again. Take care.

  12. So sorry about your husband, Ann. Do hope his issues will be resolved soon so you both can enjoy your favorite season. It was a horrid humid summer and hard to wrap arms around gardens at both homes that kept us 'twirling'! As much as I hate to see summer end, a garden break is welcome but won't come until we put this garden to bed in late fall. We are 'sniff' heading to lake early tomorrow AM to put the boat/toys to bed. Our docks/hoists must be pulled out the beginning of October. Kids coming to help so furniture on all decks to be scrubbed and tucked away. My porch will remain open through Oct. Happy Autumn fun friend! :)
