Sunday, October 11, 2009


"Winter is an etching,
spring a watercolor,
summer an oil painting and
autumn a mosaic of them all."
~ Stanley Horowitz


~ A savory melding of rich autumn flavors from a favorite cookbook ~
BETWEEN THE LAKES (A collection of Michigan recipes)
2 lbs. pork tenderloin
1 cup flour
1 tsp. coarse salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2-3 Tbsp. canola oil
Apple & Cherry Chutney
  • Trim the fat from the pork. Slice 1/2 inch thick. Place pork between 2 sheets of plastic wrap and pound 1/4 inch thick. Dust pork with flour, salt & pepper.
  • Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add pork and saute on both sides until browned and cooked through. Serve pork with Apple & Cherry Chutney. (4-6 servings)
1 Tbsp. butter
1/4 onion, chopped
1 peeled and diced apple
1/3 cup dried cherries
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of allspice
salt & pepper to taste
Melt butter in medium skillet over medium heat. Add onion and saute until tender. Add apple, cherries, brown sugar, vinegar, nutmeg and allspice. Bring the chutney to a simmer. Simmer chutney, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is reduced and has a sauce consistency. Add salt & pepper to taste.
~ A delicious golden autumn side dish from and old October 1992 Bon Appetit
4 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 large chopped onion
1 1/2 cups diced peeled butternut squash
5 cups or more organic chicken stock
1 1/2 cups Arborio rice (Italian short grain rice)
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/4 -1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
coarse salt & fresh ground pepper to taste
1 Tbsp. minced fresh parsley
  • Melt 3 Tbsp. butter in heavy large saucepan over medium-low heat. Add onion and saute until soft and light brown, about 10 minutes. Add squash and 1/2 cup stock. Cover pan and cook just until squash is tender, about 10 minutes. Mix in rice. Add wine and cook until absorbed, stirring occasionally. Add 4 cups stock and simmer uncovered until completely absorbed, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Add 1/2 cup stock and stir until rice is tender and mixture is creamy, adding more stock if too thick, about 5 minutes (some of the squash pieces may remain whole). Mix in remaining 1 Tbsp. butter and Parmesan cheese. Season with salt & pepper.
  • Divide risotto among bowls. Garnish with parsley and serve. (4-6 servings)


  1. It's so nice to have you back. :)

    I already copied down the apple/cherry chutney recipe, because it sounds delicious--and I still have some dried cherries left from last year's harvest at my friend Alli's. Any other way you would recommend to eat this, besides with pork?

  2. What a gorgeous visual! What are we looking at, dear Joey? One of your wonderful creations or observations? It's lush and beautiful. The recipes sound perfect for this time of year. xoxo

  3. This is the perfect fall meal, Joey, hearty, seasonal and delicious! I am a big lover of chutney, thanks for sharing this one. :-)


  4. Hi Joey! Have you been able to keep up with all the things you've needed and wanted to do?? Now, the real question... Do You Actually Cook these recipes that you post?? If so, you must have a very happy family! :-)

    I just continue to copy and collect your recipes, but haven't actually had the time to make them... well, maybe a couple. But someday!! (This Winter??) ;-)

  5. Joey, wow! what a great mosaic of photos. I know I have said this before about some of your work, but I would enlarge and frame this one. It does look like a wonderful watercolor.

    I checked out the recipes and by substituting brown sugar sweetner could make this for us. Sounds great-we love pork.

    Have a good week. :)

  6. Beautiful autumn photo, and the recipe looks fabulous too!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Your blog is so attractive, I love the format~ nice job!

  7. Thank you, dear Kim ~ So enjoy your visits. I'm trying to catch up a bit but don't know for how long. If you don't eat meat or fowl, try this chutney on rice ... wild rice would be yummy!

    Thank you, dearest Kathryn! The abstract is a multiple exposure, layers of autumn leaves over the old sentinel American elm that hangs over my house. Yes, the recipes look and taste of autumn!

    Enjoy Frances ~ I am a very seasonal cook, intrigued by the brilliant colors and flavors surrounding me ... fresh herbs from my garden, a must!

    Thanks for asking, dear Shady ~ I'm racing but was able to stay put this weekend before heading back to the lake on Friday ... still much to do. Oh yes, always an adventuresome cook, I post my favorites and love to experiment with new tastes ... Though it's just Mr. Ho-Hum and I here, the children/grandchildren live close and we are together often ... and there is always a brood at the lake ...! Yes, cooking is me (I'm a food pusher and love it)!

    Welcome Mari and thank you for the lovely comment. I tried to pop over for a visit but could not enter through your profile. Happy autumn!

  8. Ahhh, autumn in Michigan, a truly beautiful sight. I know you'll be sharing more views, and I can't wait to see them.

  9. You are so sweet, dear Beckie (sorry your comment didn't get picked up until later). It would be fun to frame this (haven't framed anything in years ... my office is filled from pre-digital day offerings when selling/taking lots of classes). So glad you are really into your new diet, easy once you get the hang of it. I don't use sugar substitutes but I'm sure it would taste just fine.

  10. As you well know, Robin, Michigan autumns are indeed breathtaking ... We will be spending next week not only at our cottage in northern Michigan but heading out for annual trek to the wine country (Old Mission Peninsula/Leelanau Peninsula) ... I'll be looking forward to beautiful photos from your trip also :)

  11. These look yummy and I love butternut squash rissotto -- may make it on my dinner table tonight!

  12. I believe I'll try that apple and cherry chutney. Sounds easy to make and not a whole lot of ingredients.

  13. A perfect squash/comfort food day, Martha. Enjoy!

    Very easy and tasty, Marnie! Can you believe it's almost mid-October?

  14. The autumn mosaic looks almost like stained glass. That's very cool! Actually, I've been out a lot on every day it isn't raining (and some days when it is!).

  15. Thanks Monica ~ so good to see you blogging again ... it's hard to get going after being gone for awhile. Is it as blah there as here? We had our first frost so that might hurry things along ... looks like we'll be raking leaves until December :(

  16. Joey, I just bought Cook's Illustrated yesterday because it had Butternut Squash Risotto featured on the front cover. Yummy! Risotto is our go to cool weather dinner. Love the mosaic...It is very like a stained glass window. Are you still working on shutting the lake house down? gail

  17. Thank you, dear Gail. Isn't risotto yummy! Thanks for asking ~ though still much to do, we listed my sister's house at the lake last Saturday. My other sister/husband will be closing their lake houses and heading for Florida the end of Nov. We visit our cottage all year long (love to cross-country ski & snowshoe), in fact, leaving Fri for a work weekend then our annual trip to beautiful MI wine country.

  18. Yep,
    I will save this risotto recipe, it sounds pretty good.

    Pork tenderloin is one of the best cuts! Thanks for the recipes.
    P.S. You don't like candy corn? :)

  19. Absolutely stunning colours in this mosaic!! And I love a nice risotto - perfdect with the butternut..

  20. Enjoy the risotto, Rosey. If interestd, pork tenderloin is a fav ... lots of recipes posted here. (Knowing there is not much that I don't like, I HATE CANDY CORN that to me tastes like wax & ORANGE CIRCUS PEANUTS that taste like styrofoam ... my grown kids/grandboys tease me. But to each his own, right! :)

  21. Thank you, Ronelle. Ah, the glorious harvest ... the most wonderful time of year in the kitchen!

  22. Hi Joey, these recipes look super divine! I love your autumn mosaic..gorgeous! I love your blog..everytime I visit it is just a wonderful spot in the day! Exciting seasonal recipes and just alot of positive energy! Great usual! and PS: whenever i see "ho hum housewife"..i wanna are anything but!! You totally rock!!

  23. How funny, Kiki! Thank you for you kind comment. The children called me 'ho-hum' growing up (store-bought prepared food was a treat for them :) Loved the name so used it for my novel (Diary of a Ho-Hum Housewife ~ still editing but soon hope to get kicked out the door).

  24. Joey, why do I feel like reading your blog is fattening? I used to visit here often and then somehow I lost track of you. It's a pleasure to be back.

  25. Read on, Donna, no calorie counters here! Enjoy the gift of autumn ... it's a pleasure seeing you again :)

  26. Joey, I agree with Beckie--this mosaic is definitely "frame-worthy"! The quote is so appropriate for this time of year; I'm just hoping for a little sunshine to see the fall color:)

    I've never made risotto before, but this sounds delicious.

  27. Thank you, sweet Rose :) Your trip sounded delightful and oh so beautiful this time of year. Do try creamy risotto ... only one issue ... with limitless possibilities, it's addictive!

  28. Miss Joey the APPLE & CHERRY CHUTNEY
    sound so yummy I love the idea of pairing it with wild rice.
    I'm so loving all your fall pictures.
    Have a great weekend.
    hugs, Cherry

  29. Thanks dear Cherry ... this food fits so well with our crisp, cool and colorful autumn weather. Wishing you also a beautiful weekend with your cute hubby ... I'm hoping to one with mine :)

  30. This sounds amazing for a cool fall evening! I just got some organic pepper and Himalayan sea salt from Sustainable Sourcing and I think I'll try them both out in these recipes tonight. Thanks for sharing!

  31. Yum Anderburf, and thanks ... sounds perfect. Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

  32. Joey, O Culinary Goddess... any hints for making the whole "dicing the squash" process easier? My friend Jessica made your butternut squash risotto last night (I turned her on to reading your blog, and she loves it, too) and she said it was awesome. But I'm intimidated by all of that squash dicing. Help!

    A wimpy Cook Wannabe, formerly of the Great Black Swamp and now residing on the Shores of Beautiful Lake Erie.

  33. Oh Sweet Kim .... you are a dear :) Glad your friend enjoyed the recipe ... I love it! As a squash addict, I know there is no fun way to peel a butternut squash ... I simply cut the squash in 1/2, seed it, then use a good peeler and scrape away. Once the peel is gone, it's easier to slice/dice. (Just returned from visiting you ~ loved your trip photos!)
