Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"There is nothing pleasanter than spading when the ground is soft and damp."
~ John Steinbeck

Tulipa tarda
(Eye-catching early Species tulip native to Turkestan. Neat foliage multiplies rapidly, happy to return each spring)
~ Adapted from The New Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen comes this luscious tart ending for a warm spring evening.

1/4 cup cornstarch

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 cup water

1 tsp. grated fresh lemon rind

2 room temperature egg whites

1 cup heavy cream heavy cream

1 cup fresh berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries)

  • Mix cornstarch and sugar in small saucepan. Add lemon juice and water and whisk until smooth.
  • Cook, whisking constantly over medium heat until thick (at least 5 minutes.)
  • Pour into bow and stir in the lemon rind. Let cool to room temperature.
  • Beat egg whites at high speed with electric mixer until they form stiff peaks. Fold into lemon mixture, cover, and chill at least one hour or longer.
  • Whip cream and fold into mousse, cover, and chill until serving time. Spoon into glass dessert bowls, parfait, wine or martini glasses. Top with fresh berries. (6 servings)


(Grown for cabbage-like leathery foliage, this hardy low growing plant spreads by rhizomes and can be used as ground cover and edging along borders ... looks best in mass plantings. Perfect for a shady spot getting morning sun or in full sun.)


  1. I probably should not be reading these posts before breakfast. Now I am starving and can't concentrate. Oh this lemon recipe looks so good! Hmmmmm, and I think that I have all the ingredients in my fridge right now. See you......


  2. Joey, I've always admired your photography and the artistic way we present your photos. But I just now realized how much time you must put into choosing just the right ones. Those lovely yellow tulips are perfect for introducing a lemon mousse! This sounds delicious, too.

  3. Luscious!
    We leave Friday to go get our daughter!
    Take care my friend, enjoy the spring.
    Heather BT

  4. I want to eat the tulips WITH the lemon mousse, everything looks and sounds so delicious. Bergenia on the other hand continues to frustrate me. Probably if I moved it from such heavy shade to a little sun it would do better for me.

  5. Enjoy Jen, it's good! I served it on Easter, perfect, since many are not big dessert eaters.

    You are such a dear, Rose. You often see through my posts and are indeed right. I choose this wonderful mousse to complement the tulip ... seasonal food and flowers often go hand in hand. So enjoyed your last timely post ... I'm off :)

    Wonderful news, dear Heather. Have a safe journey ... blessings go with you and your beautiful family.

    ... and the good news is you can eat both, jodi! Fill the tulip with the mousse and enjoy both. (NOTE: Some people have strong allergic reactions to them. If touching petals cause a rash, numbness etc. Don't eat them! Don't eat the bulbs ever.)
    I have a pesticide-free garden and we eat many edible flowers ... love violets and pansies sprinkled on salads.

  6. I agree that the dessert sounds amazing and perfect for a warm, spring evening meal. The tulips would look wonderful on my dining room table, too! ;)

  7. What a pretty blog... the bergenia and tulips totally pop off the black background! Lots of fun to see Mollie Katzen's name. Wonderful cookbooks - as soon as I get my mitts on some fresh lemons I'll make that mousse. oops, better get some cornstarch too. Thanks so much for sharing the great pics and recipes - I'm going to have fun checking out your blog. Have a great day! Bonnie

  8. It IS a perfect simple warm day dessert, Nancy. My bulbs popped like popcorn after this 80+ degree weekend.

    Thanks and welcome, Bonnie ~ I see we have a similar love for shadblows (photos coming) ... they are stunning now ... love how they glow in our forests. I'm hoping for a healthy crop of Juneberries then clever enough to beat the birds!

  9. Joey, Tulipa tarda is blomming here as well! Such pretty little things...

  10. We seem to be on the same page regarding Spring blooms, Katarina. Love visiting your site and appreciate your welcome visits here.

  11. Joey, I love that tulip! I have never seen one like it-where did you find them? And your bergina is gorgeous. Mine is several years old and only puts out a bloom or 2 every other year or so. I have it where it gets morning only sun...

    Lemon is one of hubby's favorites. Will try this soon. Enjoy your beautiful spring flowers.

  12. wonderful tulips. so bright and cheery. does the mousse look anything like the tulips...if so i am ready to eat them.
    happy spring.

  13. That tulip is as pretty as an Easter egg! At first glance I thought it a daffodil...a reall charmer!

  14. These delightful species tulips have greeted for many years, Beckie. I have them near the house (to enjoy) in one of my hosta beds. I love bergenia and have it in several locations ... the happiest loving the sunnier location.

    Because of the whipped cream, more light lemony yellow, Marmee. And Happy Spring to you too ... your garden is looking lovely :)

    Thanks Naturegirl ... I think this tulip is a must for any bulb lover.

  15. I will look for those tulips this fall. I'm adding more bulbs and love the tulips that naturalize.

    The recipe looks delicious. I'm copying it to try.

  16. Hi Joey, I'm diggin' those tulips. How cute they are and bicolor too. I think I could make the lemon mousse with coconut milk and it would turn out very nice for those who can't have dairy. Maybe this weekend. Yum.~~Dee

  17. Yes, and those pesky roots almost slip out of the grasp of the dirt.

  18. Hi Joey, love your sweet lemon-yellow species tulips and the vibrant fuchsia Bergenia. Happy days!

  19. Joey, I love the taste of sweet lemon. I just made lemon curd for scones. If you come over, YOU can have some of My recipes! ;-)
    PS I have bergenia that seems to be doing Very WEll this Spring. I DO hope it blooms!

  20. ... and these are a perfect choice, Marnie. Good luck!

    Hi Dee ... these are cute, aren't they! Perhaps try Cool Whip for non-dairy ... it's light like whipped cream and should give the same mousse texture ... hum ... sounds good for calorie/fat counting also :)

    Do you know something I don't know, Brenda! Must visit your popping garden; always a joy.

    Happy Days, Monica. The weather has cooled down a bit, allowing us to enjoy the garden in slower motion :)

  21. I'm a lemon lover also, Shady (as you can see from recipe files). Thanks for the invitation ... I've been there and back (printed your treasured recipes). BIG thanks for sharing.

  22. Joey, Your posts are always a treat to the senses! The yellow T tarda and the pink bergenia look wonderful with the dark background....and the mousse recipe is a taste temptation!

    How are you doing? gail
