Saturday, November 01, 2008


"November's sky is chill and drear,
November's leaf is red and sear."
~ Sir Walter Scott
~ November sky
(Hubbard Lake)

~ A winning warming fall combo ... sauteed apples, cabbage and fresh thyme from treasured Bon Appetit (Nov 2002) stockpile of favorites
3 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
8 cups thinly sliced cored green cabbage (about 1/2 large head)
1 chopped large onion
8 large fresh thyme sprigs
6 cup organic chicken broth
coarse salt & freshly ground pepper
1 1/4 lbs. peeled, cored and 1/2-inch cubed Golden Delicious apples
chopped fresh thyme
  • Melt 1 tablespoon butter with oil in heavy large stockpot over medium=high heat. Add cabbage and onion; saute until vegetables wilt and brown, stirring occasionally, abut 15 minutes.
  • Add 8 thyme sprigs and saute 1 minute longer. Add broth and bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer 5 minutes. Season to taste with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper. (Soup can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm before serving.)
  • Melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter in heavy skillet over medium high heat. Add apples and saute until brown and tender, stirring occasionally, about 12 minutes. Season with salt & pepper.
  • Remove thyme springs from soup. Ladle soup into bowls; garnish with apples and chopped fresh thyme. Serve. (4-6 servings)
Note: This recipe should be doubled since after one spoonful, one batch is not enough. Often a cup of white wine replaces a cup of broth.

~ Brilliant red November leaves


  1. Good morning, Joey! Here's apples in the soup again! (I think you saw my cousin's recipe for pumpkin apple soup,right?) This is all new to me! If you say it's good,it must be!

  2. I posted a November sky for GBMD, too. Your photo is wonderful. Sometimes I think a single tree has more impact than an entire forest of color!

  3. Sounds mighty tasty. I have the air conditioning on here!

  4. That sounds yummy - I will definately have to try that receipe.

  5. Thanks for the Muse Day post, Joey. The leaf collage is outstanding.

  6. Dearest Kathryn ~ I love apples, pears, and peanut butter in pumpkin soup (I make several kinds, my children's favorite is Thai Pumpkin Soup).

    I MUST have soup ... when one disappears, another is started from scratch. If interested, knowing you also love soup, key in ...soup ... at the top of my blog and all 2 years of soup posts will appear. Grab a snack ... I have LOTS!

    Thanks friend, Nancy ~ our creative heads often think alike! I love the subtle color of November against the stunning or bleak sky. Here is where a lonely tree speaks of autumnal feelings.

    Hi Brenda ~ it was 72 here yesterday, an awesome evening for the beggers. Today is stunning, a bit cooler but stunning!

  7. Joey,
    I don't know what I like better...poem or photo. Both are wonderful.

  8. Joey, soups and winter are made for each other. While this one sounds different from my normal fare, I am tempted to try something different. Hubbard Lake is a place I am just going to have to visit. Each view is prettier than the last.

  9. From Friday's spooky ghoulies to to Saturday's peaceful skies and trees, I never know what beautiful photo I will see when I come here, Joey! I must admit I prefer these trees:) As Nancy said, sometimes a single tree makes more of a statement than a whole group of them--it takes your talented photographer's eye to see that.

    I just saw in your replies that you have many soup recipes here--I will definitely check that out! I love to fix soup in the winter, but I tend to get in a rut with the same old, same old. Now I've got a source for something new!

  10. What an intriguing combination for soup - apples and cabbage. I must try this.

    Love your photograph! Have a great week!

  11. Thanks kate ~ the soup is a tasty fall combo. Happy Autumn!

  12. Any dishes that include cabbage I love...this recipe sounds yummy!
    I think that I enjoy the red leaves and red berries the most at this time of year. They're such standouts!

  13. I'm with you, spooky! There's a Cabbage Bisque posted, also a favorite. Your treasured piece of earth must be stunning in its waning beauty. Off for a 5 day work/Indian Summer road trip to Minneapolis.

  14. yipee! november, another of my favourite months. i love thanksgiving time.your leaves are brilliant.

  15. A beautiful serene looking place & November sky!:) And those leaves are gorgeous! Your cabbage soup with apples & thyme has tempted my taste buds~YUM! :)
