Saturday, October 10, 2009


"Autumn is a second spring
where every leaf is a flower."
~ Albert Camus


~ The smell of Michigan autumn is in the air! (Delicious recipe featured by Kate Lawson in The Detroit News ~ Jan 24, 2009)


2 large room temperature eggs

1/4 cup AP flour

1/4 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup pure Michigan maple syrup

1/2 tsp. kosher salt

2 Tbsp. butter

1/2 large firm apple (Gala or Fuji preferred) thinly sliced

1/2 cup dried Michigan cherries or cranberries

Confectioner's sugar and cinnamon for dusting

  • Heat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Combine eggs, flour, cream, maple syrup and salt in a blender and combine well. Melt butter in and 8-inch heavy ovenproof skillet over medium heat. Add apple slices and dried cherries or cranberries and saute until soft and apples are lightly browned.
  • Whirl batter again until frothy and pour into the skillet, pushing fruit back into the batter. Let skillet sit for a few seconds and place in oven.
  • Bake until pancake is puffed, golden and set, 12-15 minutes. Remove skillet from oven and let pancake cool for a few minutes. Gently lift or slide pancake onto cutting board. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar and dust with cinnamon.
  • Cut into slices and serve warm. (4 servings)


  1. joey,

    yum...yum...yummy. gotta love the 100 % maple syrup. so good and so good for you. i will definintely try this one day when the family is all here.
    happy autumn, dear friend.
    ps love the is just how i feel.

  2. Hi Joey, those words are so true, clever guy this Albert. Your pancakes sound delicious hm...I bet they are just as my Cinnamon buns good for the hips size :-) Well the autumn gardening burns loads of calories!

  3. Enjoy dear Marmee! Hope the family enjoys the autumn flavor of maple & apples.

    lol Tyra ... your buns are amazing! Happy autumn gardening :)

  4. joey ,
    Thanks for posting this recipe.. I have a ton of apples to use up. maybe this will help! Hope your fall is going well and I love your leaf collages.

  5. Mmmmm! Does this ever sound good. I love apples anyway they can be fixed. A lovely breakfast for company, too.

    We took a drive today and looked at our trees starting to turn. I love this time of the year! :)

  6. We only use real maple syrup -- there is enough of a chill in the air that it is pancake weather!

  7. Thanks Rosey ... harvest those apples and when you run out of ideas for recipes ( I seem to never do), let the kids (adults too might have forgotten the fun ... keep camera handy) 'bob' for them ;)

    Hi Beckie ... would love to see a 'Thelma & Louise' color tour post :) Regarding the recipe, not the best for hubby's new diet unless you skip the flour, heavy cream, maple syrup, salt & butter (leaving for you, the creative cook ... eggs, apples, and a handful of dried cherries/cranberries dusted with powdered sugar :)

    Welcome Martha ... yes indeed, there is a chill in the air and perhaps frost on the pumpkins! Good for you ... there is no substitute for the 'real' thing, especially maple syrup.

  8. Mmmm, I'm coming for breakfast at your house!

  9. Great ... can't wait, Robin!

  10. Mmm...sounds yummy! We went apple picking yesterday and I have so many that I'm not sure I'll be able to use them all! I told everyone that I'm going to make apple pie, apple cake, baked apples, apple streusel, etc...and they started in with the line in Forest Gump, about the millions of ways they could use 'shrimp'!! Anyway, they even said 'apple pancakes'. I didn't have a clue how I'd make them...but, now I have a recipe! Where and how can I get this 'Michigan Maple Syrup' and 'Michigan Cherries or Cranberries'??!! I'm certain they won't taste nearly as good with anything else;-) Thanks for another wonderful recipe and hope you're having a nice autumn, Joey!

  11. And Happy Autumn to you, Jan. Love your 'Gump' apple liturgy ... yum ... and don't forget applesauce :) If you are serious about purchasing Michigan products, here is good site (Pure Michigan ~ Official Travel & Tourism Site ~ (
    Happy cookin'!

  12. Joey! I am so Happy! This is actually similar to a recipe I already use!! I must copy and try yours, though. :-)

  13. Hi Shady ... I bet your recipe is delicious too (do you share)!

  14. O.k. had to come visit you when you said you were from Michigan but oh I didn't know you could cook! These sound wonderful and I will try them this weekend. Oh maybe this morning forget the weekend!

  15. Enjoy Vickie! Lucky to live in this beautiful state, it is always a delight to meet a fellow Michigan blogger.
