Monday, March 23, 2009


"The day the Lord created hope
was probably the same day he created Spring."
~Bern Williams

~ Pussy Willow in Clouds


  1. That is just a wonderful photo that invokes peaceful feelings. Life is good.


  2. beautiful photo Joey and you've posted one of my favorite quotes. I hope you had a wonderful weekend! gail

  3. Lovely photo Joey. I need to get a start. I always used to bring a few branches inside to enjoy.

  4. ethereal at it's best, so lovely.

  5. Indeed life is good, Jen. Thank you dear friend for your thoughful feelings.

    Wish I had pussy willows but don't, Marnie. I must confess I have to purchase mine.

    Thank you, Gail ... my weekend was delightful and I know yours will be much lovelier once you get your camera fixed ... fingers crossed!

    You are a dear, Marmee ~ that's what I hoped to achieve. So enjoyed your weekend post :)

    Welcome keewee ~ thanks for visiting and leaving the kind comment.

  6. You always have the PERFECT photos... simple yet STRIKING! Fabulous just like you. Happy Monday dear Friend.

  7. Lovely photo and refreshing thought. Enjoyed your post.

    Invite you to my blog to read my latest post on Memory Power.

  8. What a beautiful photo, Joey! I don't know how you capture such simple but exquisite images. We must be thinking alike again--I used the same quote on my last post:) But it's so true, isn't it? Spring always lifts my spirits.

  9. A feeling so subtle. We need subtle in our lives, Joey!

  10. What a beautiful, soft photo!


  11. Bren, you are so sweet. You have a beautiful way about you also ... we are often drawn to those who feel like we do. Gardeners are gentle people who tend the earth for those who come behind us.

    Jarlin ~ thank you for connecting. I hope all who visit here read your powerful post on Memory Power.

    Loved your post, Rose ... great minds think alike and thank you for your kind thoughts.

    Brenda, I must tell you how touched I am ... I'm working on my book then read your comment ... I agree, wholeheartedly!

  12. Thank you, Cameron ~ a 'soft sell' was the intention :)

  13. Hi Joey, We can always count on you to make us happy with your photos, quotes and recipes. Thanks for your efforts, we appreciate them and you!

  14. An honor coming from you, dear Frances, one who has a gift for making those that visit delightful Fairegarden to feel right at home. Thank you.

  15. Hi Joey, Good morning! And what a lovely way to start it-spring! That pussy willow surely looks like it's in clouds. Simply splendid! Have the best day!

  16. Joey, you do the most beautiful photos. Such an artist! They quote is one of my favorites and so very true. Finally we can see spring coming!

  17. Thank you, dear Tina. Pussy willows sing of spring, a fun photo to create. Wishing you a splendid day also!

    Dear sweet Beckie, how kind. That is one of my favorite quotes also. Yes, spring is on its way (but taking its good ol' time arriving).

  18. No spring here...a snowstorm instead! But I'll happily celebrate spring for those of you fortunate to already have it...and wait patiently for it to come here!

  19. Hi Joey, What a beautiful photo. Shouldn't you enlarge this and use it as wall art??

    I love the quote. I think it's true!

  20. Whoops, sorry jodi! Woke to 5-inches of snow at the lake last Saturday and it's pouring rain here with more expected throughout the weekend. Like you, I'm itchin' to play outside!

    Thank you Shady, you are most kind. I'm looking around my office at all my wall art, wondering if I have any room :)

  21. Simply amazing!!! Kim

  22. Lovely image and matching caption, Joey! That brings back childhood memories of walking to school, and admiring the Pussy Willows...I haven't seen them since!

  23. Thank you 'I.F.' Kim! Wishing you a wonderful weekend. How's that new frisky puppy!

    Hi Spooky Kim! There is something about pussy willows that says spring is here! As a child I loved to rub the grey fir between my fingers ~ an enduring rite of spring! Have an enjoyable weekend.

  24. Hey! I have a few fuzzy pussy willow buds, too!!!

  25. Good for you, dear Monica. Aren't they cute? Happy (end of March) Michigan weekend :)
