Thursday, April 30, 2009


"Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire."
~ Virgil

Pansies, hyacinths and daffodils

Yoshino cherry blossoms, shadblow serviceberry blossoms (Amelanchier canadensis), American Elm



Groundcover (myrtle, pachysandra , bergenia)


  1. Wow, what riotous color you have in the garden!! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Loved the words...and the collage. So beautiful!

  3. Beautiful collages, Joey! A lot of great blooms in your garden. May should be exciting, too!

  4. My goodness, are these all your photos? They are stunning. What a beautiful garden!

  5. Lovely. We northern gardeners are so starved for color at winter's end. That riot of bloom is just what we need.

  6. Wow if you had all of that in April think about what May will bring!

  7. Gorgeous collages!!! Are these all from your garden? Very nice.

  8. You and I both know, riotous color is 'April exciting', Monica!

    Thank you, dear Kanak ... I do believe we have kindred souls :)

    May is indeed awesome, Tatyana. Thank you for your kind words.

    Delightful to meet you, Jeanne. Yes, these are all my photos (thousands more :) Please return and watch the garden grow. Your site is delightful ... thanks for saying hello :)

    Yes dear Marnie, we have both waited so long! Can we sing along with Etta James ... 'At Last'!

    My soul swells in May, Dirt Princess ... from morning to evening ... life sings.

    Thanks flowrgirl1 ... yes, my garden is exploding!

  9. Joey -- I have to ask -- are the colors in your garden mixed in beds together, or do you have different color themed beds? Just amazing!

    PS We're off to Paris next week and I'm not taking my computer with me. I may be scarce for awhile, but I'll be back.

  10. Hi Cameron! Since we're a good month behind, you know what it's like when the sleepy garden awakens (inside only on rainy days)! My 34 year old garden is 99%perennial so I know what blooms when then choose & tweak, adding 'must haves' and fill-ins where needed. Each spring brings constant cries for digging & dividing ... cramped neighbors shout, unhappy height and color stars vie for front row billing. No theme gardens (wildflowers bow to overplanted hostas, etc.) My garden teaches me hands on learning the voice/pitch of each plant so then, like a conductor, I can orchestrate and hear them sing. I use a lot of white and chartreuse to calm loud voices ... color, texture and form are my main focus.

    Have a marvelous time in Paris! I know you pack light (so impressed ... what about hair products :) Oh to be a mouse and tuck myself in your purse!

  11. Hi Joey

    I think your photos are really superb.

    Can I ask what camera you use?


  12. Wonderful quote. And beautiful photos. I won't have so much bloom for a little while yet.

  13. Thank you Rob ~ I have my old trusty Konica Minolta for dirty field work and a Sony Alpha DSLR with several lenses and filters that I love. It's gorgeous May day and I'm soon off to the beckoning garden to work and shoot ... a day as good as it gets!

    Hello Commonweeder! This is the time of year I have a hard time catching up ... the garden calls, BIG TIME, changing it's face from morning to night.

  14. Joey, You are the #1 master of flower collage! Yours are always beautifully diverse and colorful! (I don't know how you do this, but... I'm not sure I need to know. ha)
